Sunassura the Assyrian (Ashir, Asher)

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Lineage Aseraph
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Sunassura the Assyrian
Other last names Ashir, Asher

? (Sister of Puzur-Ashur III) [?]

Hamor ? (of Shechem) [?]



birth: Scytha (Northern Idumea)

child birth: Фамна [?]

child birth: Ura-Tarushu (Tayitetian) of Arzawa (Urhiteshub) [Arzawa]


religion: Cult of Potnia Theron (Phrygian Hera)

title: King of Edom

residence: Toris Cetnae

other: Great Seal of Phoenix

title: King of Assyria

-1521 ? -1497 other: contemporary of Burna-Buriash I

-1475 other: The Assyrians were annexed by the Hurrian Empire of Mitanni.

death: Scythia. The Uncle of Fenius was the King of Assyria. The King died without a male heir and the regency passed to his younger brother, the father of Fenius. Upon the death of his father Fenius and his elder son Nilus returned to Scythia where he assumed the throne


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  1. Lebor Gabála Érenn (11th C) -
  2. Amarna Letters -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Ashur-nirari I
birth: -1529 ? -1503
title: King of Assyria
Puzur-Asher III
title: -1503 ? -1479, King of Assyria
== 3 ==
Sunassura the Assyrian (Ashir, Asher)
birth: Scytha (Northern Idumea)
religion: Cult of Potnia Theron (Phrygian Hera)
title: King of Edom
residence: Toris Cetnae
other: Great Seal of Phoenix
title: King of Assyria
other: -1521 ? -1497, contemporary of Burna-Buriash I
other: -1475, The Assyrians were annexed by the Hurrian Empire of Mitanni.
death: Scythia. The Uncle of Fenius was the King of Assyria. The King died without a male heir and the regency passed to his younger brother, the father of Fenius. Upon the death of his father Fenius and his elder son Nilus returned to Scythia where he assumed the throne
== 3 ==
Amenmose (Ibarim) Pen-Nekhebet (Ahmose Si-Tayit, Ahmose Ben-Abana)
birth: Ur Kaśdim, (Founded in 1687 by Ur son of Kesed)
military service: Sodom, Edumea, Battle of Sodom
occupation: Egypt, Career Soldier / High Priest / Queen's Steward
residence: Zahi, Phoenicia, Commander of the Legions
residence: Naharin Hatti, Syria, Commander of the Legions
residence: Northern Imukehek, (Mekkah)
residence: Paddan-aram, Exile
nationality: Kashkan, Speaker of Palikur, Egyptian, Hattusi
title: King of Ebla
death: During the reign of Thutmoses III
death: -1450?, Alalakh, Hurria
religion: < -1430, Tyrwazi
religion: ~ -1425, Muasalim Devotee and Priest of El Elyon (Elohim/AlAllah)
burial: DB-320, Lower level of Machpelah (the double Tomb) of Khebron, (Hebrew sources say Hebron)
Alluwamna ? (Hittite - Middle Empire)
emigration: banished to Malitaškur by Telipinu
marriage: Harapseki ? (Ḫarapšeki)
title: -1500 ? -1490, Hittite King
Idrimi I ? (of Alakhtum)
birth: Sanliurfa (Urfa)
residence: Emar
residence: Sanliurfa (Urfa, Caldea)
title: Prince of Aleppo
other: -1500 ? -1470, In Exile
title: -1490 ? -1460, Alalakh, King of Alakhtum

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