Фарнак I Эвергет Понтийский d. < -183 - Индекс потомака

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11/1 <?+?> w Фарнак I Эвергет Понтийский [Эвергеты Понтийские]
Рођење: Понтийское царство
Смрт: < -183, Понтийское царство


21/2 <1+?> Митридат V Фарнаков сын Эвергет Понтийский [Эвергеты Понтийские]
Смрт: -120, Понтийское царство


31/3 <2+?> Митридат VI Эвпатор Эвергет Понтийский [Эвергеты Понтийские]
Рођење: -134, Понтийское царство
Смрт: -63, Понтийское царство
62/3 <2+?> Митридат Хрест Добрый Благой Митридатов сын Эвергет Понтийский [Эвергеты Понтийские]
Смрт: изм -115 и -113
Митридат Хрест (Хрест означает Добрый, Благой), (вторая половина 2-го века до н. э., умер в 115 −113 году до н. э.) — понтийский принц и соправитель Понтийского царства.

Митридат был вторым сыном царя Понта Митридата V Эвергета и Лаодики VI. Родился и вырос в отцовских владениях.

Эвергет был убит в 120 году до н. э. на пиру, проводимом в столице его царства — городе Синоп. В своём завещании он передал государство жене и двум сыновьям — Митридату VI и Хресту, а так как они были ещё детьми, страной в качестве регента выступала Лаодика. Её фаворитом выступал младший сын.

Митридат VI бежал от своей матери, опасаясь за свою жизнь, и вернулся в Понт в период со 116 по 113 год до н. э. Провозгласив себя царём, он отправил Лаодику и Хреста в тюрьму. Мать умерла там от естественных причин, а младший брат — казнён за участие в заговоре против старшего брата. После их смерти Митридат VI устроил для них царские похороны.
43/3 <2+?> Laodice [?]
54/3 <2+?> Laodice ? (of Cappadocia) [?]


71/4 <3+4!> w Фарнак II Митридатов [Митридатовы]
Смрт: -47, Боспорское царство
82/4 <5+?> w Nysia ? (of Pontus) [?]
93/4 <3+?> Orsabaris [?]
It is hypothesis that Orsabaris is the older sister of Xiphares born before their parents were married.
104/4 <3+4!> Cleopatra ? (of Pontus) [Euergetes]
115/4 <3+?> w Xiphares [?]


141/5 <8+?> Socrates Crestos (Philopater) (of Bithynia) [Bithynia]
Смрт: -88
brother of Nicomedes IV and Nysia

Son of Nicomedes III of Bithynia and Nysia (of Pontus)

Raised at the Court of Ptolemy of Egypt

Contemporary of Julius Caesar

In numismatic record he is known alternately as Socrates Soter and Socrates Crestos
172/5 <10+?> Artavasdes II [Artaxiden]
Титуле : изм -55 и -34, König von Armenien
123/5 <7+?> Динамия [Митридатиды]
Рођење: < -47
Свадба: <1> Полемон I [Полемониды] b. -65проц d. -8
Смрт: -17
214/5 <9+14!> Memnon Nicomedes [?]
Смрт: -30
135/5 <9+14!> (Nysia) ? (Lady of Bithynia) [?]
156/5 <7> w Darius ? (of Pontus) [Euergetes]
167/5 <7> Arsaces ? (of Pontus) [Euergetes]
188/5 <8+?> Nysa [?]
199/5 <10+?> ? (Second Daughter of Tigranes of Armenia) [?]
2010/5 <10+?> Artaxias I Arshak (of Iberia) [?]
2211/5 <9+?> Orodaltis ? (of Comana) [?]


271/6 <13> Farbautius ? (Lucius Farbutus) [?]
Рођење: Parthia
Место становања : Indoparthia
Професија : Theraputae Physician
Место становања : India, Vaishali, Magadha
Место становања : Bithynia
312/6 <19+?> Ariobarzanes I ? (of Media Atropatene) [?]
Рођење: -85
Смрт: -56
243/6 <12+?> Тиберий Юлий Аспургий Асандров сын Вольтур [Вольтуры]
Рођење: Сидон, Тирское царство
Свадба: <2> Гепепирия Фракийская [Фракийские]
Смрт: 38
О кратковременном первом правлении Аспурга (10/11 - 13/14 гг.) известно очень мало. В 13 году н.э. Аспург, сын Асандра и Динамии посетил Рим, где император Август признал его царем Боспора и "другом римлян", что отражено в последующей чеканке его монет с именной монограммой.

