N. Отец Иосифа и др. - Индекс потомака

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11/1 N. Отец Иосифа и др. [Давидовы Потомки]
и других разных сомнительных цепочек


21/2 <1> w Иосиф Матфанов сын Ариматейский Давидов Потомок [Давидовы Потомки]
Рођење: Ecbatana, Parthia
42/2 <1> Хелкия [Araunah]
Титуле : High Priest of Israel
Место становања : Anathoth, Benjamin, Judah

см.также ЕЭБЕ/Хилкия и wikipedia:ru:Хилкия

информация о том, что Хелкия был сыном Харуца (Person:406992) - весьма сомнительна и должна быть подтверждена первичными и авторитетными вторичными источниками.
53/2 <1> Мелек Авиудов сын Давидов Потомок [Давидовы Потомки]
Титуле : Satrap of Osroene
информация о том, что Мелек был сыном Авиуда (Person:79455) - весьма сомнительна и требует подтверждения первичными и авторитетными вторичными источниками.
94/2 <1> Azariah I [Araunah]
Рођење: -890
35/2 <1+?> Радим Ровоамов сын Давидов Потомок [Давидовы Потомки]
см. также wikipedia:ru:Радим

Ir. H. Hilal Achmar Lineage Study

информация о том, что Радим был сыном Ровоама (Person:79438) - крайне сомнительна и требует подтверждения первичными и авторитетными вторичными источниками.
66/2 <1> Gera [?]
77/2 <1> Ashvasena [?]
88/2 <1> Hachalya ? (of Judah) [?]


121/3 <8> Мешар Царе-Давидов (Мешаянат) [Царе-Давидовы]
Рођење: Восток
Свадба: <1> Cyrus II ? (Achaemened) [Achaemenid] d. 15 јануар -529
информация о том, что Meshar (Meshayyanath), жена Кира II, была дочерью Салафииля (Person:32754) - весьма сомнительна и требует подтверждения первичными и авторитетными вторичными источниками.
172/3 <7+?> Parshvanath ? (Pārśva) [?]
Рођење: изм -850 и
Смрт: ~ -777
информация о том, что Parshvanath был сыном Озии (сына Иорама) (Person:79443) - крайне сомнительна и требует подтверждения первичными и авторитетными вторичными источниками. информация о том, что Parshvanath был сыном Авии (дочери Захарии) (Person:95989) - крайне сомнительна и требует подтверждения первичными и авторитетными вторичными источниками.
203/3 <9> Amariah II [Araunah]
Рођење: ~ -840
154/3 <5> Aretas I of Nabatea (Aryu) [House of David - Araunah]
Титуле : изм -132 и -127, Satrap of Osroene and Edessa
105/3 <4> Иеремия [Araunah]
БЭАН/Иеремия пророк

см.также БЭАН/Иеремия

Saved by the Assyrians. God's personal message to Jeremiah, "Attack you they will, overcome you they can't," was fulfilled many times in the Biblical narrative, Jeremiah was attacked by his own brothers, beaten and put into the stocks by a priest and false prophet, imprisoned by the king, threatened with death, thrown into a cistern by Judah's officials, and opposed by a false prophet. When Nebuchadnezzar seized Jerusalem in 586 BC, he ordered that Jeremiah be freed from prison and treated well.

Спасено ассирийцами. Личное послание Бога Иеремии: «Нападать на вас, они будут, побеждать вас, что они не могут», было много раз выполнено в библейском повествовании: Иеремия подвергся нападению своих братьев, был избит и попал в колоду священником и лжепророком, заключен в тюрьму королем, ему грозит смерть, он брошен в цистерну чиновниками Иудеи и противостоит лжепророку. Когда Навуходоносор захватил Иерусалим в 586 г. до н.э., он приказал освободить Иеремию из тюрьмы и хорошо обращаться с ним.

см.также http://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-artifacts/artifacts-and-the-bible/jeremiah-prophet-of-the-bible-brought-back-to-life/ -

116/3 <2> Anna (Angharadha) ? (of Aramathea, Achmethan, Licchavi-Araunah) [House of David - Araunah]


Anna's Welsh name is Angharada which literally translated means daughter of the King.
137/3 <3> Yahusafat [Hilal Achmar Lineage-Solomon to Christ]
Ir. H. Hilal Achmar Lineage Study
148/3 <5> Alexander Obedas I ? (of Nabatea) [House of David - Araunah]
169/3 <6> Azza [?]
1810/3 <4> Azariah [?]
1911/3 <4> Hanan [?]


