Istapariya - Индекс потомака

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11/1 Istapariya [Hittite - Early Empire]


21/2 <1> Ammuna [Hittite - Early Empire]
Смрт: < -1505
32/2 <1> (Laban) Paddatisu ? (of Kizzuwatna) [Hittite - Early Empire]


41/3 <3> (Laban) Pilliya ? (of Kizzuwatna) [?]
Свадба: <2> Daughter of Bethuel ? (Hittite - Dynasty 3, Sister of Rebecca) [?]
Други догађај: -1480, Treaty with Zidana II


51/4 <4+?+2> (Laban) Arnuwanda I ? (Hittite - Dynasty 3) [Hattusa]
Титуле : изм -1400 и -1385, King of Hattusa

During Arnuwanda's reign, many of the northern territories fell into Kaškan hands, [Nerik, Ḫuršama, Kaštama, Šeriša, Ḫimuwa, Taggašta, Kammama, Zalpuwa, Kapiruḫa, Ḫurna, Dankušna, Tapašawa, Tarukka, Ilaluḫa, Ziḫḫana, Šipidduwa, Wašḫaya, and Patalliya] and Arnuwanda was unable to recover them.

Treaty with the people of Išmirika

At this time the following lands were under Hittite Control:

  • Ahhiya = Achaea
  • Alasiya = Cyprus


61/5 <5+?> Тудхалия III [Hattusa]
Други догађај: Treaty of Wilusa - Ilios (Troy) :(Alakšandu of Wiluša)
Други догађај: изм -1385 и -1380, King of Hattusa
The Military Campaigns of Tudḫaliya and His Officers:
  • Kantuzzili against Arziya
  • Tudḫaliya against Šallapa
  • Tudḫaliya and Šuppiluliuma against Mt. Nanni
  • Šuppiluliuma against the Ḫayašans and Kaškans
  • Šuppiluliuma against Kaškans and their helpers
  • Tudḫaliya? in the Upper Land
The Kuruštama treaty with Egypt dates to this reign. In this treaty the Storm God takes citizens of Kuruštama (located in the Kaškan zone) and carries them to Egypt to become Egyptian citizens. Peace between Ḫatti and Egypt (Amenhotep II) is established for the first time.
72/5 <5+?> Satandu-Hepa ? (Šatandu-Ḫepa) [?]
83/5 <5+?> Zida [Habiru Confederation - Judah]
Say to the lord, the king of Egypt-(named: Mizri), my father: Thus Zi[t]a, the king's son, your son. May all go well with the lord, my father.

On an earlier embassy-(visit) of any of your messengers, they came to Hatti, and when they went back to you , then it was I–that sent greetings to you and had a present brought to you. ...

[...] Herewith [I send on] to you your messengers (coming) [from] Hatti, and I also send to my father my own messengers–along with your messengers, and I send as your greeting-gift a present of 16 men. I myself am desirous of gold. [M]y father, send me gold. Whatever you, the lord, my father, are desirous of, write me so I can send it to you." -EA 44,
94/5 <5+?> Ašmi-Šarruma ? (Zoram) [?]


101/6 <6> Суппилулиума I [Hattusa]
Титуле : изм -1370 и -1340, King of Aleppo
Титуле : изм -1344 и -1322, King of the Hittite
Upon the death of Akhenatun (Tutankhamen I) Suppiluliuma I sent his son Zannanza to marry Akhenatun's widow (who was also Akhenatun's daughter), He was murdered during the journey.

"When my father arrived in the land, (he found that) the Kaškan enemy who had come into the land Ḫatti had done much evil in the land. The Kaškan enemy who my father defeated in the land Ḫatti consisted of twelve tribes. The gods ran before my father. What(ever) (of) that Kaškan enemy - the tribal troops - he caught anywhere, he killed him. What (the enemy) held, my father took it away from him and gave it back to the Hittites." - Deeds of Šuppiluliuma, as told by his son, Muršili II, KBo 14.3 iii 12'-21'

Establishment of the 12 Tribes of Kashka.
112/6 <6+?> w Тудхалия IV [?]
123/6 <8> Taemwadjsy [Habiru Confederation - Judah]
Daughter or niece of Person:79559
134/6 <8> Hatupiyanza [?]


161/7 <10+?> Sarrikusuh ? (Sarri-Kusuh) [?]
Место становања : Carchemish, Syria
152/7 <10> w Arnuwanda II [Hattusa]
Титуле : изм -1322 и -1321
143/7 <10+?> Mursili II ? (the Hittite) [Hattusa]
Други догађај: изм -1321 и -1295, King of Hittite
Шаблон:NeedsourcesContemporary of Egalpap of Arzawa, and Horemheb of Egypt
174/7 <10+?> Muwatti ? (of Hattusa) [Hattusa] 185/7 <10+?> w Setishuta ? (Seti , Shuta) [?]


201/8 <14+?> Muwatalli II [Hattusa]
Рођење: Hattusa
Рођење: Kadeshi Succession, Seti I effectively ceded Kadesh to the Hittites
_FA1: Treaty of Willusa (Troy), A copy of a treaty has been recovered between him and Alaksandu, ruler of Wilusa (Troy), one of the Arzawa lands.
Титуле : изм -1295 и -1272, King of Arzawa
Други догађај: -1274, Battle of Kadesh, Defeated Rameses II
Смрт: Tarhuntassa
192/8 <14+?> Hattusili III The Hittite (Hezron) [Hattusa]
Рођење: Devote of Ishtar
Титуле : Priest of Sausga of Samuha (Sabazeus)
Место становања : Egypt
Титуле : изм -1267 и -1237, King of Hattusa - deposed
Други догађај: -1258, Peace treaty with Egypt, a copy of which is at the U.N.
213/8 <14+?> Massanauzzi (Manassah) ? (Matanaza) [?]
224/8 <14+?> Halpasulupi [?]