Sunassura the Assyrian (Ashir, Asher) - Цело породично стабло

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This tree contains: 6 families with 50 people in 13 lineages, 32 of these people are blood relatives; 0 families with 0 people are hidden.

Hattusili I Bazaya (Ḫattušili)
Други догађај: The fall of Ikakali and Tašḫiniya/Tišḫiniya
_FA1: The Siege of Šanawitta/Šaḫwitta and Zalpa
Други догађај: The battle of Alalah, Capture of the Baelic Pass but spared the lands of Yamshad of Aleppo
Други догађај: The Seige of Uršu
Други догађај: Battle of Alahha Mittani
Титуле : изм -1650 и -1620, King of Hattusa
Титуле : изм -1649 и -1621, King of Assyria
Титуле : изм -1649 и -1621, King of Assyria
Huzziya ? (Ḫuzziya)
Титуле : ~ -1630, Governor of Tappaššanda
Титуле : изм -1615 и -1601
Erishum III
Титуле : изм -1598 и -1586, King of Assyria
Shamshi-Adad II
Титуле : изм -1585 и -1580, King of Assyria
Ishme-Dagan II ? (Ishmedagan)
Титуле : изм -1579 и -1562, King of Assyria
Ashur-nirari I
Рођење: изм -1529 и -1503
Титуле : King of Assyria
Puzur-Asher III
Титуле : изм -1503 и -1479, King of Assyria
== 8 ==
Sunassura the Assyrian (Ashir, Asher)
Рођење: Scytha (Northern Idumea)
Вера : Cult of Potnia Theron (Phrygian Hera)
Титуле : King of Edom
Место становања : Toris Cetnae
Други догађај: Great Seal of Phoenix
Титуле : King of Assyria
Други догађај: изм -1521 и -1497, contemporary of Burna-Buriash I
Други догађај: -1475, The Assyrians were annexed by the Hurrian Empire of Mitanni.
Смрт: Scythia. The Uncle of Fenius was the King of Assyria. The King died without a male heir and the regency passed to his younger brother, the father of Fenius. Upon the death of his father Fenius and his elder son Nilus returned to Scythia where he assumed the throne
== 8 ==
Iseptahra Hatshepsut ? (Semiramis II, Taḫurwaili)
Рођење: < -1508
Титуле : Wife of Pharaoh
Титуле : Mother of the Prince
Титуле : King’s Wife (hmt-nisw)
Титуле : Great King’s Wife (hmt-niswt-wrt)
Титуле : God’s Wife (hmt-ntr)
Титуле : Foremost of Noble Ladies
Смрт: -1458, Kiryat Arba
Сахрана: DB-320, Theban Necropolis, Deir el-Bahri, Egypt, DB-320, Machpelah (the double Tomb) of Khebron The Jews claim that Machpelah is located near Hebron in the Levant, however Egyptian records would indicated that this is the name given to the double burial of pharaoh Khebron. The Queen's body was later removed and can no longer be located.
Amenmose (Ibarim) Pen-Nekhebet (Ahmose Si-Tayit, Ahmose Ben-Abana)
Рођење: Ur Kaśdim, (Founded in 1687 by Ur son of Kesed)
_MILT: Sodom, Edumea, Battle of Sodom
Професија : Egypt, Career Soldier / High Priest / Queen's Steward
Место становања : Zahi, Phoenicia, Commander of the Legions
Место становања : Naharin Hatti, Syria, Commander of the Legions
Место становања : Northern Imukehek, (Mekkah)
Место становања : Paddan-aram, Exile
Националност : Kashkan, Speaker of Palikur, Egyptian, Hattusi
Титуле : King of Ebla
Смрт: During the reign of Thutmoses III
Смрт: ~ -1450, Alalakh, Hurria
Вера : < -1430, Tyrwazi
Вера : -1425проц, Muasalim Devotee and Priest of El Elyon (Elohim/AlAllah)
Сахрана: DB-320, Lower level of Machpelah (the double Tomb) of Khebron, (Hebrew sources say Hebron)
Alluwamna ? (Hittite - Middle Empire)
Одсељавање: banished to Malitaškur by Telipinu
Свадба: Harapseki ? (Ḫarapšeki)
Титуле : изм -1500 и -1490, Hittite King
Idrimi I ? (of Alakhtum)
Рођење: Sanliurfa (Urfa)
Место становања : Emar
Место становања : Sanliurfa (Urfa, Caldea)
Титуле : Prince of Aleppo
Други догађај: изм -1500 и -1470, In Exile
Титуле : изм -1490 и -1460, Alalakh, King of Alakhtum
Mutnofret "Mut is Beautiful"
Други догађај: King's Sister
Други догађај: King's Daughter
Свадба: Thutmose I (Thoth is Born)
Amenemhat (Ammuna) ? (Amenophis, Muwatalli I)
Титуле : Royal Overseer of the Cattle (International Trade Commissioner)
Титуле : Prince of Egypt
Титуле : изм -1479 и -1425, Prince of Egypt - Adopted by Tuthmose III
Hantili II
Други догађај: treaty between Ḫantili and Kizzuwatna’s king Paddatiššu
Титуле : изм -1490 и -1480, Hittite King
Thutmose II (Khebron) ? (Thoth is Born)
Титуле : изм -1518 и -1504, Biblical Chronology
Титуле : изм -1493 и, Pharaoh of Egypt
Сахрана: DB-320
Idrimi III ? (Alalah)
Титуле : изм -1450 и -1420, Prince of Alaktum
Zidanta II ? (Nephew of Hantili II)
Титуле : изм -1480 и -1470
Рођење: ~ -1500
Професија : high steward of the king
Професија : Steward of the King's Daughter
Ilimilimma II
Титуле : -1420, Prince of Alakhtum
Меритра Хатшепсут
Рођење: ~ -1493
Сахрана: Merytre-Hatshepsut was originally meant to be interred in KV42. Foundation deposits establish that the tomb was originally meant for her, but she may have been buried in KV35, the tomb of her son Amenhotep II. KV42 may have been reused for the Theban Mayo
Amenhotep II Amāna-Ḥātpa (Amun is Satisfied)
Свадба: Тиаа
Титуле : изм -1427 и -1400, Pharaoh of Egypt
Рођење: ~ -1473
Рођење: ~ -1430
Свадба: Amenhotep II Amāna-Ḥātpa (Amun is Satisfied)
Сахрана: KV32 in the Valley of the Kings