Ted Kandoll

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Рођени род Kandoll
Пол мушки
Цело име (рођено) Ted Kandoll


Рођење једног детета: Louise Kandoll (Johnson) [Kandoll]

Рођење једног детета: Beth Kandoll (Johnson) [Kandoll]

Рођење једног детета: Ruth Kandoll (Waineo) [Kandoll]

Рођење једног детета: Leah Kandoll (West) [Kandoll]

Рођење једног детета: Kristina Kandoll (Perez) [Kandoll]

Рођење једног детета: Karen Kandoll (Kern) [Kandoll]

Рођење једног детета: Joy Kandoll (Fraki) [Kandoll]

Рођење једног детета: Eva Kandoll (Niemela) [Kandoll]

Рођење једног детета: Rhoda Kandoll [Kandoll]

Рођење једног детета: Roy Kandoll [Kandoll]

Рођење једног детета: Sam Kandoll [Kandoll]

Рођење једног детета: Dan Kandoll [Kandoll]

Рођење једног детета: Tim Kandoll [Kandoll]

Рођење једног детета: Ben Kandoll [Kandoll]

Рођење једног детета: Martha Kandoll (Wagner) [Kandoll]

Свадба: Mary Irene Matson (Kandoll) [Matson] b. 17 март 1932 d. 17 август 2007

21 децембар 1955 Рођење једног детета: Anna Kandoll (Hermary) [Kandoll] b. 21 децембар 1955


In July of 2002, Columbia Land Trust acquired 163 acres of land along the lower Grays River from the Kandoll family. In the inter-tidal portion of the Grays River, the property’s extensive on-site wetlands provide an opportunity to restore significant backwater native spruce habitat and natural wetlands to the river and Columbia River estuary. The backwater Spruce wetlands native to the Grays River have been identified by several natural resource agencies and biologists as one of the most important habitats for salmon recovery in the Columbia Basin. It is integral to restoring estuary function. Of all habitat types in the lower Columbia River, the spruce wetland community is the habitat type that has experienced the greatest decline since European settlement. This project received one of the highest rankings by the Salmon Recovery Funding Board which has provided a grant for the purchase and restoration of this property. Funding for habitat restoration has also been provided through the North American Wetlands Conservation Act.

Ted Kandoll and his wife Mary lived on the property, which they owned along with Ted’s brother John. Ted and Mary, both in their seventies, had been leasing the land to a neighbor for pasturing and hay, but finally decided that it was time to sell. In the family since the turn of the last century, the property served as the primary source of the couple’s wealth. The couple was able to take a long awaited trip to Northern California after closing the sale; it has long been a wish of Ted’s to see the Redwoods. “But it’s hard to let go of the land,” said Mary, “we raised our family (16 children) here. There is definitely a bittersweet quality to moving on.” - TRUST TALK Volume 9, Issue 3, Fall 2002

Од прародитеља до унучад

== 1 ==
Mary Irene Matson (Kandoll)
Рођење: 17 март 1932, Battle Ground (Washington), United States of America
Свадба: Ted Kandoll
Смрт: 17 август 2007, Astoria (Oregon), United States of America
== 1 ==
Peter Hermary
Рођење: 16 јул 1952
Anna Kandoll (Hermary)
Рођење: 21 децембар 1955
Kristina Hermary (Gagnon)
Рођење: 20 март 1991
Kirk Hermary
Рођење: 25 септембар 1984

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