221/4 <11+?> Pilleatus (Beli) Yngvili (the Younger) (Beli Mawr) [Pilleati]
Професија : Zalmodegikos (Priest of Zalmoxus)
Шаблон:NeedsourcesA torc, the "Ring of Pietroassa", part of a late third- to fourth-century Gothic hoard discovered in Romania, is inscribed in much-damaged runes, one reading of which is gutanī [i(ng)]wi[n] hailag ", "to Ingwi of the Goths. Holy"
372/4 <20> Ahitab [Araunah]
Рођење: ~ -799
213/4 <15> Sepphoris (Cypros) Obeda (Audhumla) [House of David - Araunah]
Рођење: > -110, Taurus
Место становања : Sepphora, Galatia
Свадба: <2> Buribista (Búri) [Idumean] b. ~ -100 d. -43
Свадба: <2!> Buribista (Búri) [Idumean] b. ~ -100 d. -43
314/4 <14> Арета II Александров Обадиев сын Царе-Давидов [Царе-Давидовы]
Титуле : изм -110 и -96
There is evidence to suggest that the Nabatean area was overrun and the kingdom established by displaced Tocarians
235/4 <11+?> Immanuentus (Manu) (Manan) Piliatus [Pilleati]
Титуле : изм -55 и -54, King of England
286/4 <11+?> Nennius (Nynniaw) ? (ap Beli [Heli]) [?]
Титуле : -55, Co-Regent of Britain
Brother of Lugotorix and Cassibelanus
297/4 <11+?> Cassibellanus (Caswallan) [?]
Титуле : -55, Co-Regent of England
248/4 <11+?> Cassibelan I Commius [Cymbri]
Рођење: < -54, Britain, Caesar's 2nd Expedition

Relative of Lugotorix

Relative of Caius Commius who negotiated truce between Cassivellaunus and Caesar.
259/4 <13> Ψ Barid [Hilal Achmar Lineage-Solomon to Christ]
Ir. H. Hilal Achmar Lineage Study
2610/4 <10> Шафан [Araunah]
2711/4 <10> Hamuthalia Araunah (of Libnah) [Araunah]
информация о том, что Hamuthalia Araunah была матерью Седекии (Person:32550) - весьма сомнительна и должна быть подтверждена первичными и авторитетными вторичными источниками.
3012/4 <12+1> Artystone II [House of Achaemenes-Araunah]
Свадба: <3> Darius I of Persia (Darayavahus) [Achaemenid] b. 26 јун -550 d. 14 јул -485
3213/4 <15> Rabbel [House of David - Araunah]
3314/4 <16> Shechora [?]
3415/4 <17> Vama ? (Daughter of Parshvanath of Persepolis) [?]
3516/4 <11+?> ? (Sister of Commius) [?]
3617/4 <12+1> Medisken [House of Achaemenes-Araunah]
3818/4 <11+?> ? (Daughter of Belinus) [?]
3919/4 <11+?+?+?> Amalach map Beli [?]


521/5 <35+?> Caius Commius ? (Cynry) [?]
Место становања : Silchester, (Calleva Atrebatum)
Свадба: <51!> Andrivete [Cymbri]
Шаблон:NeedsourcesIt is in the tales of Sir Kay that we first encounter the legend of the sword in the stone which is a mythological motif originating among the Sarmations
572/5 <30+3> w Arsames [House of Achaemenes-Araunah]
Титуле : Satrap of Egypt
633/5 <37> Zadok II [Araunah]
Рођење: ~ -753
информация о том, что Zadok II был отцом Харуца (Person:406992) - весьма сомнительна и должна быть подтверждена первичными и авторитетными вторичными источниками.
584/5 <30+3> Gobryas [House of Achaemenes-Araunah]
Рођење: Northern Alborz, Iran
Други догађај: септембар -552, Gobryas from Pâtišuvariš, the lance carrier of king Darius
Gobryas, prince of Persia - по https://www.geni.com/people/Gobryas-prince-of-Persia/6000000065778208835 (General) Gobryas (Gaubaruva) (Governor of Gutium, Arstibarus) - по неустановленному источнику
445/5 <31> Овод I Антипа Набатейский Царе-Давидов [Царе-Давидовы]
Титуле : изм -96 и -85, Набатейское княжество, набатейский князь
Obodas I ascended the throne in 90 BCE and defeated Alexander Jannaeus in a battle on the Golan Heights-probably the key to the Nabatean return to the Negev. The town of Oboda (Avdat) was named for the victor, who was worshiped as a god even after his death. Petra is a temple to Obodas 1 It is believed that the kings of Nabatea are related to the Selucid Kings of Parthia.
456/5 <31> Aretas III (Herodes) Philhellenos (Irisius) [House of David - Araunah]
Титуле : изм -87 и -62, King of Nabatea


