Arve Einer Simons (Simonson) b. 30 новембар 1905 - Цело породично стабло

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This tree contains: 2 families with 10 people in 4 lineages, 3 of these people are blood relatives; 0 families with 0 people are hidden.

Jacob Anselm Staudinger (Jusola)
Рођење: 1 септембар 1893, South Dakota, United States of America, Savo area (between Hecla and Frederick)
Свадба: Maria Amanda Georgina Erickson (Simonson, Simons, Jusola) , Manyberries (Alberta), Canada
Смрт: 19 јул 1925, Brocket (North Dakota), United States of America, He died of polio
Maria Amanda Georgina Erickson (Simonson, Simons, Jusola)
Рођење: 26 фебруар 1886, Enterprise Township (Nelson County North Dakota), United States of America
Свадба: Samuel Abraham Simonson (Simons) , Brocket (North Dakota), United States of America
Свадба: Jacob Anselm Staudinger (Jusola) , Manyberries (Alberta), Canada
Смрт: 31 мај 1982, Sunnyvale (California), United States of America
Samuel Abraham Simonson (Simons)
Свадба: Maria Amanda Georgina Erickson (Simonson, Simons, Jusola) , Brocket (North Dakota), United States of America
Смрт: март 1913, Manyberries, Alberta, Canada, Three weeks after his son William's birth (February 19, 1913)
== 2 ==
Eddie Melvin Simons (Simonson)
Рођење: 24 децембар 1902
Ernest Wilhart Simons (Simonson)
Рођење: ~ 1904
Смрт: ~ 1904, Six months after his birth
? Simons (Simonson)
Рођење: 1907
Смрт: 1907, Died at birth
Roy Albert Simons (Simonson)
Рођење: 27 мај 1908
Смрт: октобар 1939
Violet Lyndella Simons (Simonson)
Рођење: 1910
Смрт: ~ 1910, She died at 5 months of age
William Simon Simons (Simonson)
Рођење: 19 фебруар 1913
Arve Einer Simons (Simonson)
Рођење: 30 новембар 1905
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