Sybil Braose - Индекс потомака
Из пројекта Родовид
31/2 <1+?> ♀ Milicent Ferrars [Ferrars]Свадба: <2> ♂ Jean d'Angleterre (Sans Terre) [Plantagenêt] b. 24 децембар 1166 d. 18 октобар 1216
Смрт: 4 септембар 1210
71/3 <3+?> ♀ Joan Mortimer [Mortimer]Смрт: 2 фебруар 1237
Свадба: <10!> ♀ w Gwladys Ferch Llewelyn (Ddu ("The Dark"), Mortimer) [Gwynedd] b. ~ 1194 d. ~ 1251, England
Смрт: 6 август 1246, Wigmore (Herefordshire), England
Сахрана: Wigmore (Herefordshire), England
181/4 <9> ♂ w William de Ferrars (5th Earl of Derby) [Ferrars]Свадба: <4> ♀ Margaret de Quincy (de Quincy Or Quincy, de Quincy, Quincy) [Quincey] b. ~ 1218 d. 1258
Смрт: 28 март 1254
Титуле : Princess of Wales
Свадба: <5!> ♂ Ralph De Mortimer [Mortimer] b. 1190 d. 6 август 1246, England
Смрт: ~ 1251, Windsor (Berkshire), England
Титуле : 5th Baron Elmsley
Свадба: <5> ♀ Isabel Maudouit [Mauduit] d. 1268
Смрт: 7 јануар 1269
Смрт: 27 октобар 1282, Kingsland (Herefordshire), England
241/5 <16+?> ♀ Maud Clifford [Clifford]Смрт: 1237
Титуле : 9th Earl Warwick
Свадба: <7> ♀ w Maud FitzJohn [Lutegareshale] b. 1238 d. 18 април 1301
Смрт: 5 јун 1298, Elmley, Glouchester, England
Смрт: 6 јануар 1314
Смрт: 17 јул 1304, Князівство Англійське
Титуле : 7th Baron Wigmore
Смрт: 17 септембар 1304
361/6 <23+?> ♀ Isolda FitzEdward (Mortimer) [Mortimer]Титуле : Lady Stretton
Свадба: <9> ♂ James de Audley [Audley] b. 1220 d. 11 јун 1272
Смрт: 1297
Други догађај: 12 јул 2000, Record Change
Norr, page 74, says she was born about 1234 and died 129 7 and thath eraunt, Ida Longespee was born 1208. On page 23 a he seems to have mixe dup dates, saying Ela was born 120 8 and died in 1297. The 23a Ela wasm arried to Thomas de Ne wburg (1210)-1242. Since he died s.p., will note nter himin to the database, also because the 1208 Ida married two twice , but neitherhusband was Thomas Newburgh.
K: Ela de Longespee, born1234, died 1299.Смрт: 1306
Свадба: <10> ♀ w Alice de Saluzzo [Aleramiden] d. 25 септембар 1292
Титуле : 1289, Earl of Arundel
Смрт: 9 март 1302
Смрт: 31 мај 1326
Свадба: <11> ♀ Honora Keynes [Keynes] d. 9 фебруар 1327
Смрт: 1336, England, Hache, Somerset
Титуле : Warwick (Angleterre), comte de Warwick
Свадба: <12> ♀ Alice de Tosny [Tosny] b. 1284 d. 1 јануар 1323
Смрт: 10 април 1315, Warwick (Angleterre)
Смрт: 29 новембар 1330, Тюборн, Город Лондон, Князівство Англійське
Шаблон:Needsources BARONY of BEAUCHAMP of Bletsoe
Roger Beauchamp, of Bletsoe, co. Bedford, and of Lydirard Tregoz, Wilts, sometimes said to be a younger son of Giles Beauchamp (living 1346), son of Walter Beauchamp, of Powick, co. Worcester, who was a younger son of William Beauchamp, of Elmley, by Isabel Mauduit, heiress of the Earls of Warwick. He is described as King's Yeoman on 24 Apr 1337. Keeper of Devizes Castle, granted to him be Queen Philippe as "her bachelor", 26 Oct 1340. As early as 1346 he served in the French wars; was made CAPTAIN OF CALAIS in 1372. He was summoned to Parliament from 1 Jun 1363 to 20 Oct 1379, by writs directed Rogero de Bello Campo, whereby he may be held to have become LORD BEAUCHAMP. He was Lord Chamberlain of the Household 1376-77.
He m., 1stly, before 1336/7 (on 6 Jan 1248/9 the manor of Lydiard Tregoz was confirmed to him and his wife), Sybil, 1st of the four sisters and coheirs of Sir William PATSHULL, daughter of Sir John PATSHULL, of Bletsoe aforesaid, by Mabel, daughter and in her issue coheir of William de GRANDSON [LORD GRANDSON], of Lydiard Tregoz. She, who was living 26 Oct 1351, was buried at the Blackfriars, London. Esch. 1359. He m., 2ndly, Margaret. He d. 3 Jan 1379/80. Will dated 19 Dec 1379, reg. at Lincoln, directing his burial to be at the Blackfriars (ax). His 2nd wife survived him. [Complete Peerage II:44-45, XIV:75]
His will shows that his grandfather was Sir Walter Beauchamp.
