Theomantius ? (Tenantius (Tenevan), ap Lludd)

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Цело име (рођено) Theomantius ?
Друга презимена Tenantius (Tenevan), ap Lludd
Друга имена Tiberius

Lludd III ? (Lydus, Ludoc) [-]

? (Daughter of Belinus) [?]

Вики-страница wikipedia:Tasciovanus


Рођење једног детета: w Verica ? (Bericus) [?]

Рођење једног детета: Epaticcus Epillus (Secundus) [Cantiaci] d. 35

Рођење једног детета: Cunobelinus II ? (ap Tentanius, Kymbeline, Catuvelani) [?] d. < 45

изм -44 и -43 Титуле : Rex Britannia

изм -25 и -20 Други догађај: Calleva Atrebatum (Silchester), Rex Atrebates

8 _FA1: Rome, Exile


Шаблон:Needsources Шаблон:Controversial | Tincomarus

Strabo 1 4 The Britains paid no tribute to Augustus except what easie customs were levy d on the slight commodities wherewith they traded into Gallia. After Cunobelinus I, Tenantius the younger son of Lud was made king. For Androgeus the elder conceiving himself generally hated for siding with the Romans forsook his claim here and followed Cassar's fortune. Tenantius This king is recorded just and warlike. His son Kymbeline or Cunobeline the younger was brought up in the court of Augustus. With [Augustus] Tenantius held friendly correspondencies to the end from his capital at Camalodunum or Maldon (Numismatic confirmation).

Likewise, Tiberius the next Emperor, adhered to the policies of Augustus concerning the politics of Britain, and fought not the Britains. In return they did little to incite him, but rather sent home courteously the soldiers of Germanicus that by shipwreck had been cast on the Britain shore. However, Caligula his successor (a wild and dissolute tyrant), spurred on by Adminius the son of Cunobeline, passed the Alps with intent to rob and spoil the provinces of Britain. Adminius had been banished by his father Cunobeline prior.

Mabinogion - Foster Father of Pryderi


  1. -
  2. Harleian 3859 - "Caratauc map Cinbelin map Teuhant". This is the equivalent of "Caratacus, son of Cunobelinus, son of Tasciovanus"
  3. Philip de Jersey (1996), Celtic Coinage in Britain, Shire Archaeology; John Creighton (2000), Coins and power in Late Iron Age Britain, Cambridge University Press -
  4. Harleian Genealogies 16; The Heirs of Caratacus - Cunobelinus and his relatives in medieval Welsh genealogies -
  5. Geoffrey of Monmouth, Historia Regum Britanniae 3.20, 4.1-11 -

Од прародитеља до унучад

Julia Caesaris
Рођење: -83
Свадба: Pompeius Magnus Помпей
Смрт: август -54
Heli Belinus ? (ap Dunwallo)
Титуле : изм -56 и -55, Prince of Gaul
Lludd III ? (Lydus, Ludoc)
Титуле : -55, Co-Regent of Britain
Pilleatus (Beli) Yngvili (the Younger) (Beli Mawr)
Професија : Zalmodegikos (Priest of Zalmoxus)
Immanuentus (Manu) (Manan) Piliatus
Титуле : изм -55 и -54, King of England
Cassibelan I Commius
Рођење: < -54, Britain, Caesar's 2nd Expedition
Nennius (Nynniaw) ? (ap Beli [Heli])
Титуле : -55, Co-Regent of Britain
Cassibellanus (Caswallan)
Титуле : -55, Co-Regent of England
== 3 ==
Androgeus ? (Avarwy ap Lludd, Mandubracius)
Свадба: Andrivete
Титуле : изм -46 и -44, King of Britain
Theomantius ? (Tenantius (Tenevan), ap Lludd)
Титуле : изм -44 и -43, Rex Britannia
Други догађај: изм -25 и -20, Calleva Atrebatum (Silchester), Rex Atrebates
_FA1: 8, Rome, Exile
== 3 ==
Epaticcus Epillus (Secundus)
Други догађај: King of the Cantiacci
Смрт: 35
Claudia ? (Herculina, the Volterran)
Место становања : Volterra, Tuscany
Verica ? (Bericus)
Титуле : 15, King of the Atrebates, Fishbourne Roman Palace, Fishbourne
Boudicca (Budvuocj)
Титуле : Queen Of The Iceni
Свадба: Lucius Prasutagus Pankratiastus (Esuprastus, Esico)
Физички опис: Red Hair
_FA1: 51, Revolt against Rome
Смрт: 60
Lucius Prasutagus Pankratiastus (Esuprastus, Esico)
Рођење: 10
Свадба: Boudicca (Budvuocj)
Титуле : Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England), Dux Icenorum - Subrex
Смрт: < 59
Caracticus (Sandarcottas) Commius (Arivargus)
Рођење: < -25, Colchester (Essex)
Број брака: 43
Смрт: 74, Colchester (Essex), Camulodunum
Tiberius Claudius ? (Cogidubnus, Catuvelani)
Место становања : Fishbourne Palace
Професија : General of forces under Vespatian
Други догађај: изм 84 и 85, Governor of Britain-Pro Temps
Смрт: 87
Aulus Plautius (Pileatus) (Victor)
Рођење: -1
_FA1: Invasion of Brittania in Support of Bericus (Vericus)
Свадба: Lucia ? (Daughter of Cunobelinus)
_FA1: 24, Apulia, Suppression of the Slave Revolt
Титуле : 29, Suffect Consul of Pannonia
Титуле : изм 43 и 47, Governor of Britannia

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