Andrew L. Fulton (Foltin) b. 26 мај 1911 d. 3 мај 2006 - Цело породично стабло

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This tree contains: 4 families with 12 people in 3 lineages, 8 of these people are blood relatives; 0 families with 0 people are hidden.

== 2 ==
Mary Fulton (Cremean)
Смрт: <3 мај 2006
Matilda "Tillie/Tilly" Biros (Fulton)
Свадба: Andrew L. Fulton (Foltin) , Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, St. Stephen's Church
Место становања : 19 јун 1976, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA
Место становања : 24 април 1982, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA
Други догађај: 19 јун 1991, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, St. Stephens Church, Vocalist at funeral services of Daniel Thomas Biros (1929-1991).
Andrew L. Fulton (Foltin)
Рођење: 26 мај 1911, Columbus, Nebraska, USA
_MILT: Aleutian Islands., Served 2 1/2 years in the Army.
Мировање: City of Streator Parks Department, Streator, LaSalle County, Illinois, USA
Вера : St. Stephens Roman Catholic Church, Streator, LaSalle County, Illinois, USA, Member of.
Професија : City of Streator Parks Department, Streator, LaSalle County, Illinois, USA
Професија : Myers & Sherman Manufacturing, Streator, Illinois, USA
_MILT: 4 1/2 Years in the Army during World War II. Technician in the Artillery Division.
Професија : Clow Corporation, USA
Други догађај: Monsignor George A. Dzuryo Knights of Columbus Council 790 Third Degree, Streator, LaSalle County, Illinois, USA, Member of.
Професија : Anthony Company, Streator, Illinois, USA
Професија : Streator Furniture Factory, Streator, Illinois, USA, Worked as an inspector.
Вера : Light of Christ Prayer Group, Streator, LaSalle County, Illinois, USA, Member of.
Свадба: Matilda "Tillie/Tilly" Biros (Fulton) , Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, St. Stephen's Church
Други догађај: 2 јануар 1962, St. Stephens Church & Cemetery, Streator, LaSalle County, Illinois, USA, Pallbearer for Emil Pitte (?-1962).
Место становања : 19 јун 1976, Streator, Illinos, USA
Место становања : 23 април 1982, Streator, Illinois, USA
Смрт: 3 мај 2006, Heritage Manor Nursing Home, Streator, LaSalle County, Illinois, USA
Сахрана: 6 мај 2006, St. Stephen's Church, Streator, LaSalle County, Illinois, USA, Mass of Christian burial 10AM.
Сахрана: 6 мај 2006, Solon, Baker, & Telford Funeral Home, Streator, LaSalle County, Illinois, USA, Visitation 9AM to 9:45AM.
Сахрана: 6 мај 2006, St. Stephen's Cemetery, Streator, LaSalle County, Illinois, USA
Сахрана: 6 мај 2006, Services officiated by Rev. Eugene Radosevich.
Сахрана: 6 мај 2006, Pallbearers were Chris, Scott, Jeff, & Steve Fulton, and Dennis Derer and Jack Borowski.
== 2 ==
Mary Margaret ? (Fulton)
Свадба: James A. Fulton
Место становања : 3 мај 2006, Streator, Illinois, USA
Robert Michael Fulton
Смрт: <3 мај 2006