George Goulding d. < март 1951

Из пројекта Родовид

Рођени род Goulding
Пол мушки
Цело име (рођено) George Goulding

Mary Shirtcliffe (Goulding) [Shirtcliffe] b. 24 септембар 1839 d. 25 март 1915

William Goulding [Goulding] b. 1838 d. 1930



27 март 1915 Други догађај: Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, Listed as informant on death certificate of Mary Shirtcliffe (Goulding).

< март 1951 Смрт:


Prominent in the early history of Streator, LaSalle County, Illinois, USA.


  1. Mary Goulding. - Death Certificate. Register No. 12846. 26 May 1915. LaSalle County, Illinois, USA.
  2. Mrs. John Dunn Dies In West. - Streator Daily Times-Press. March 1951. Streator, LaSalle County, Illinois, USA.

Од прародитеља до унучад

Mary Shirtcliffe (Goulding)
Рођење: 24 септембар 1839, England
Досељавање: 30 април 1878, New York City, USA., Came from Liverpool, England on the S.S. England.
Свадба: William Goulding , England
Досељавање: ~ 1907, Illinois, USA., Came to Illinois per Death Certificate.
Смрт: 25 март 1915, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA., 8:10AM of Pneumonia of approximately 9 days duration. George Goulding listed as informant on Death Certificate.
Професија : 25 март 1915, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA., Housewife.
Сахрана: 27 март 1915, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA., Riverview Cemetery, 2:00PM.
William Goulding
Рођење: 1838, England
Други догађај: Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA., Member of Odd Fellows.
Досељавање: 30 април 1878, New York City, USA., Came from Liverpool, England on the S.S. England.
Свадба: Mary Shirtcliffe (Goulding) , England
Смрт: 1930, Sullivan, Missouri, USA., At his home. Monday.
Место становања : 1930, Sullivan, Missouri, USA.
Место становања : < 1930, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA., Former resident.
Сахрана: 1930, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA., Riverview Cemetery, Thursday.
Сахрана: 1930, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA., Solon Mortuary, 2:00PM funeral services held. Thursday. Officiated by Rev. M. C. Baker, former pastor of Primitive Methodist Church, Streator.
== 3 ==
Sarah Ann Goulding (Dunn)
Рођење: 9 октобар 1865, Yorkshire (England)
Место становања : Pasadena (California), USA.
Досељавање: 1881, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, Came from England directly to Streator. Did not come with parents. They came in 1878.
Други догађај: John Dunn , LaSalle County (Illinois), USA., Marriage license issued.
Свадба: John Dunn , Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA., Presbyterian Church, Officiated by Rev. W. H. Penhallegan. Witnessed by Thomas English & Maggie English.
Други догађај: John Dunn , LaSalle County (Illinois), USA., Marriage license filed.
Место становања : 1924, California, USA., Moved from Streator to California.
Смрт: ~ март 1951, Atascadero (California), USA., 3:40PM At her home.
Место становања : < март 1951, Atascadero (California), USA.
Сахрана: март 1951, Atascadero (California), USA., Funeral services and burial held.
Elizabeth Goulding (Strauser)
Свадба: ? Strauser
Место становања : март 1951, Sullivan, Missouri, USA.
Albert Goulding
Рођење: ~1 новембар 1877, England
Досељавање: 30 април 1878, New York City, USA., Came from Liverpool, England on S.S. England with parents at age of 6 months.
George Goulding
Други догађај: 27 март 1915, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, Listed as informant on death certificate of Mary Shirtcliffe (Goulding).
Смрт: < март 1951
== 3 ==

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