Note [by Douglas Richardson]: Roger de Beauchamp is typically identified in print as the son of Giles de Beauchamp, Knt., of Alcester and Powick. This parentage is not possible, as Giles and Roger are known to have been contemporaries to one another. Roger's will dated 1379 states that he was "bound to do a service on the Infidels, by devise of my grandsire, Sir Walter Beauchamp, to the expense of 200 marks." [Reference: Nicolas, Testamenta Vetusta, 1 (1826): 103-104]. The name Walter de Beauchamp is evidently a scribal error. Rather, Roger's grandfather appears to have been William de Beauchamp, whose 1269 will left a bequest (or devise) of 200 marks to his son, Walter, for the purpose of making a piligrimage [Reference: N.H. Nicolas, Testamenta Vestusta, 1 (1826): 50-51]. Identifying Roger as Walter's son and William's grandson fits the known chronology of this family. It also agrees with the 1566 Visitation of Bedfordshire cited below which records Roger as Walter's son and William's grandson.
471/7 <32+9> ♂ Nicholas Audley [Audley]Смрт: 28 август 1299
Други догађај: 12 јул 2000, Record Change
Call number:
[WITH A PITT & A PITTANCE.FTW] [fliegenzehut--Ferris Wheel Family.FTW] Sources: Norr; A. Roots 122; Ayers, p37, 409. Roots: Nicholas Audley, Lord Audley, son of Ela Longesp e. He was born before 1285, died 28 Aug. 1299. Ayers: Nicholas of Aldithley, or Audley; born before 1258; died 28 Aug. 1299; son of Ela Longespee. Norr: Son of unknown first wife (Margaret ? 3;?). Succeeded his brothers in 1274+83 as heir, hence he was older than Hugh Sr., whom some sources say was the only son of Ela Longespee.
This is a work in progress, not all family connections have been verified. I am grateful to the contributions made by others to the advancement of this project.
Смрт: 1309, Wales, Caerwedros
Свадба: <14> ♀ Isolde le Rous (de Audley, de Mortimer) [le Rous] b. 1269 d. 1328
Смрт: 1325
Други догађај: 12 јул 2000, Record Change
Титуле : 1297, Comtesse de Lancastre
Свадба: <15> ♂ Henry Plantagenet (3. Earl of Lancaster) [Plantagenet] b. 1281 d. 22 септембар 1345
Смрт: 1322
Титуле : 1306, Earl of Arundel
Смрт: 17 новембар 1326, Hereford
Смрт: 29 септембар 1349
Титуле : Warwick (Angleterre), comte de Warwick
Смрт: 13 новембар 1369, Calais (62), France
Смрт: изм 4 август 1369 и 6 септембар 1369, Князівство Англійське
Смрт: 19 мај 1343
Call number:
This is a work in progress, not all family connections have been verified. I am grateful to the contributions made by others to the advancement of this project.
711/8 <49+14> ♂ Hugh de Audley (D'audley) [Audley]Професија : Earl Of Gloucester
Други догађај: 1289, Born
Свадба: <19> ♀ Margaret de Clare [Clare] b. 1292 d. 13 април 1342
Смрт: 10 новембар 1347, Tunbridge Priory, Kent, England
Други догађај: 10 новембар 1347, Died
Други догађај: 12 јул 2000, Record Change
Свадба: <21> ♂ Ralph Greystoke [Greystoke] b. 15 август 1299
Свадба: <22> ♂ w Ralph de Neville [Neville] b. 1290 d. 5 август 1367, Cockermouth, England, -1326
Смрт: 11 јануар 1373, Greystoke Manor, Northumberland, England, -1374
Други догађај: 12 јануар 1374, -1375, Died
LDS-крштење: 16 мај 1931, SLAKE
Опрема ("endowment") (LDS): 1 јул 1931, SLAKE
"Sealing" родитељима (LDS): 14 јун 1983, SLAKE
Други догађај: 12 јул 2000, Record Change
Сахрана: Cathedral Church, Durham, Durhamshire, England
Смрт: 1344, Oswestry, Shropshire
Свадба: <74!> ♀ w Элеонора Ланкастерская Plantagenet [Plantagenet] b. 11 септембар 1318 d. 11 јануар 1372
Смрт: 24 јануар 1326
Титуле : 1330, Earl of Arundel
Смрт: 1343, Ceredigion, Wales, Is Coed
Свадба: <23> ♀ Isabella de Beaumont [Бриенн]
Смрт: 23 март 1361
Смрт: 1345
Смрт: 20 јануар 1385
Број брака: 1-й муж Джон де Бомонт, 2-й барон Бомонт
Број брака: 2-й муж Ричард Фицалан, 10-й граф Арундел
Свадба: <73!> ♂ w Richard FitzAlan [FitzAlan] b. 1306 d. 24 јануар 1326
Свадба: <25> ♂ w John de Beaumont [Бриенн] b. 1318 d. 1342
Смрт: 11 јануар 1372
Свадба: <26> ♂ Edward of Woodstock (the Black Prince) [Plantagenet] b. 15 јун 1330 d. 8 јун 1376
Титуле : 10 октобар 1361, Windsor, Princesse de Galles et d'Aquitaine, Comtesse de Chester et Duchesse de Cornouailles
Смрт: 8 август 1385
Смрт: 26 фебруар 1360
Титуле : baron de Clifford
Титуле : Skipton, Royaume-Uni, seigneur de Skipton
Смрт: 13 јул 1389
Титуле : 3rd Lord Powys
Смрт: 13 јул 1374
Титуле : Warwick (Angleterre), comte de Warwick
Смрт: 8 април 1401, Londres
Титуле : baron Bergavenny
Свадба: <27> ♀ w Joan FitzAlan [FitzAlan] b. 1375 d. 14 новембар 1435
Смрт: 8 јануар 1411
Други догађај: 28 април 1360, dvp
Смрт: 3 мај 1406
Свадба: <32> ♀ Sibyl Patshull [Patshull] d. 27 септембар 1359
Смрт: 1374
Смрт: 13 јун 1391