It seems to be OK with given Wikipedia page, though tuis page does not give any parents or child to thos person. Please check.
417/5 <21+2> Burr ? (Barzapharnes, Rholes Burus) [?]
Рођење: ~ -66, Valhal, Oltenia, Dacia
Титуле : Deus Primus, The First God
Вера : Zalmoxian
Други догађај: Parthian Invasian of the Levant
Место становања : Waleski
Свадба: <4> Mauriyam Bestla (Saxe) [Bastarnae] b. -49проц

In other uses the Name Bor or Burs refers to a tribe located in the region of DaciaШаблон:Ref!. The capital city of Dacia was Buridava. That Getae practiced ruler cult is confirmed by archaeological remainsШаблон:Ref!.

Pliny the Elder in his Naturalis Historia mentions a tribe called the Tyragetae (or Thyssagetæ), apparently a Daco-Thracian tribe who dwelt by the river Tyras (the Dniester). Their tribal name appears to be a combination of Tyras and Getae.

"This same people, when it lightens and thunders, aim their arrows at the sky, uttering threats against the god; and they do not believe that there is any god but their own." - Herodotus. Histories, 4.94.

It was the opinion of Dudo the historican (ca. 1015) that the Norman duke Rollo (Rollon), who founded the Norman dynasty in the 900s AD, was the son of a king in "Dacia" - This comment seems to be inconsistent with what we know about the historic Rollo and his established ancestry Unless one takes the statement into consideration of the overarching context of human migration and account for the missing generawtions in between Rollo the Norseman and Rollo the Dacian. Follow in an excerpt from Dudo:

"Spread over the plentiful space from the Danube to the neighborhood of the Scythian Black Sea, do there inhabit fierce and barbarous nations, which are said to have burst forth in manifold variety like a swarm of bees from a honeycomb or a sword from a sheath, as is the barbarian custom, from the island of Scania, surrounded in different directions by the ocean. For indeed there is there a tract for the very many people of Alania, and the extremely well-supplied region of Dacia, and the very extensive passage of Greece. Dacia is the middle-most of these. Protected by very high alps in the manner of a crown and after the fashion of a city. With Mars' forewarning, raging warlike peoples inhabit those tortuous bends of extensive size, namely the Getae, also known as Goths" - From chapter 2, second paragraph in Gesta Normannorum by the chronicler Dudo of St.Quentin's

According to Tacitus the Dacians and Suevii/Suebi both observed the custom of dressing their hair in a large topknot which required that the helmets and hats be molded or fitted to accommodate the topnotAnd so ?. One of the characteristics of the Norse God Odin was that he wore a large oversized hat, this is confirmed by archaelogical finds in the region of the Baltic and Scandia that illustrate the domed nature of the Viking war helmet. Following is an excerpt from Tacitus:

"I must now proceed to speak of the Suevians, who are not, like the Cattans and Tencterians, comprehended in a single people; but divided into several nations all bearing distinct names, though in general they are entitled Suevians, and occupy the larger share of Germany. This people are remarkable for a peculiar custom, that of twisting their hair and binding it up in a knot. It is thus the Suevians are distinguished from the other Germans, thus the free Suevians from their slaves.

