Ursula (Bera) Beranger - Индекс потомака

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11/1 Ursula (Bera) Beranger [Berenger]
My research is leading me to believe that Bera was mostly likely Ursula a Jutish woman with ties to the Continental Berenger clan. This may change as I am not 100% certain. However I am going to list her as a Berenger while I continue to investigate the links.


21/2 <1+?> Hugleik Alfsson [Yngling]


31/3 <2> Frode Hugeletsson [Yngling]


41/4 <3> Dan Frodesson [Yngling]
52/4 <3> Halbadaniz ? (Halfdan son of Frode) [Yngling]


61/5 <5> Hroedgar Halvdansson [Yngling]
Рођење: 550
Свадба: <1> w Yrsa ? (Helgesdotter) [?] b. 550 d. 575
Свадба: <2> w Wealhþeow [Wulfing]
Смрт: 575
72/5 <4> Freidleif Dansson (Snare) [Yngling]


81/6 <7> Frode Friedliefsson [Yngling]
92/6 <6+1> Hrodulf Hroedgardsson [Yngling]
103/6 <6+1> Skulda Hroedgarsdotter (Scylding) [Yngling] 114/6 <6+2> Hedric Hroedgarsson [Yngling]
125/6 <6+2> Hrodmund Hroedgarsson [Yngling]
136/6 <7> Gunvor Fridleifsdotter [Yngling]
147/6 <7> Fridleifsson [Yngling]


151/7 <10+3> Heremudsdotter ? (Geatia, Gothland) [?]
162/7 <8+?> Friedlief Frodesson [Yngling]
173/7 <8> Halvdan Frodesson [Yngling]
184/7 <14> Odde (Auda) (Fridleif's Granddaughter) [Yngling]


191/8 <16> Olof Friedleifsson [Yngling]