Фамилија: Ralph de Neville + Alice de Audley
Из пројекта Родовид
♂ w Ralph de Neville [Neville] b. 1290 d. 5 август 1367
♀ Alice de Audley [Audley] b. 1304 d. 11 јануар 1373
♂ Alexander de Neville [Neville] b. 1341 d. 1392
♀ Eleanor de Neville [Neville] b. 1340
♂ William de Neville [Neville] b. 1338
♂ Robert de Neville [Neville] b. 1337
♀ Elizabeth de Neville [Neville] b. 1343
♂ Ralph de Neville [Neville] b. 1332 d. 1380
♀ Catherine de Neville [Neville] b. 1330 d. 1
♀ Euphemia de Neville [Neville] b. 1326 d. октобар 1393
♂ w John Neville [Neville] b. 1328 d. 17 октобар 1388
Reference numbers | GEDCOM::david_hughey.ged::FAM @F17073@::Hailey C. Shannon |
14 јануар 1325 Свадба: Cockermouth, England, -1326
TITL "European ancestors of American colonists, an index : a combined every-name index to Ancestral roots of sixty colonists and Magna Charta sureties, both by theRev. Frederick L. Weiss [sic], and 5,000 persons from other sources, Sixth Edition"TEXT DESCRIPTION: iii, 377, 56, 12 p. ; 24 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index. SUBJECTS: Weis, Frederick Lewis, 1895-1966.Ancestral roots ofsixty colonists who came to New England between 1623 and 1650--Indexes.Weis, Frederick Lewis, 18
[2640299~Richard A Carew.FTW]
[2640299~Richard A Carew.ged]
_STATRoyal License CHAN20 Mar 2001
"Royal Lines & Adamic Genealogy: Genealogical Research of Albert F. Schmuhl, "Извори
- ↑ "Royal Lines & Adamic Genealogy: Genealogical Research of Albert F. Schmuhl, " -
- ↑ "European ancestors of American colonists, an index : a combined every-name index to Ancestral roots of sixty colonists and Magna Charta sureties, bot - p. 119 #187-5
- ↑ "FamilySearch® Ancestral File v4.19" -
- ↑ "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson" -
- ↑ 2640299 -