Ba-en-re Mery-netjeru (Merneptah)

Из пројекта Родовид

Рођени род 19th Dynasty
Пол мушки
Цело име (рођено) Ba-en-re Mery-netjeru (Merneptah)
Друга имена The Soul of Ra, Beloved of the Gods

Nefertari B [Rameside] b. ~ -1290 d. ~ -1255

Isetnofret [?]

Вики-страница wikipedia:Merenptah


Рођење једног детета: Tia'a [19th Dynasty]

Рођење једног детета: Userkheperure Setepenre Seti II [19th Dynasty]

Рођење једног детета: Twosret (Thuoris) ? (Sitre Meryamun) [19th Dynasty]

Рођење једног детета: Tiy-merenese [19th Dynasty]

изм -1213 и 2 мај -1203 Титуле :


Merneptah had to carry out several military campaigns during his reign, in year 5 he fought against the Libyans, who—with the assistance of the Sea Peoples—were threatening Egypt from the West. Merneptah led a victorious six-hour battle year against a combined Libyan and Sea People force at the city of Perire, probably located on the western edge of the Delta. His account of this campaign against the Sea Peoples and Libu is described in prose on a wall beside the sixth pylon at Karnak.

"The wretched, fallen chief of Libya, Meryre, son of Ded, has fallen upon the country of Tehenu with his bowmen--Sherden, Shekelesh, Ekwesh, Lukka, Teresh, Taking the best of every warrior and every man of war of his country. He has brought his wife and his children--leaders of the camp, and he has reached the western boundary in the fields of Perire" Merneptah states that he defeated the invasion, killing 6,000 soldiers and taking 9,000 prisoners.

Од прародитеља до унучад

Tudhaliya IV The Child
Други догађај: Commission of the Hittite Fleet
Титуле : изм -1237 и -1228, King of Hattusa
Други догађај: изм -1228 и -1227, Interregnum - Kurunta
Титуле : изм -1227 и -1209, King of Hattusa - 2nd reign
Nefertari Merytmut Maathorneferure (Maathorneferure)
Рођење: ~ -1300
Титуле : изм -1290 и -1255, Great Royal Wife
Nefertari B
Рођење: ~ -1290
Смрт: ~ -1255
== 3 ==
Рођење: Chemmis Cana
Ba-en-re Mery-netjeru (Merneptah)
Титуле : изм -1213 и 2 мај -1203
== 3 ==
Myrrha ? (of Cyprus)
Титуле : ~ -1230, Regent of Cyprus
Menmire Setepenre Amenmesse ? (Amenmose)
Титуле : изм -1203 и -1200, Pharaoh of Egypt
Twosret (Thuoris) ? (Sitre Meryamun)
Титуле : изм -1191 и -1190, Pharaoh of Egypt
Сахрана: tomb KV56
Userkheperure Setepenre Seti II
Титуле : изм -1203 и -1197, Pharaoh of Egypt
Рамсес III
Свадба: w Тия
Титуле : изм март -1186 и април -1155, Pharaoh of Egypt
Други догађај: -1157, Slave Revolt in Set-Maat-her-imenty Waset (Dar-El-Medina)

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