With regard to marriage customs of the times half siblings frequently married.
408/5 <24+29!> Adius Domarus (Addedomaros, Aedd Mawr) [Trinovante]
Рођење: -55
Свадба: <5> w Antonia Hebrida [Antonia]
Титуле : -25, King Of The Trinovantes
Смрт: -20
469/5 <38+?> Androgeus ? (Avarwy ap Lludd, Mandubracius) [?]
Свадба: <51!> Andrivete [Cymbri]
Титуле : изм -46 и -44, King of Britain
Married the daughter of his uncle Cassibelanus Some scolars believe that Mandubracius and Androgeaus are the same person, however the theory is met with mixed opinion since the father of Mandubracius is named as Imanuentius, a foe of Cassibelanus in Caesar's account of his second expedition.
4210/5 <38+?> Theomantius ? (Tenantius (Tenevan), ap Lludd) [?]
Титуле : изм -44 и -43, Rex Britannia
Други догађај: изм -25 и -20, Calleva Atrebatum (Silchester), Rex Atrebates
_FA1: 8, Rome, Exile

Шаблон:Controversial | Tincomarus

Strabo 1 4 The Britains paid no tribute to Augustus except what easie customs were levy d on the slight commodities wherewith they traded into Gallia. After Cunobelinus I, Tenantius the younger son of Lud was made king. For Androgeus the elder conceiving himself generally hated for siding with the Romans forsook his claim here and followed Cassar's fortune. Tenantius This king is recorded just and warlike. His son Kymbeline or Cunobeline the younger was brought up in the court of Augustus. With [Augustus] Tenantius held friendly correspondencies to the end from his capital at Camalodunum or Maldon (Numismatic confirmation).

Likewise, Tiberius the next Emperor, adhered to the policies of Augustus concerning the politics of Britain, and fought not the Britains. In return they did little to incite him, but rather sent home courteously the soldiers of Germanicus that by shipwreck had been cast on the Britain shore. However, Caligula his successor (a wild and dissolute tyrant), spurred on by Adminius the son of Cunobeline, passed the Alps with intent to rob and spoil the provinces of Britain. Adminius had been banished by his father Cunobeline prior.

Mabinogion - Foster Father of Pryderi
5411/5 <24+29!> Andocoveros (Andoco) [?]
Титуле : -25, Co-Regent in Britain
4312/5 <24+29!> Epillus Cymbri (Epatticus Primus) [Cymbri]
Титуле : -20, King of Noviomagus
Титуле : ~ 7, King of Atrebates
Смрт: 15
4713/5 <33> Хуфам [?]
4814/5 <25> Nausa [Hilal Achmar Lineage-Solomon to Christ]
Ir. H. Hilal Achmar Lineage Study
4915/5 <22> Ophys [?]
5016/5 <26> Gedaliah Araunah (Satrap of Judah) [Araunah]
Led refugees to Egypt prior to the second destruction of Jerusalem.
5117/5 <24+29!> Andrivete [Cymbri]
Niece of Immanuentis of Manawydan
5318/5 <33> Iry-ard (Ir) (Ard) [?]
отождествление Iry-ard с Ири (Person:1224779) - весьма сомнительно и требует подтверждения первичными и авторитетными вторичными источниками.
5519/5 <24+29!> Aesubelinus [?]
5620/5 <26> Elasah Araunah [Araunah]
5921/5 <30+3> w Artazostre [House of Achaemenes-Araunah]
6022/5 <33> Hushim [?]
6123/5 <34+?> Vashti ? (of Parthia Medes) [?]
6224/5 <36+?> Amtalqa [?]
6425/5 <39> Aballac map Amalach [?]
his recorded Brother Person:997677 could be the same person
6526/5 <39> Auallach map Amalech [?]
his recorded Brother Person:997659 could be the same person
6627/5 <26> Ахикам [?]
БЭАН/Ахикам отождествление Ахикама и Иоакима (Person:79450) - крайне сомнительно и требует подтверждения авторитетными вторичными источниками.


731/6 <41+4> Comosicus Piliatus ? (Vili, Pilleati) [?]
Рођење: Dacia
Вера : Zalmoxian, Followers of Zalmoxus who preached resurrection of the dead and the supreme sacrifice of Divine Kings for the redeemption of their people.
Шаблон:Needsources After the death of Dicineus, they held Comosicus in almost equal honor, because he was not inferior in knowledge. By reason of his wisdom he was accounted their priest and king, and he judged the people with the greatest uprightness.
742/6 <49> Coryllus (Schilis) ? (Apfallach) [?]
Рођење: Apullia Dulcea, Dobrogea, Dacia Anciens
Смрт: Apullia Dulcea, Dobrogea, Dacia Anciens
Шаблон:NeedsourcesThe name Avallach means Apple.

