Albert Adisony Prince Akihiko - Индекс потомака

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11/1 <?+?> Albert Adisony Prince Akihiko [?]
Akihiko. Born on 17 August 1997, at 1st Class Room (Deluxe), Pertamina Central Hospital, Central Jakarta. Blood type: AB. Height: 167 cm.


Akihiko. Lahir di tanggal 17 Agustus 1997, di Ruang Kelas Pertama (Deluxe), Rumah Sakit Pertamina Pusat, Jakarta Pusat. Golongan darah: AB. Tinggi: 167 cm.

Prince (Raden) Akihiko is son of Prince (Raden) Albertus Herry Budi and paternal grandson of Colonel Purnawirawan Prince (Raden) "Agustinus" Sony Soemarsono.


Pangeran (Raden) Akihiko adalah anak dari Pangeran (Raden) Albertus Herry Budi dan cucu pihak ayah dari Kolonel Purnawirawan Pangeran (Raden) "Agustinus" Sony Soemarsono.

Akihiko took private classical piano teaching at his house since September 2023.


Akihiko mengambil kelas private piano klasik di rumahnya sejak September 2023.

Akihiko has a mental millness (Asperger) because of past traumatic experience especially bullying and have gone through psychologist and psychiatrist for recovering.


Akihiko mempunyai penyakit mental (Asperger) karena pengalaman traumatis masa lalu seperti bullying dan telah melalui psikolog dan psikiater untuk penyembuhan.

IQ Akihiko: Approx 118-130.