Alprida Feltham b. 19 септембар 1872 - Цело породично стабло
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This tree contains: 11 families with 32 people in 9 lineages, 15 of these people are blood relatives; 3 families with 2 people are hidden.
♂ Anthony Hunt
Свадба: ♀ Mary Browne (Hunt) , Greenspond, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, Bride from Fair Island; groom from Greenspond.
♂ James Tite
Рођење: ~ 1829
Крштење: 5 октобар 1830, Deer Island (Bonavista Bay Newfoundland and Labrador), Canada
Свадба: ♀ Theresa Feltham (Tite)
Крштење: 5 октобар 1830, Deer Island (Bonavista Bay Newfoundland and Labrador), Canada
Свадба: ♀ Theresa Feltham (Tite)
♂ James Pickett
Свадба: ♀ Selina Hunt (Pickett, Feltham) , Selina's first marriage. James dies before 1871, when she remarries William Feltham, a widower previously married to Hannah Wix.
♀ Hannah Wix
Смрт: < 1866, When husband remarries.
Свадба: ♂ William Feltham , Greenspond, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, Both residing on Deer Island.
Свадба: ♂ William Feltham , Greenspond, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, Both residing on Deer Island.
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♀ Sarah Jane Feltham (Taite)
Рођење: 10 новембар 1874, Deer Island (Bonavista Bay Newfoundland and Labrador), Canada
Свадба: ♂ Elias Taite
Крштење: 21 август 1875, Greenspond, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, Canada
Смрт: Newfoundland, Canada, Greens Island, Newfoundland, Canada
Свадба: ♂ Elias Taite
Крштење: 21 август 1875, Greenspond, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, Canada
Смрт: Newfoundland, Canada, Greens Island, Newfoundland, Canada
♂ Noah Feltham
Рођење: 13 мај 1876, Deer Island (Bonavista Bay Newfoundland and Labrador), Canada
Крштење: 9 октобар 1876, Greenspond, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, Canada
Крштење: 9 октобар 1876, Greenspond, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, Canada
♂ Job Feltham
Крштење: 1879, Greenspond, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, Canada
Рођење: 1 август 1879, Deer Island (Bonavista Bay Newfoundland and Labrador), Canada
Рођење: 1 август 1879, Deer Island (Bonavista Bay Newfoundland and Labrador), Canada
♂ Walter Feltham
Рођење: 3 септембар 1880, Deer Island (Bonavista Bay Newfoundland and Labrador), Canada
Крштење: 30 август 1881
Крштење: 30 август 1881
♂ James Feltham
Рођење: 31 децембар 1883, Deer Island (Bonavista Bay Newfoundland and Labrador), Canada
Крштење: 27 август 1884, Greenspond, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, Canada
Крштење: 27 август 1884, Greenspond, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, Canada
♀ Eliza Feltham
Рођење: 18 септембар 1886, Deer Island (Bonavista Bay Newfoundland and Labrador), Canada
Крштење: 28 октобар 1886, Greenspond, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, Canada
Крштење: 28 октобар 1886, Greenspond, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, Canada
♂ Caleb Feltham
Рођење: 8 август 1888, Deer Island (Bonavista Bay Newfoundland and Labrador), Canada
Крштење: 27 август 1888, Greenspond, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, Canada
Крштење: 27 август 1888, Greenspond, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, Canada
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