According to Jordanes - XII When he (Comosicus) too had departed from human affairs, Coryllus ascended the throne as King of the Goths and for forty years ruled his people in Dacia. I mean ancient Dacia, which the race of the Gepidae now possess.

In the arms of Dobrogea there appears the symbol of the fish, the shape of an apple from which is sprouting a cross.

Herodotus mentions Schilis, the son of Ariapithes and Ophys, "woman from the Danube" who lived together with the Agathyrsi. (Histories, IV.79).
823/6 <43+?+?> Pryderi ? (Gwri Wallt Euryn) [?]
Рођење: Arbroath
Свадба: <6> w Cigva (Cigfa) [Wledig]
Шаблон:Date and placeШаблон:NeedsourcesFoster son of Tigernonos (Tentanius)
874/6 <44+?> Ирод ? (Puteiolus, Askelus (Descalytis), Descalytis) [?]
Титуле : Priest (Temple of Apollo)
Професија : Keeper of the Agnostos Theos (Unkown God) altar fire in the Temple of Apollo, Athens
Herod of Daskalytus was likely a descendant of Person:495651
895/6 <58+?> Mardonius ? (Gabinus, Gabrinus) [?]
Смрт: -497
916/6 <45> Bakru [?]
Титуле : изм -68 и -52, Satrap of Edessa
707/6 <41+4> Aulus Gabinius (Trinius Atra) [Aula]
Рођење: Valhal, Oltenia, Dacia
Титуле : король Англов
Титуле : -67, Lex Gabinia
Титуле : -58, Consul of Rome
Титуле : -57, Proconsul of Syria
678/6 <40+5> Antidius [Trinovante]
Рођење: -38
Титуле : King Of The Trinovantes
Свадба: <7> Locrina (Mother of Boudicca) [Locrinus]
Смрт: 25
759/6 <40+?> Dubnovellaunus [Cantiaci]
Титуле : изм 4 и 5, Exiled
Not to be confused with Dunvallo Molmutius (spelled Dumno, Dubnovellus and Dunvallo) who lived in the 5th Century CE.
9410/6 <42+?> w Verica ? (Bericus) [?]
Титуле : 15, King of the Atrebates, Fishbourne Roman Palace, Fishbourne
7211/6 <42+?> Epaticcus Epillus (Secundus) [Cantiaci]
Други догађај: King of the Cantiacci
Смрт: 35
7112/6 <42+?> Cunobelinus II ? (ap Tentanius, Kymbeline, Catuvelani) [?]
Шаблон:Needsources Cunobelinus had three sons, Adminius, Togodumnus and Caratacus, and a brother, Epaticcus, known to history. Based on epigraphic evidence, Sallustius Lucullus, Roman governor of Britain in the late 1st century, was his grandson.
6813/6 <64> Eugein map Aballac [?]
6914/6 <44+45!> Loridia Pakora (Panoptes) [House of David - Araunah]
7615/6 <45> Cypros II Nabatea [House of David - Araunah]
7716/6 <65> Gordofyn ap Auallach [?]
7817/6 <60+47!> Merimoth ? (Matrides) [?]
7918/6 <48> Nawas [Hilal Achmar Lineage-Solomon to Christ]
Ir. H. Hilal Achmar Lineage Study
8019/6 <51+52!> Caius Gronosius (Garanwyn) (Gronwy) (Cynry) [Cynri]
8120/6 <51+52!> Caius Commius [Cynri]
8321/6 <53> Hupham II [?]
8422/6 <51+46!> Scaevicola (Scaeva) ? (The Centurion) [?]
8523/6 <55> Bellinus [?]
8624/6 <54> Tasciovanus [?]
8825/6 <59+89!> (Artontes) Artontius Mardonius [?]
9026/6 <61> Ψ ? (Theoretical Child, of Vashti. (stillborn)) [?]
9227/6 <52> Caia Kelemae [?]
9328/6 <62> Analmaye [?]


