Nathan Brzak - Цело породично стабло

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This tree contains: 7 families with 19 people in 5 lineages, 8 of these people are blood relatives; 3 families with 3 people are hidden.

Jan Brzak
Рођење: 1839, Czechoslovakia, Austrian Empire
Свадба: Marie Prestonio (Brzak) , Based on birthdate of twin sons in 1874. The sons were born in Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Austro-Hungary.
Marie Prestonio (Brzak)
Рођење: Czechoslovakia, Austrian Empire
Свадба: Jan Brzak , Based on birthdate of twin sons in 1874. The sons were born in Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Austro-Hungary.
Frank Brzak
Рођење: 25 март 1874, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Austro-Hungary
Досељавање: 1904, Canada
Прихваћивање држављанства: 1910, Canada
Смрт: изм 1956 и 22 фебруар 1957, Eckville, Alberta, Canada
Josef Brzak
Рођење: 25 март 1874, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Austro-Hungary
Досељавање: 1909, Canada, There is a ship record for the ship named Lake Michigan which departed from Antwerp (Belgium), January 27 (or 24th), 1909 and landed in St. John, New Brunswick. According to the ship record there was a Josf Brzak onboard that could not write or read (English?), was possibly 31 years old, going to his brother, and his final destination was "Moving BC" (writing unclear). Josf Brzak was noted as a Labourer for his profession. Immigration arrival was stamped as February 13, 1909.
Свадба: Barbara Madra (Brzak)
Прихваћивање држављанства: 1913, Canada
Смрт: 5 јануар 1953, Eckville, Alberta, Canada
Сахрана: >5 јануар 1953, Condor (Alberta), Evergreen Union Cemetery, near Condor, Alberta, Canada
Barbara Madra (Brzak)
Рођење: 10 април 1884, Slaná, Czechoslovakia, Austro-Hungary
Свадба: Josef Brzak
Прихваћивање држављанства: 1913, Alberta, Canada
Смрт: 11 април 1963, Eckville, Alberta, Canada
Сахрана: >11 април 1963, Condor (Alberta), Gaetz Cemetery/Evergreen Union Cemetery, near Condor, Alberta, Canada
Josef Frank Brzak
Рођење: 18 август 1900, Mnichovo Hradiště, Czechoslovakia, Austro-Hungary, (official, but not known for certain)
Досељавање: 1909, Canada
Прихваћивање држављанства: 1913, Canada
Смрт: 6 јануар 1982, Alberta, Canada
Сахрана: >6 јануар 1982, Condor (Alberta), Evergreen Union Cemetery Condor (Rocky Mountain House Census Division, Alberta, Canada)
Charles Brzak
Рођење: 28 јануар 1925, Eckville, Alberta, Canada
Свадба: Margaret Jean Erving (Kaikenen, Brzak)
Смрт: 26 децембар 2007, Red Deer (Alberta), Canada
Margaret Jean Erving (Kaikenen, Brzak)
Рођење: 28 септембар 1924, Vancouver (British Columbia), Canada
Свадба: Walter Kaikenen
Свадба: Charles Brzak
Смрт: 11 јануар 2010, Red Deer (Alberta), Canada
Emily Brzak (Gordon)
Рођење: 1949, Alberta, Canada
Свадба: Gordon Hummel
Robert Brzak
Рођење: 1951, Alberta, Canada
Сахрана: децембар 2014, Alberta, Canada
Charles Junior Brzak
Рођење: 1947, Alberta, Canada
Смрт: ~ 2005, Red Deer (Alberta), Canada
David Brzak
Рођење: 1957, Alberta, Canada
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