Второе правление Аспурга открылось в 14 г. выпущенными статерами с именной монограммой. Золотые монеты чеканились практически ежегодно (пропуск приходится на 15/6 г.), их дополняли выпуски царской меди: семисы с тамгой Аспурга (ок. 14 - 15 гг.), додрансы и ассарии времен Тиберия (14 - 37 гг.) и Калигулы (37 - 38 гг.). При нем право чеканки получили городские общины Кесарии и Агриппии, выпустившие единственный раз за свою историю монеты номиналом 8 унций (додранс). Чеканка этих монет, производилась, вероятно, в первые годы второго правления Аспурга и отражала его либеральное отношение к греческим полисам.

Аспург был женат на фракиянке Гепепирии и имел сыновей Митридата и Котиса.

234/6 <13> Myram al-Eizariya ? (Bithynia, Cinna) [?]
Одсељавање: 42, to Gaul
Шаблон:Needsourcesdescendant of Ziaelas of Bithynia
255/6 <13> Gnaeus Al-Ziaelas (Lazarus) (al-Bithynia) [Cinna]
Одсељавање: 42, to Gaul
266/6 <17> ? (Princess of Artaxia) [?]
287/6 <17> w Tigranes III [Artaxiden]
298/6 <17> Artaxias II [?]
309/6 <12+?> Tiberius Julius Alexander [Volturi]


421/7 <31> Artavasdes I ? (of Media and Atropatene) [?]
Рођење: -65
372/7 <24+2> Tiberius Julius (Abdes Panthera) [Volturi]
Рођење: -22
_MILT: Cohorts I Sagittariorum
Смрт: > 40, Germany
(brother of Mithridates) Aside from a distant kinship to the family of Herod, and his son's name was Yeshua, it is highly unlikely that he was the father of Jesus Christ. This family was well known and documented in the first century.
333/7 <25> Lucetius (Lucius) Maximus ? (Liccavios, Liccavia) [?]
Рођење: 40
Место становања : Parthia
Место становања : Nepal
Одсељавање: 42, Gaul
344/7 <23> Marta de Betania [Succetus]
Одсељавање: 42, Galia
355/7 <24+2> w Tiberius Julius Cotys I [Volturi]
Смрт: > 63, Roman Emperor Nero disposed Cotys from his throne. His fate afterwards is unknown. The Bosporan Kingdom was a Roman Province from 63-68. In 68, the new Roman Emperor Galba had restored the Bosporan Kingdom to Tiberius Julius Rhescuporis I. Rhescuporis I
366/7 <24+2> w Tiberius Julius Mithridates [Volturi]
Смрт: 68
327/7 <27+?> Marcus Licinius Crassus Frugi [Licchavi]
Шаблон:NeedsourcesMarcus Licinius Crassus Frugi (flourished 1st century BC), also known as Marcus Licinius Crassus Dives was the adoptive son of consul Marcus Licinius Crassus Dives, the grandson of triumvir Marcus Licinius Crassus. Although this act is often attributed to his adoptive father, the defeat of the Thracian Bastarnae in Macedonia and the killing their King Deldo in single combat in 29 BC was likely the act of young Licinius.

Licinius is featured in the Swyddian sagas of Scandinavia, where he appears as Loki Jotunhemr, the antagonist of both the Asir and Vanyir. Jotunheimr is the Gothic-Swyddian term for Romans, further validating the identity of Licinius as Loki. The relative familiarity and tolerance with which Loki's exploits are tolerated may indicate that prior to his adoption itn the Licinius Crassus family, he was affilated with the Geatian nobility. That one of the main Allies of Licinius in the overthrow of the Bastarne was Rholes Burus of Waleski and it is possible he is affiliated with that family.

