William Cheney - Индекс потомака
Из пројекта Родовид
21/2 <1> ♀ Alice Cheney [Cheney]3
31/3 <2+?> ♀ Agnes de Cundi [Cundi]4
41/4 <3+?> ♂ Walter FitzWalter (Clifford) [Clifford]5
51/5 <4+?> ♀ Maud Clifford [Clifford]Смрт: 1237
61/6 <5+?> ♀ Ela Longespee [Longespée]Титуле : Lady Stretton
Свадба: <1> ♂ James de Audley [Audley] b. 1220 d. 11 јун 1272
Смрт: 1297
Други догађај: 12 јул 2000, Record Change
Norr, page 74, says she was born about 1234 and died 129 7 and thath eraunt, Ida Longespee was born 1208. On page 23 a he seems to have mixe dup dates, saying Ela was born 120 8 and died in 1297. The 23a Ela wasm arried to Thomas de Ne wburg (1210)-1242. Since he died s.p., will note nter himin to the database, also because the 1208 Ida married two twice , but neitherhusband was Thomas Newburgh.
K: Ela de Longespee, born1234, died 1299.7
71/7 <6+1> ♂ Nicholas Audley [Audley]Смрт: 28 август 1299
Други догађај: 12 јул 2000, Record Change
Call number:
[WITH A PITT & A PITTANCE.FTW] [fliegenzehut--Ferris Wheel Family.FTW] Sources: Norr; A. Roots 122; Ayers, p37, 409. Roots: Nicholas Audley, Lord Audley, son of Ela Longesp e. He was born before 1285, died 28 Aug. 1299. Ayers: Nicholas of Aldithley, or Audley; born before 1258; died 28 Aug. 1299; son of Ela Longespee. Norr: Son of unknown first wife (Margaret ? 3;?). Succeeded his brothers in 1274+83 as heir, hence he was older than Hugh Sr., whom some sources say was the only son of Ela Longespee.
This is a work in progress, not all family connections have been verified. I am grateful to the contributions made by others to the advancement of this project.
Свадба: <2> ♀ Isolde le Rous (de Audley, de Mortimer) [le Rous] b. 1269 d. 1328
Смрт: 1325
Други догађај: 12 јул 2000, Record Change
Call number:
This is a work in progress, not all family connections have been verified. I am grateful to the contributions made by others to the advancement of this project.
101/8 <9+2> ♂ Hugh de Audley (D'audley) [Audley]Професија : Earl Of Gloucester
Други догађај: 1289, Born
Свадба: <3> ♀ Margaret de Clare [Clare] b. 1292 d. 13 април 1342
Смрт: 10 новембар 1347, Tunbridge Priory, Kent, England
Други догађај: 10 новембар 1347, Died
Други догађај: 12 јул 2000, Record Change
Свадба: <4> ♂ Ralph Greystoke [Greystoke] b. 15 август 1299
Свадба: <5> ♂ w Ralph de Neville [Neville] b. 1290 d. 5 август 1367, Cockermouth, England, -1326
Смрт: 11 јануар 1373, Greystoke Manor, Northumberland, England, -1374
Други догађај: 12 јануар 1374, -1375, Died
LDS-крштење: 16 мај 1931, SLAKE
Опрема ("endowment") (LDS): 1 јул 1931, SLAKE
"Sealing" родитељима (LDS): 14 јун 1983, SLAKE
Други догађај: 12 јул 2000, Record Change
Сахрана: Cathedral Church, Durham, Durhamshire, England