Niul (Nur-ili) Nemnach

Из пројекта Родовид

Рођени род Aseraph
Пол мушки
Цело име (рођено) Niul (Nur-ili) Nemnach
Друга имена Neolus, Heolaus, Nel, Ixion of Lapitha (Greek), Nahath (Hebrew), Enlil, Nur-ili (Hittite)

w Enlil-Nasir I ? (Lipit-Enlil) [Aseraph]

Вики-страница wikipedia:Neferneferuaten


Рођење: Babylon

> -1475 Рођење: Vassal of Mitanni

Рођење једног детета: Cassiopeia Ethiope (Sakotia Iopeia) [Ponti]

Рођење једног детета: w Ashur-shaduni (Cepheus) [Aseraph]

изм -1466 и -1454 Титуле : King of Assyria


Prince of SCYTHIA; favorite of Pharaoh (Cinqueris or Ankhkheperure) Summoned to Egypt as a language teacher to the royal court.

Some suggest the fact that a man named Smenkhkare appears in the public record about the same time that Nefertiti disappeared, but was still portrayed as having performed the rites reserved for the heir to the throne at Akhenaten's funeral, indicates that Smenkhkare and Nefertiti were the same person. However, the body of the KV55 Amarna king has been consistently proven to be that of a young male who was between eighteen to twenty-two years old when he died; this ruler here can only be the Smenkhkare who is attested as king in the tomb of Meryre II alongside his Queen Meritaten.

Relationship to Ixion of Lapethus

Ixion as related int he Greek mythologies is an amalgamated hero comprised in part of the historical Ashur-nadin-ahhe and an earlier hero/king of the same name. As such the stories of Ixion should be examined carefully against records of historical persons in the regions mentioned. Some of the children of Ashur-Nadin-Adhe may be conflated with the children of the earlier Ixius.


  1. -

Од прародитеља до унучад

Puzur-Asher III
Титуле : изм -1503 и -1479, King of Assyria
Enlil-Nasir I ? (Lipit-Enlil)
Титуле : изм -1479 и -1466, King of Assyria
== 3 ==
Ashur-rabi I Easru Aseraph
Рођење: Egypt
Место становања : Philistia
Место становања : Assyria
Титуле : изм -1453 и -1435, King of Assyria
Niul (Nur-ili) Nemnach
Рођење: Babylon
Рођење: > -1475, Vassal of Mitanni
Титуле : изм -1466 и -1454, King of Assyria
== 3 ==
Cassiopeia Ethiope (Sakotia Iopeia)
Титуле : Socotra, Queen of Ethiopia (Eritrea)
Место становања : Socotra
Ashur-shaduni (Cepheus)
Титуле : King of Ethiopia
Место становања : Socotra
_FA1: Nephew of [[Person:32450]]
Титуле : -1454, Prince of Assyria

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