John Winston Spencer-Churchill (7th Duke Marlborough) b. 2 јун 1822 d. 4 јул 1883 - Индекс потомака
Из пројекта Родовид
Смрт: 4 јул 1883
Титуле : 8th Duke Marlborough
Други догађај: Also known as : George Charles Spencer-Churchill
Свадба: <1> ♀ Albertha Frances Hamilton [Hamilton] b. 29 јул 1847 d. 7 јануар 1932, Westminster Abbey, City of Westminster, London, England
_FA1: <1!> ♀ Albertha Frances Hamilton [Hamilton] b. 29 јул 1847 d. 7 јануар 1932
Смрт: 9 новембар 1892, Woodstock (Oxfordshire), Blenheim Palace
Сахрана: Woodstock (Oxfordshire), England
Свадба: <2> ♂ w Ivor Guest [Guest] b. 29 август 1835 d. 22 фебруар 1914
Смрт: 22 јануар 1927, Londres
Свадба: <3> ♀ Jeanette Jerome (Churchill) [Jerome] b. 9 јануар 1854 d. 9 јун 1921, Paris, Frankreich
Смрт: 24 јануар 1895, London, England
Свадба: <5> ♂ w Richard George Penn Curzon (4th Earl Howe) [Curzon] b. 28 април 1861 d. 10 јануар 1929, Центральный Лондон, St George's, Hanover Square
Смрт: 9 фебруар 1906
151/3 <6+2> ♀ Blanche Guest [Guest]Свадба: <7> ♀ w Gladys Marie Deacon [Deacon]
Свадба: <8> ♀ Consuelo Vanderbilt [Vanderbilt] b. 2 март 1876 d. 6 децембар 1964, New York City, St. Thomas Church, 5Th Ave
Други догађај: <8!> ♀ Consuelo Vanderbilt [Vanderbilt] b. 2 март 1876 d. 6 децембар 1964, Staten Island, Alt Marriage
Развод: <8!> ♀ Consuelo Vanderbilt [Vanderbilt] b. 2 март 1876 d. 6 децембар 1964
Смрт: 30 јун 1934, London, England, Woodstock Hotel
Сахрана: јул 1934, Woodstock (Oxfordshire), England, Blenheim Palace Chapel
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
Maison de Sercey
Imported 13 Mar 2005Свадба: <9> ♀ Clementine Ogilvy Hozier (Churchill) [Hozier] b. 1 април 1885 d. 12 децембар 1977, City of Westminster, London, England
Титуле : од 6 новембар 1924, Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom
Титуле : од 10 мај 1940, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Титуле : од 26 октобар 1951, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Смрт: 24 јануар 1965, Кенсингтон и Челси, London, England, Хайд-Парк-Гейт
[[Category:Родившиеся в 1874 году [[Category:Умершие в 1965 году [[Category: British Prime Ministers [[Category:Nobel Prizes
[[Category:English writersСмрт: 28 април 1946
Свадба: <11> ♀ Gwendoline Theresa Mary Bertie (Goonie) [Bertie] b. 1885 d. 1941
Смрт: 23 фебруар 1947, London, England
Свадба: <12> ♀ w Marguerite Decazes de Glücksbierg (Daisy) [Decazes] b. 29 април 1890 d. 13 децембар 1962
Смрт: 1953
Титуле : Commander of the British Empire
Свадба: <13> ♀ Mary Curzon [Curzon] b. 30 октобар 1887 d. 1 септембар 1962
Развод: <13!> ♀ Mary Curzon [Curzon] b. 30 октобар 1887 d. 1 септембар 1962
Смрт: 26 јул 1964, Amersham, Бакингемшир, England
Титуле : comte de Bessborough
Свадба: <14> ♀ Roberte Poupart de Neuflize (Ponsonby) [Poupart] b. 15 септембар 1892 d. 1979
Смрт: 10 март 1956
Титуле : 10th Duke Marlborough
Други догађај: Also known as John Albert William Spencer-Churchill
Свадба: <15> ♀ w Frances Laura Charteris [Charteris] b. 10 август 1915 d. 19 фебруар 1990
Свадба: <16> ♀ Alexandra Mary Hilda Cadogan [Cadogan] b. 22 фебруар 1900 d. 23 мај 1961
Смрт: 11 март 1972
Свадба: <17> ♀ Caroline Murat [Murat] b. 1923 d. 2012
Смрт: 31 децембар 1991, Fredericksburg (Virginie)
Титуле : Earl Howe
Свадба: <18> ♀ Priscilla Weigall [Weigall]
Свадба: <19> ♀ Grace Lilian Wakeling [Wakeling] d. 24 децембар 1985
Смрт: 29 мај 1984
Свадба: <20> ♂ Marc Sevastopoulo [Sevastopoulo] b. 3 децембар 1897 d. 24 септембар 1980