In the sagas Loki is more formally "reckoned among the Æsir", and called by some "the Æsir's calumniator", "originator of deceits", and "the disgrace of all gods and men". High says that Loki's alternative name is Lopt, that he is the son of the male jötunn Farbauti (A Roman), his mother is "Laufey or Nál (Origin Uncertain)", and his "brothers" are Helblindi (Reference to blindness [Anaridia]) and Býleistr (Lightning). High describes Loki as "pleasing and handsome" in appearance, malicious in character, "very capricious in behaviour", and as possessing "to a greater degree than others" learned cunning, and "tricks for every purpose", often getting the Æsir into trouble, and then getting them out of it with his trickery. Loki's wife is named Sigyn, and they have a son named "Nari or Narfi". Otherwise, Loki had three children with the female jötunn Angrboða from Jötunheimr; the wolf Fenrir, the serpent Jörmungandr, and the female being Hel. The gods realized that these three children were being raised in Jötunheimr, and expected trouble from them partially due to the nature of Angrboða, but worse yet Loki. In chapter 35, Gangleri comments that Loki produced a "pretty terrible"—yet important—family.

The term Jotunn was the term the Geats(Goths) used to refer to Romans.

Angrboda means "She who brings sad tidings" or "Bearer of Sadness."

Jormungandr may be a reference to Marcus Arelius the thrice great grandson of Loki whose empire in 180 circled the known world.

Links to the third branch of the family corresponding to the Fenris Wolf remains a mystery due likely to missing genealogical data.

The name Hel is a likely reference to (Helen) Maurenia the high priestess of Nehalennia. This goddess was the Goddess of Intervention and Refuge for Seafarers. The priestess of her cult was the great grandaughter of Loki.

Helblindi is likely a reference to the one of the sons of Rholes Burus whose nickname indicates the manifestation of the PAX6 genetic mutation that causes Anaridia.

The name Bylistr may refer either to Rholus Burus, Burubista, or Barzafarnes of Parthia, whose name and clan symbol was the lighting bolt.

It is certain that then name Laufey and Nal are Parthian names.
388/7 <24+2> Tiberius Julius Pistus ? (of Tiberius) [Volturi]
399/7 <28> Tiberius Julius Tigranes IV [Artaxiden]
4010/7 <28> Erato ? (of Armenia) [?]
4111/7 <30> Tiberius Julius Alexander ? (Ii) [Volturi]


471/8 <32+?> Licinia ? (Angrabothia) [Licchavi]
Место становања : Ecbatana, Parthia
Шаблон:NeedsourcesHer name is alleged to mean "She who brings news of sorrow."
462/8 <32+?> w Lucius Calpurnius Piso Licinianus [Licchavi]
Рођење: 15 јануар 38
Смрт: 69
443/8 <32+?> w Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (Nafi) [Licchavi]
Свадба: <3> w Claudia Antonia [Gens Claudia] b. 30 d. 66
Смрт: 47
434/8 <32+?> Marcus Licinius Crassus Frugi II [Licchavi]
Рођење: < 68
It is possible that the Midgard serpent purported to be the offspring of Loki and Angrboda (Licinius and Scribona) is a reference to the Roman Empire headed by their grandson Marcus Aurelius.
505/8 <33> Loucetios (Lucius) Succetus (Lugotorix) [Succetus]
Рођење: ~ 70
Grandson of Eresius the son of Piliste the Herodian

Succetus is the Latin rendering of Saketius (Greek) or Saket (Sanscrit) meaning Son of Heaven.

In Sanskrit, Saket (Sanskrit: साकेत) means Heaven, thus a place where God resides. Saketis means "resident of heaven."
496/8 <35+?> Tiberius Julius Rhescuporis I [Volturi]
Смрт: 90
Relative of Rescuporis II of Thracia (paternal uncle of his maternal grandfather)
457/8 <32+?> Marcus Licinius Crassus Scribonianus [Licchavi]
488/8 <39+40!> w Julia Tigranes [Tigranes]
519/8 <37+?> Judas Pantera ? (ben Stada, Halachmi) [?]
5210/8 <38> Tiberius Julius Justis ? (of Tiberius) [?]
5311/8 <38> ? (Sister of Justus of Tiberius) [?] 5412/8 <33> Maria Lucia ? (Liccavia) [?]
5513/8 <42+?> Darius II (Darios) ? (of Media) [?]