Amos Wormwood b. 11 јун d. 18 фебруар 1809

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Рођени род Wormwood
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Цело име (рођено) Amos Wormwood

John I Wormwood [Wormwood] b. 1722 d. 18 мај 1784

Bethiah Rankin [Rankin] b. 18 мај 1723 d. октобар 1800

Reference numbers GEDCOM::gam3.ged::INDI @I528019772@::Gam3


11 јун Рођење: Wells, Maine, USA, e 1758

30 август 1781 Свадба: Maine, USA, Lydia Storer [Storer] b. април 1763 d. 7 октобар 1841

27 октобар 1782 Рођење једног детета: Alfred, Maine, USA, Samuel Wormwood [Wormwood] b. 27 октобар 1782 d. ~ 1865

18 фебруар 1809 Смрт: Alfred, Maine, USA


In the name of God, Amen; I Amos Wormwood of Alfred in the county of York, husbandman, being aged and infirm do under an apprehension of my family and mortality committ my spirit to the Mercy of God, thro' Jesus the Mediator and my bodyinto the hands of my Execurtrix hereafter named,to be by her decently interred, in full belief of the resurrection there of by the mighty power of God; and being of a sound disposing mind dispose of the temporal estate wherewith the Lord has blessed me as follows, viz: My Will is, that all my just and honest debts and funeral charges be paid by my Executrix. I give to my son, Samuel Wormwood two dollars over and above what I have already given him. I give to my sonDaniel Wormwood an equal proportion of the fifteen acreCedar swamp together with my two youngest sons William and Ezekiel, said Swamp is in the town of Sanford, in said county. I give to my eldest daughter, Priscilla Wormwood twenty-five dollars which is to be paid after my youngest daughter Huldah comes to the age ofeighteen years, and not before. I give to my daughters Lydia, Polly, Nancy & Huldah twenty-five dollarseach, to be paid out of my estate when my youngest daughter Huldah becomes of age. I further will, that my daughters Priscilla, Lydia, Polly, Nancy and Huldah shall have the privilage of living in the house which I now live in until they are married and to be considered their homeas at the time of my signing this will. I further will and bequeath all my real and personal estate of what ever or nature unto my two sons Willam & Ezekielexecpt what is mentioned in the former part of this will. I further will untomy beloved wife Lydia, all the produce of my estate real or personal with all the farming utensils and stock of cattle whichI now have, to be at her disposalso long as she shall remain my widow,and said previledges as mentioned aboveare to be for the support of mychildren, together with their mother, to wit William, Nancy, Ezekeil and Huldah. I further will and appoint my beloved wife Lydia Executrix to my Estate. In testimony where of I have hereunto set my handand seal this eleventh day of February in the year of our Lord; one thousand eight hundred and nine.

Amos Wormwood


  1. Import from Conn-Nectons & Cousins -

Од прародитеља до унучад

Thomas Wormwood
Рођење: 1684, York, Maine
Свадба: Jane Cole , York, Maine, USA
Andrew Rankin
Рођење: 12 јун, Kittery, ME, e 1693
Свадба: Bethiah Spencer , York, Maine
Смрт: 1726, York, Maine
Bethiah Spencer
Рођење: 1695, York, Maine
Рођење: 1695, York, Maine
Свадба: Andrew Rankin , York, Maine
John I Wormwood
Рођење: 1722, Wells, Maine, USA
Свадба: Bethiah Rankin , York Co., Maine
Смрт: 18 мај 1784, Maine, USA
Bethiah Rankin
Рођење: 18 мај 1723, York, Maine
Свадба: John I Wormwood , York Co., Maine
Смрт: октобар 1800, Alfred, ME
== 3 ==
Lydia Storer
Рођење: април 1763, Wells, Maine, USA
Свадба: Amos Wormwood , Maine, USA
Смрт: 7 октобар 1841, Alfred, Maine, USA, 78 years old
Amos Wormwood
Рођење: 11 јун, Wells, Maine, USA, e 1758
Свадба: Lydia Storer , Maine, USA
Смрт: 18 фебруар 1809, Alfred, Maine, USA
== 3 ==
Sally Sarah Patterson
Рођење: 15 фебруар 1780, Saco, Maine, USA
Свадба: Samuel Wormwood , Alfred, Maine, USA
Смрт: април 1817, Woodstock, New Brunswick, Canada, 37 years old
Samuel Wormwood
Рођење: 27 октобар 1782, Alfred, Maine, USA
Свадба: Sally Sarah Patterson , Alfred, Maine, USA
Смрт: ~ 1865, prob. in Crawford, Maine, USA
Amos Putnam
Рођење: октобар 1794, New Salem (Massachusetts)
Свадба: Christiana Jane Wormwood , Houlton (Maine), USA
Смрт: 29 децембар 1849, Houlton (Maine), USA
Christiana Jane Wormwood
Рођење: 24 март 1804, Alfred, Maine, USA
Вера : tarian
Други догађај: 11 новембар 1818, Houlton, Maine, USA, MARL
Свадба: Amos Putnam , Houlton (Maine), USA
Професија : 1880, Houlton, Aroostook, Maine, USA, farmer
Смрт: 14 септембар 1894, Houlton, Maine, USA, 90 years old

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