Anletta (Arletta) (Alice) (Olith) nicMalcolm

Из пројекта Родовид

Рођени род MacAlpin
Пол женски
Цело име (рођено) Anletta (Arletta) (Alice) (Olith) nicMalcolm
Друга имена Alice - Christian Name, Olith - Gaelic Spelling of Alice

Малькольм II [Макальпины] b. 950проц d. 25 новембар 1034



999 Рођење једног детета: Orkney Islands, Scotland, Thorfinn Sigurdsson [Regenwald] b. 999 d. 1064


  1. "The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland" HRH Prince Michael ofAlbany, 2000. Element Books Ltd.. Shaftesbury, Dorset & Boston p .20 - Wife shown as Olith
  2. Genealogy of King William the Lyon, 1175 - "Betoch filii Malcolmi" as parent of "Malcolmi filii Dunecani"
  3. Chronicle of the Scots and Picts dated 1177 - Cran (Crynyne Abthane of Dul and Steward of the Isles) Abbatis de Dunkelden et Bethok (Beatrice) filia Malcolm mac Kynnet
  4. Holinshed's 1577 Chronicle of Scotland - "Doada second daughter of Malcolm II King of Scotland married "Sinell the thane of Glammis, by whom she had issue one Makbeth"
  5. Orkneyinga Saga - Orkneyinga Saga records that “Earl Sigurd” married “the daughter of Malcolm King of Scots”. Snorre records the marriage of "Sigurd the Thick" and "a daughter of the Scottish king Malcolm"
  6. Ulster journal of archaeology, Volume 6 By Ulster Archaeological Society - (Alice) wife of Sygurt and daughter of Malcolm II
  7. The American historical magazine, Volume 2 By Publishing Society of New York, Americana Society pg 529 - Olith or Alice.

Од прародитеља до унучад

Dubhne (Duff) MacMaelcoluim (de Albany)
Титуле : Duke of Albany
Смрт: 967
Kenneth II MacMailcoluim
Рођење: 935проц, Iona (Scotland), Argyllshire, Scotland
Смрт: ~ 995, Iona (Scotland), Argyllshire, Scotland
Сахрана: Iona Abbey
Малькольм II
Рођење: 950проц
Титуле : од 25 март 1005, король Шотландии
Смрт: 25 новембар 1034, Гламис
Сахрана: Айона
== 3 ==
Беток Шотландская
Рођење: 975проц
Sigurd Hlodvinsson
Титуле : Earl of Orkney
== 3 ==
Thorfinn Sigurdsson
Рођење: 999, Orkney Islands, Scotland
Смрт: 1064, Orkney Islands, Scotland
Ragnhilde Haakansdatter (Haakonsdatter, Haakonsdottir Or Hakonsdottir)
Рођење: изм и, ,
Рођење: ~ 962, Orkney Islands, Scotland
Свадба: Paul Thorfinnsson (of Orkney)
Paul Thorfinnsson (of Orkney)
Рођење: ~ 1045, Orkney Islands, Scotland
Рођење: ~ 1055
Свадба: Ragnhilde Haakansdatter (Haakonsdatter, Haakonsdottir Or Hakonsdottir)
Смрт: 1099
Смрт: ~ 1103, Bergen, Norway

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