Iseptahra Hatshepsut ? (Semiramis II, Taḫurwaili) b. < -1508 d. -1458

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Рођени род Hittite - Early Empire
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Цело име (рођено) Iseptahra Hatshepsut ?
Друга презимена Semiramis II, Taḫurwaili
Друга имена Iskah[Hurrian], Сора (Russian), Sitiah [Egyptian], Сара, Cappa [Romanian], Sarai [Habiru], Zaziya [Hittite], Iseptahra [Egyptian], Sarah [Biblical]
Вики-страница wikipedia:Satiah


< -1508 Рођење:

Рођење једног детета: Amenemhat (Ammuna) ? (Amenophis, Muwatalli I) [Hittite-Ammonites]

Рођење једног детета: Thutmose I (Thoth is Born) [18th Dynasty]

Титуле : Wife of Pharaoh

Титуле : Mother of the Prince

Титуле : King’s Wife (hmt-nisw)

Титуле : Great King’s Wife (hmt-niswt-wrt)

Титуле : God’s Wife (hmt-ntr)

Титуле : Foremost of Noble Ladies

-1458 Смрт: Kiryat Arba

Сахрана: DB-320, Theban Necropolis, Deir el-Bahri, Egypt, DB-320, Machpelah (the double Tomb) of Khebron The Jews claim that Machpelah is located near Hebron in the Levant, however Egyptian records would indicated that this is the name given to the double burial of pharaoh Khebron. The Queen's body was later removed and can no longer be located.


Шаблон:Needsources Шаблон:Controversial


  1. -
  2. -
  3. -
  4. Genesis 11:29 - Iscah/Jesca, Daughter of Haran and Milcah
  5. Pillar in the tomb of Tuthmosis III (KV34) - Queen Sitiah is depicted behind Queen Merytre and Tuthmosis III. Behind Queen Sitiah we see the King's Wife Nebtu and the King's Daughter Nefertari.
  6. -
  7. - Location of her Tomb

Од прародитеља до унучад

== 1 ==
Iseptahra Hatshepsut ? (Semiramis II, Taḫurwaili)
Рођење: < -1508
Титуле : Wife of Pharaoh
Титуле : Mother of the Prince
Титуле : King’s Wife (hmt-nisw)
Титуле : Great King’s Wife (hmt-niswt-wrt)
Титуле : God’s Wife (hmt-ntr)
Титуле : Foremost of Noble Ladies
Смрт: -1458, Kiryat Arba
Сахрана: DB-320, Theban Necropolis, Deir el-Bahri, Egypt, DB-320, Machpelah (the double Tomb) of Khebron The Jews claim that Machpelah is located near Hebron in the Levant, however Egyptian records would indicated that this is the name given to the double burial of pharaoh Khebron. The Queen's body was later removed and can no longer be located.
== 1 ==
Mutnofret "Mut is Beautiful"
Други догађај: King's Sister
Други догађај: King's Daughter
Свадба: Thutmose I (Thoth is Born)
Amenemhat (Ammuna) ? (Amenophis, Muwatalli I)
Титуле : Royal Overseer of the Cattle (International Trade Commissioner)
Титуле : Prince of Egypt
Титуле : изм -1479 и -1425, Prince of Egypt - Adopted by Tuthmose III
Thutmose II (Khebron) ? (Thoth is Born)
Титуле : изм -1518 и -1504, Biblical Chronology
Титуле : изм -1493 и, Pharaoh of Egypt
Сахрана: DB-320
Amenmose (Ibarim) Pen-Nekhebet (Ahmose Si-Tayit, Ahmose Ben-Abana)
Рођење: Ur Kaśdim, (Founded in 1687 by Ur son of Kesed)
_MILT: Sodom, Edumea, Battle of Sodom
Професија : Egypt, Career Soldier / High Priest / Queen's Steward
Место становања : Zahi, Phoenicia, Commander of the Legions
Место становања : Naharin Hatti, Syria, Commander of the Legions
Место становања : Northern Imukehek, (Mekkah)
Место становања : Paddan-aram, Exile
Националност : Kashkan, Speaker of Palikur, Egyptian, Hattusi
Титуле : King of Ebla
Смрт: During the reign of Thutmoses III
Смрт: ~ -1450, Alalakh, Hurria
Вера : < -1430, Tyrwazi
Вера : -1425проц, Muasalim Devotee and Priest of El Elyon (Elohim/AlAllah)
Сахрана: DB-320, Lower level of Machpelah (the double Tomb) of Khebron, (Hebrew sources say Hebron)

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