1001/7 <70> Yterman [?]
Титуле : король Англов
1052/7 <75> Dumnonia Cantiaci [Cantiaci]
Место становања : Kent (England), Brittania
1063/7 <75> Dumnocoveros ? (Dumnoni) [?]
Титуле : King of the Corioltauvi
1074/7 <76+?> Cypros III ? (Sephora, Seppora) [?]
Вера : Yawist
Други догађај: Family Crest - Lion of Judah


A probable descendant of Sapalbizes "Naniah" of Kushan
1155/7 <76+?> Abgar II bar Abgar [Osroene]
Титуле : изм -68 и -52, King of Osroene
996/7 <69+?> Orodes II (Herodius) Audomharjaz (Hyrodes Anaridius) [Herodius]
Рођење: Sepphora Galatia
Физички опис: Anridia
Титуле : Prince of Edom
Титуле : изм -57 и -38, King of Parthia
Смрт: -38, Apaida, Transylvania
Шаблон:Place name error

During the reign of Orodes II, the general of the Parthian army was a

The Surenas or "House of Suren" is one of two Parthian noble families explicitely mentioned by name in sources dateable to the Arsacid period. It is probable that the Surenas were landowners in Sakastan, that is, in the region between Arachosia and Drangiana in present-day southwestern Afghanistan.

From Ammianus Marcellinus and other historiographers of late antiquity, it appears that 'Surena' was also a title of office. "The highest dignity in the kingdom, next to the Crown, was that of Surena, or 'Field-Marshal', and this position was hereditary in a particular family."

Surena is the Greek and Latin form of Sûrên[2] or Sūrēn.[3] As 'Suren', the name remains common in Armenia and Scandinavia where the warrior class is referred to as the king's Svennar.
1047/7 <87> w Antipator II (Phasael) Pateiolus (Antipator) [Herodian]
Вера : Иудейское царство, Xalmoxian
Место становања : Иудейское царство, Patieolus
Титуле : -48, Иудейское царство, прокуратор
Смрт: -43, Иудейское царство
1138/7 <76+?> Sapalbizes I [?]
Титуле : < -40, King of Western Bactria
979/7 <71+8> Caracticus (Sandarcottas) Commius (Arivargus) [Baiovarii]
Рођење: < -25, Colchester (Essex)
Број брака: 43
Смрт: 74, Colchester (Essex), Camulodunum
Шаблон:NeedsourcesCeltic Sources name his as the son or Grandson of Cunobelinus
9510/7 <71+8> Lucius Prasutagus Pankratiastus (Esuprastus, Esico) [Iceni]
Рођење: 10
Свадба: <96!> Boudicca (Budvuocj) [Trinovante] d. 60
Титуле : Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England), Dux Icenorum - Subrex
Смрт: < 59

Шаблон:Source controversée

His name as identified by Vettulenus Laetis in describing the gens of Tiberius Claudius Rufus indicates that Esuprastus may have once bore the honorific of Pankratiastus indicating that he may have at one time been gladiator with some Greek or Parthian heritage.

In the Roman colonial governments a governor of equestrian rank carried as his honorific "Praesus" from the term "Praeses" It is this term that is likely carried down through the English language as the origin of the term priest as the superior of a "Praesus" was the Vicar or "vicarius"
9611/7 <67+7> Boudicca (Budvuocj) [Trinovante]
Титуле : Queen Of The Iceni
Свадба: <95!> Lucius Prasutagus Pankratiastus (Esuprastus, Esico) [Iceni] b. 10 d. < 59
Физички опис: Red Hair
_FA1: 51, Revolt against Rome
Смрт: 60
10912/7 <94+?> Tiberius Claudius ? (Cogidubnus, Catuvelani) [?]
Место становања : Fishbourne Palace
Професија : General of forces under Vespatian
Други догађај: изм 84 и 85, Governor of Britain-Pro Temps
Смрт: 87
Шаблон:Place name error


In some sourcesШаблон:Ref! named as the illegitimate son of Emperor Claudius
10213/7 <74> Diurpaneus ? (Apfallach, Decobalus, Dobrogea) [?]
Рођење: Apulum Dacia
Рођење: Novus Dacia
Место становања : Sarmizegetusa, Dacia
Титуле : изм 87 и 106, King of Dacia
Hi name Daci-Baalus "Light of Dacia" Contemporary of Marcus (Trajanus) Nerva (Ulpius)(b. 18 September d. 7 August 117?)
9814/7 <70> Rig-Thrael Aisson (Heimdall, Alusson) [Aula]
Sources for the allegorical genealogy of Rig the son of Odin is derived from information in the manuscript "Rigsthula" - http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/poe/poe14.htm The name Rig-Thrael literally means "Servant (or slave) of the King."
10115/7 <71+?> Lucius Adminius ? (Catuvelani) [?]
Шаблон:NeedsourcesCaligula, a wild and dissolute tyrant, passed the Alps with intent to rob and spoil the provinces of Britain. Spurred on by Adminius the son of Cunobeline II [Dion, Suetonius Cal AD 40]
10316/7 <77> Dofyn (Thorfin) ap Gordofyn [?]
10817/7 <68> Brithguein map Eugein ? [?]
11018/7 <79> Amsaya [Hilal Achmar Lineage-Solomon to Christ]
Ir. H. Hilal Achmar Lineage Study
11119/7 <71+?> Lucia ? (Daughter of Cunobelinus) [?] 11220/7 <70> w Urgulania ? (of Balkan) [?]
11421/7 <78> Zecharya [?]
11622/7 <81> Vericus [Cynri]
11723/7 <81> Tincomerus [Cynri]


