Joel Boozer b. 1815 d. 14 новембар 1817
Из пројекта Родовид
Рођени род | Büser |
Пол | мушки |
Цело име (рођено) | Joel Boozer |
♂ David Boozer [Büser] b. 29 новембар 1786 d. 27 август 1849 ♀ Catherine Rawl [Rawl] b. 1 мај 1792 d. 10 децембар 1857 |
1815 Рођење: Lexington County, South Carolina, United States
14 новембар 1817 Смрт: Lexington County, South Carolina, United States
Од прародитеља до унучад
♂ Heinrich Boozer (Büser)
Рођење: 1756, Saxe Gotha Township, Province of South Carolina, British America
Свадба: ♀ Elizabeth Senn , Saxe Gotha Township, Lexington County (South Carolina), United States
Смрт: 2 март 1837, Newberry County (South Carolina), United States
Свадба: ♀ Elizabeth Senn , Saxe Gotha Township, Lexington County (South Carolina), United States
Смрт: 2 март 1837, Newberry County (South Carolina), United States
♂ John Ulrich Boozer (Busser, Pooser, Pusser)
Рођење: ~ 1751, Saxe Gotha Township, Province of South Carolina, British America
Смрт: > 1780
Смрт: > 1780
♂ Fredrich Boozer
Рођење: 1753, Saxe Gotha Township, Province of South Carolina, British America
Смрт: 10 април 1816, Newberry County (South Carolina), United States
Смрт: 10 април 1816, Newberry County (South Carolina), United States
♂ Christian Boozer
Рођење: 1754, Saxe Gotha Township, Province of South Carolina, British America
Други догађај: 1783, Presumed to have fled abroad, due to Loyalist connections during the Revolution
Други догађај: 1783, Presumed to have fled abroad, due to Loyalist connections during the Revolution
♂ Rudolph Boozer
Рођење: ~ 1757, Saxe Gotha Township, Province of South Carolina, British America
Смрт: изм 1780 и 1783, Presumed killed in action against Revolutionary forces
Смрт: изм 1780 и 1783, Presumed killed in action against Revolutionary forces
♂ Casper Boozer
Рођење: ~ 1759
Смрт: изм 1780 и 1783, Presumed killed in action against Revolutionary forces
Смрт: изм 1780 и 1783, Presumed killed in action against Revolutionary forces
♂ Georg Busser
Рођење: 1748, Saxe Gotha Township, Province of South Carolina, British America
Свадба: ♀ Margaret Kuhn , Saxe Gotha Township, Province of South Carolina, British America
Смрт: 1780, Saxe Gotha Township, Province of South Carolina, British America
Свадба: ♀ Margaret Kuhn , Saxe Gotha Township, Province of South Carolina, British America
Смрт: 1780, Saxe Gotha Township, Province of South Carolina, British America
♀ Catherine Busser
Рођење: 1750, Saxe Gotha Township, Province of South Carolina, British America
Смрт: > 1800, Newberry County (South Carolina), United States
Смрт: > 1800, Newberry County (South Carolina), United States
♂ Jacob Boozer
Рођење: 1784, Lexington County, South Carolina, United States
Свадба: ♀ Catharine Drafts , Lexington County, South Carolina, United States
Смрт: новембар 1817, Lexington County, South Carolina, United States
Свадба: ♀ Catharine Drafts , Lexington County, South Carolina, United States
Смрт: новембар 1817, Lexington County, South Carolina, United States
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♂ Jacob Hilliard Boozer
Рођење: 28 април 1814, Lexington County (South Carolina), United States
Смрт: 2 април 1898, Prosperity (South Carolina), Newberry County (South Carolina), United States
Смрт: 2 април 1898, Prosperity (South Carolina), Newberry County (South Carolina), United States
♀ Nancy D. Boozer
Рођење: 21 септембар 1817, Lexington County, South Carolina, United States
Смрт: 21 септембар 1883, Lexington County, South Carolina, United States
Смрт: 21 септембар 1883, Lexington County, South Carolina, United States
♂ Samuel Wesley Boozer
Рођење: 20 август 1820, Lexington County, South Carolina, United States
Рођење: 23 април 1874, Lexington County, South Carolina, United States
_MILT: Private, Company K, 13th South Carolina Infantry, CSA
Рођење: 23 април 1874, Lexington County, South Carolina, United States
_MILT: Private, Company K, 13th South Carolina Infantry, CSA
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