Свадба: <21> ♂ Allen Francis Manning [Manning] b. 30 јун 1914 d. 9 март 2002
Смрт: 1994
Свадба: <22> ♀ Angela Culme-Seymour [Culme-Seymour] b. 3 август 1912 d. 2012
Развод: <22!> ♀ Angela Culme-Seymour [Culme-Seymour] b. 3 август 1912 d. 2012
Смрт: 1992
Други догађај: Christened
Смрт: 1963
Развод: <23> ♀ June Osborne [Osborne] b. 1920
Свадба: <24> ♀ Pamela Beryl Digby [Digby] b. 20 март 1920 d. 5 фебруар 1997
Други догађај: <24!> ♀ Pamela Beryl Digby [Digby] b. 20 март 1920 d. 5 фебруар 1997, London, England
Развод: <24!> ♀ Pamela Beryl Digby [Digby] b. 20 март 1920 d. 5 фебруар 1997
Свадба: <23!> ♀ June Osborne [Osborne] b. 1920
Развод: <23!> ♀ June Osborne [Osborne] b. 1920, Y
Смрт: 6 јун 1968
Други догађај: Christened
Смрт: 1982
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
Bush-Spencer2.from.john.spencer.GEDСмрт: 1921
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
Bush-Spencer2.from.john.spencer.GEDСвадба: <25> ♂ Robert Anthony Eden [Eden] b. 12 јун 1897 d. 11 јануар 1977, London, England
Свадба: <26> ♂ Christopher Arthur Soames [Soames] b. 12 октобар 1920
391/5 <27+14> ♂ w Frederick Ponsonby [Ponsonby]Титуле : comte de Bessborough
Титуле : vicomte Duncannon
Смрт: 5 децембар 1993
Свадба: <28> ♂ w Edwin Fairman Russell [Russell] b. 15 јул 1914 d. 22 децембар 2001
Смрт: 2000
Титуле : 11th Duke Marlborough
Свадба: <29> ♀ Susan Mary Hornby [Hornby] b. 19 октобар 1929 d. 27 јануар 2005
Развод: <29!> ♀ Susan Mary Hornby [Hornby] b. 19 октобар 1929 d. 27 јануар 2005
Свадба: <30> ♀ Athina Mary Livanos [Livanos] b. 19 март 1926 d. 10 октобар 1974
Развод: <30!> ♀ Athina Mary Livanos [Livanos] b. 19 март 1926 d. 10 октобар 1974
Свадба: <31> ♀ Dagmar Rosita Astri Libertas Douglas [Douglas] b. 26 септембар 1943, Charlbury
Развод: <31!> ♀ Dagmar Rosita Astri Libertas Douglas [Douglas] b. 26 септембар 1943
Смрт: 16 октобар 2014
Свадба: <32> ♂ w John Baring Harcourt [Vernon-Harcourt] b. 2 новембар 1928 d. 6 октобар 2020
Свадба: <33> ♀ Mary Caroline d'Erlanger [Erlanger] b. 1940
Развод: <33!> ♀ Mary Caroline d'Erlanger [Erlanger] b. 1940
Свадба: <34> ♀ Luce Danielson [Danielson]
Смрт: 2 март 2010
Свадба: <35> ♂ Kevin Esmond Peter Cooper-Key [Cooper-Key] b. 16 јул 1943 d. 1985
Развод: <35!> ♂ Kevin Esmond Peter Cooper-Key [Cooper-Key] b. 16 јул 1943 d. 1985
Свадба: <36> ♂ w John Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe [Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe] b. 14 јул 1947, Kensington Register Office
Развод: <36!> ♂ w John Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe [Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe] b. 14 јул 1947
Свадба: <37> ♂ Ian McLeod [McLeod]
Свадба: <38> ♂ Janes Barton [Barton]
Смрт: 20 децембар 2007
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
651/6 <40+28> ♀ Serena Mary Churchill Russell [Russell]Свадба: <45> ♂ Michael Santangelo [Santangelo]
Свадба: <46> ♂ w Neil Roxburgh Balfour [Balfour] b. 12 август 1944
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
====================================================Свадба: <47> ♂ Sam Branson [Branson] b. 1985, Südafrika
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to
If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)
Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.
Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!
Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.
If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)
Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to