Кінана Хузаймів син Кайдаров

Из пројекта Родовид

Рођени род Кайдарови
Пол мушки
Цело име (рођено) Кінана Хузаймів син Кайдаров

Khuzaimah bin Mudrikah ? (Adnan) [?]

Hind Binte Sa'ad bin Qays bin 'Ailaan [?] b. ~ 76



Рођење: Аравія

Рођење једног детета: Ан-Надр Кінанин син Кайдаров [Кайдарови]

Свадба: Barra Binte Murr bin Udd [?] b. ~ 109

изм -1862 и 240 Рођење једног детета: Ishaq [?] b. изм -1862 и 240

~ 240 Рођење једног детета: N.n. [?] b. ~ 240

~ 240 Рођење једног детета: 'Amr bin Kanaana [?] b. ~ 240

~ 240 Рођење једног детета: Malak'an bin Kanaana [?] b. ~ 240

~ 240 Рођење једног детета: 'Abde Manaat bin Kanaana [?] b. ~ 240

~ 240 Рођење једног детета: Hodâl bin Kanaana [?] b. ~ 240

Смрт: Аравія


Imaam Kanaana ibn Imaam Khuzaima - по https://www.geni.com/people/Imaam-Kanaana-Imaam-Khuzaima/6000000005246706642

см.также https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinana

Ir Hilal Achmar Lineage Study Mudhar or Mudar (Arabic مضر), is one of two major branches of the "North arabian" (Adnanite) tribes, the other branch being Rabi'ah.

Mudhar descended from Madher ibn ("son of") Nazar ibn Ma'ed ibn Adnan (fl. around 122 BC) ibn Add[citation needed] ibn Send[citation needed] ibn Napyot [1][citation needed] ibn Ishmael (fl. 19th century BC) [2][2][3] ibn Abraham [4][5][6][citation needed] ibn Azar [7][8][9] (Terah) ibn Nahoor [10] ibn Srooj [11] ibn Ra'o [12] ibn Phaleg [13] ibn Aber [14] ibn Shaleh [15][16][17] ibn Arpheckshad [18] ibn Sam [19] ibn Noah ibn Lamek [20] ibn Motoshaleh ibn Edres (Enoch) ibn Yared ibn Mehlaiel ibn Qenan ibn Anosh ibn Sheeth ibn Adam

Mudar Branches

Around the 1st century BC Mudhar sons Elias and Qais Ailan branched into two major branches. [edit] Elias bin Mudar branch

The Elias branch split into 3 major branches. [edit] Tamim bin Murra

The Banu Tamim spread in the land between Southern Mespotomia (Al-Basra) to the Center of the Arabian Peninsula, Jordan and Khuzestan in Iran. [edit] Hudhail bin Mudrika

The Bani Hudhail lived between Mecca and Medina. Banu Lihyan branched out of the Banu Hudhail [21]. [edit] Khuzaimah bin Mudrika

Branched to Asad bin Khuzaimah and Kinanah bin Khuzaimah [edit] Asad Bin Khuzaimah

Banu Asad lived in Hijaz, Nejd and Iraq. They established the town of Hilla in Iraq [edit] Kinanah Bin Khuzaimah

The Banu Kinanah branched into Quraish bin Fahr bin Malik bin An-Nadr bin Kinanah and Haram bin Malakan bin Kinanah and Shoaba from Bakr bin Abdumanat bin Kinanah .

Quraish branched out into various tribes, the most famous of whom were Jumah, Sahm, ‘Adi, Makhzum, Tayim, Zahra and the three septs of Qusai bin Kilab: ‘Abdud-Dar bin Qusai, Asad bin ‘Abdul ‘Uzza bin Qusai and ‘Abd Manaf bin Qusai. [edit] Qais Ailan bin Mudar branch

The Qias branched into three major branches: [edit] Banu Ghatafan

The Banu Ghatafan were the biggest of the three tribes and lived along with the other Qaisi tribes east of Mecca near Taif. Sometimes historians referred to all the Qais tribes as Ghatafan in the pre-Islamic times.

Banu Ghatafan branched into Abs, Mutaiyr, Zubyan, Ashja‘a and Ghani bin Asur. Qais settled Syria after the introduction of Islam. [edit] Banu Huwazin and Banu Sulaim

The Banu Huwazin and Banu Sulaim lived near Banu Ghatafan and converted to Islam after their defeat in the Battle of Hunayn. Settled Syria after Islam. [edit] Sources

   ^ Book of Genesis 25:12-16
   ^ a b Ishmael, Encyclopedia of the Qur'an
   ^ Azraqi, Akhbar Makkah, vol. 1, pp. 58-66
   ^ Abraham, Sarah and Hagar - James D. Brown
   ^ Genesis 16:1-6
   ^ Qur'an 2:127 to 136
   ^ Qur'an 6:74
   ^ Islamic view of Abraham
   ^ Qur'an 37:99–111
   ^ Luke 3:35
   ^ Book of Genesis11:20-23
   ^ Genesis 11:20
   ^ Genesis 10:25
   ^ Adamic language
   ^ Genesis 10:24
   ^ Genesis 11:12-13
   ^ Luke 3:36
   ^ Book of Genesis 10:22, 24; 11:10-13; 1 Chron. 1:17-18
   ^ Book of Jasher Chapter 7:15
   ^ Luke 3:37
   ^ Banu Hothail

[edit] References

   Almaqhafi, Awwad: Qabayl Wa Biton Al-Arab
   Almsaodi, Abdulaziz; Tarikh Qabayl Al-Arab
   History Ibn Khaldoun
   History Ibn al-Athir
   History Ibn Hisham
   History Al-Hamdani

Шаблон:Needs References


  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mudhar -

Од прародитеља до унучад

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Qama’ah ('Umayr) Bin Ilyaas
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Свадба: Qays ben 'Ailaan
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-- As
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Ghelan As
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== 3 ==
al-Haun bin Imaam Khuzaima
Рођење: ~ 241
== 3 ==
Рођење: ~ 240
Рођење: изм -1862 и 240
'Amr bin Kanaana
Рођење: ~ 240
Malak'an bin Kanaana
Рођење: ~ 240
'Abde Manaat bin Kanaana
Рођење: ~ 240
Hodâl bin Kanaana
Рођење: ~ 240
Harnil As
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Yakhlud bin Imaam an-Nazar
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Hazin As
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