1231/8 <100> Геремонд [Вожди саксов]
Титуле : король Англов
1312/8 <95+96!> Tascia (Voada) ? (Daughter of Prasutagus and Boudicca) [?]
Рођење: Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England)


This person is not the same as Cartimandua, who was her cousin by marriage

Was named either Camorra or Tascia
1203/8 <104+107!> w Ирод I Великий Антипатров сын Идумейский [Идумейские]
Рођење: -73, Иудейское царство
Свадба: <11> Мариамна Александрова Дочь Хасмонейская [Хасмонейские] b. ~ -60 d. -29
Свадба: <12> Miriamne ? (Bint Shimon, Boethios) [?]
Титуле : -40, Иудейское царство, иудейский царь
Смрт: -4, Иудейское царство
1224/8 <99+?> Pacorus I (Paquori) Daniya (of Parthia) [Herodius]
Други догађај: Invaded Syria in 51 BC
Титуле : изм -68 и -52, Satrap of Edessa
Смрт: -38, Syria, Battle of Cyrrhestica
Титуле : изм -34 и -29, King of Osroene
His name can be translated into English from Ur-Gaelic to Hugh son of the Fire
1265/8 <104+107!> Joseph Phasael (Hervichad Pheororas, The Idumean) [Herodian]
Титуле : Governor of Jerusalem
Титуле : Prince of Parthia Kushan
Титуле : Prince of Descalytis
Смрт: -40

см.также wikipedia:Phasael

см.также http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heraios

Josephus speaks of Phasael as a brave and noble man. His son, who likewise bore the name Phasael, and seems to have been posthumous, married Herod's daughter Salampsio, by whom he had five children.[6] The son of Herod by Pallas was called Phasael by Herod, who likewise honored his brother's memory by naming a city northeast of Jericho "Phasaelis," and a tower of his palace at Jerusalem "Phasaelus."

Иосиф Флавий говорит о Фазаиле как о храбром и благородном человеке. Его сын, который также носил имя Фасаэль и, кажется, был посмертным, женился на дочери Ирода Салампсио, от которой у него было пять детей. [6] Ирода, сына Ирода, Палласа назвал Фазаилом, который также почтил память своего брата, назвав город к северо-востоку от Иерихона «Фаэлисом» и башню своего дворца в Иерусалиме «Фаэзелус».

The Greco-Roman name Phaesaelus is in the Aramaic tongue rendered Joseph. (Греко-римское имя Phaesaelus находится на арамейском языке, представленном Иосифом.)
1286/8 <99+?> Pharotes IV Daniya (of Parthia) [Herodius]
Титуле : изм -37 и -2, King of Parthia
1197/8 <111+10> Aulus Didius (Audin) Gallus [Aula]
Рођење: Dacio-Sarmatia
Титуле : God of the NORSE
Титуле : Proconsul of Asia
_FA1: member of the XVviri Legion, XV Viri Legionaire
Други догађај: Imperial legate of Bosporus
Титуле : Proconsul of Africa
Свадба: <13> w Pomponia Graecina (Galla) [Gens Pomponia]
Титуле : 19, Questore de Roma
Титуле : изм 38 и 49, Curator Aquarum (Superintendent of Aqueducts)
Титуле : изм 52 и 57, Governor of Britain

ATTENTION RESEARCHERS. The identification of Aulus Didius Gallus as a candidate for the Historical Odin is based on new research cross referencing Roman Records with Scandinavian and Gaelic records. Much of it is based on understanding of naming conventions.

Eyludr Darradr as Aulus Didius Gawr

In the sagas Odin is referred to Eylúðr Darradr (meaning Quaking Eyes, a symptom of Anaridia called Nystigmus) and elsewhere as Audun Langbarðr (The Langobard indicating a connection to the eastern cult of the Nazarines). Again in the Gylfaginning, Skáldskaparmál, and Grímnismál, he is called "Þriði (Thridi or the Third) which corresponds to the Roman Tertio/Tertius or Gallic "Tres" Welsh Tirs/Tyrs (meaning The Third).

Based on the naming conventions, biographical details, geographic dispersion, and genealogies of the "sons of Odin" lead me to believe that the mythic Odin is actually a composite God whose nature reflects the combined histories and atributes of several historic men from the same Gens/Family. The male members of the family of Aulus [the Roman conquestedore] should be considered together as providing the most likely candidate for an historical Odin.

Aulus Audius and the fortification of Cardiff

"The town of Cardiff was originally founded by Aulus Oedius about A. D. 53, Audius was known to the Welsh as Didi Gawr. This town was for many years the seat of his successors. The Britons named the town for one Caeridi, the successor of Aulus. The town's name was corrupted over time into the Gaelic form Caerdydd, Caerdyf, and Cardiff. The Pronomen Caesius used by some of the later members of the Aula family is a the name of a color and was used to describe an individual with Blue/Green Eyes.The family/gens name of Aula, means I see (Aulus I am seeing). - Almoustine

The Diefication of a Warlord

The belief in Odin gradually worked to replace the more dominant worship of Tyr throughout the Germanic world shortly before the Crisis of the Third Century. The more advanced nature of Odin as a god of poetry, war, knowledge, and leadership in comparison with the previous belief in the very simple god of war and will (Tyr) implies that worship of Odin began to replace the earlier cult of Tyr only shortly before the Christianization of Germania. Odin is historically more so worshiped in Scandinavia than elsewhere although his worship was also observed in Germany and England as far as evidence is available today. The fact that the Asartro became largely institutionalized in Scandinavia is due to the effects of cultural isolation in the wake of Rome's collapse. While the Christianization of the early German kingdoms (Gothic, Saxon, and Frankish), occurred from the 5th century under Chlodwig to the 9th under Karl the Great (Charlemagne), it wasn't until the missionary efforts of Adam of Bremen and his fellows in 1050 that the conversion of the Scandinavian people was attempted in any sort of organized way.

That Odin is credited with having formulated the Runic alphabet, which appeared in inscriptions from the 2nd century onward, indicates that he was highly literate and probably civilized as well. There are many ancient wooden sculptures and statues of a one-eyed god in Germany, England, and Scandinavia that predate the advent of the Roman Republic, the mythological belief in a one-eyed, yet all-seeing god may or may not have been imported into the worship of the new historical chieftain Odin as an embodiment of this god of the sky. - James Mayfield, Chairman of the European Heritage Library)
1188/8 <95+96!> Victoria (Voadicia) Verch Prasutagus [Iceni]
Рођење: < 45, Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England)
Титуле : Princess of the Iceni
Свадба: <14> Gaius Marius [Britains] b. < 45
Шаблон:NeedsourcesThis person is not the same as Cartimandua who was her cousin by marriage.
1249/8 <101+9> Sallustius Lucullus ? (Marius, Catuvelani) [?]
Рођење: 45, Briton
Титуле : Proconsul of Hispania Baetica
Титуле : Governor of Roman Britain
Смрт: 89, Executed by Domitian

Sallustius gained the eponym Marius for his love and knowledge of marine life.

Lucius Lucullus was a student Pliny the Elder who wrote his Natural History (c. 77).
12110/8 <98+?> Rig-Karl Afisson (Heimdall, Alusson) [Aula]
The name Rig-Karl literally means "King's Steward or "Man".
12511/8 <103> Gordoli ap Dofyn [?]
12712/8 <108> Dubun map Brithguein ? [?]
12913/8 <110> Izazaya [Hilal Achmar Lineage-Solomon to Christ]
Ir. H. Hilal Achmar Lineage Study
13014/8 <109> Claudia [?]
13215/8 <112> ? (Aula) [?]
13316/8 <114> Shimri [?]
13417/8 <113> Princess of Kao-Fu [?]
13518/8 <99+?> ? (Possible Sister of Phrarotes IV) [?]
Possibly the sister of Person:342479