Aulus Didius Gallus Fabricius ? (of Heimdall, (Othinn Magnus), Veiento, Aula) d. ~ 80

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Цело име (рођено) Aulus Didius Gallus Fabricius ?
Друга презимена of Heimdall, (Othinn Magnus), Veiento, Aula
Друга имена Oden, Udon, Odon, Olioll Olchaoin, Auden, Eyfydd ap Eudos (Welsh), Eudelen (Harleian)

Aulus Didius (Audin) Gallus [Aula]

w Pomponia Graecina (Galla) [Gens Pomponia]

Вики-страница wikipedia:Aulus_Didius_Gallus_Fabricius_Veiento


Рођење: Marseilles en Provence in South France

Професија : Imperial Delator (informer/spy) stationed in Germania

Други догађај: Author of Codicilli, mock wills which libelled priests and senators

Професија : Priest of Nematona (Celtic Diety), 'Goddess of the Sacred Grove' This mode of worship was key to the Druidic cults. Central to these cults was the reverence held for Twin Dieties There is a temple to Nemeton near Aqui Sulis at Bath

Професија : Sodalis Atticae (Greek Temple)

Професија : (Sodalis Titialis ) Priest of Apollo

62 Други догађај: Impeached while serving as Preator

~ 80 Смрт:


Шаблон:Link-type:Make-believe Шаблон:Needsources

According to Pliny...

A Praetor of the Roman Army who was impeached and exiled from Rome for his Scathing Satires.

"Veiento is not to be outdone, but, as if he were a priest inspired by the spirit of Bellona [goddess of war], prophesies, and says: 'You have a mighty omen of a great and glorious triumph. You will capture some king, or Arviragus will fall out of his British chariot. It's a foreign monster — see the spines sticking up on its back?'"

He was given to showing up as a surprise guest at court, a practice which often unnerved and annoyed his hosts especially those in Rome.

"Aulus Didius Gallus Fabricius Veiento, consul three times, member of the 'Board of Fifteen' for the making of sacred places, Priest of the Imperial cult, Priest of the Flavian Emperors, Priest of the Titiales,¹ and of Attica,² to (the goddess) Nemetona,³ willingly and deservedly fulfilling his vow." - Dessau, Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae - Titvli virorvm et mvliervm ordinis senatorii ILS 1010, CIL XIII 7253, McCrum.155; Mogontiacum (Mainz)


  1. Harleian Genealogy 10: Y Gogledd - Eudelen is the son-in-law of Beli, Eudos is the grandson of Eudelen. The missing parties are Nehalennia and her daughter Gefjun.
  2. Kul Gali Hon Kitaby (Book of the Huns) ch "DESCRIPTION OF SAKSIN" -

Од прародитеља до унучад

Aulus Plautius (Pileatus) (Victor)
Рођење: -1
_FA1: Invasion of Brittania in Support of Bericus (Vericus)
Свадба: Lucia ? (Daughter of Cunobelinus)
_FA1: 24, Apulia, Suppression of the Slave Revolt
Титуле : 29, Suffect Consul of Pannonia
Титуле : изм 43 и 47, Governor of Britannia
Lucius Prasutagus Pankratiastus (Esuprastus, Esico)
Рођење: 10
Свадба: Boudicca (Budvuocj)
Титуле : Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England), Dux Icenorum - Subrex
Смрт: < 59
Caracticus (Sandarcottas) Commius (Arivargus)
Рођење: < -25, Colchester (Essex)
Број брака: 43
Смрт: 74, Colchester (Essex), Camulodunum
Nero Claudius Drusus
Рођење: -13
Свадба: Claudia Livia Julia
Смрт: 14 септембар 23
Gnaeus Asinius Placentinus
Титуле : Patron of Puteoli
Servius Asinius Celer
Титуле : 38, Consul Suffectus
Aulus Didius (Audin) Gallus
Рођење: Dacio-Sarmatia
Титуле : God of the NORSE
Титуле : Proconsul of Asia
_FA1: member of the XVviri Legion, XV Viri Legionaire
Други догађај: Imperial legate of Bosporus
Титуле : Proconsul of Africa
Свадба: w Pomponia Graecina (Galla)
Титуле : 19, Questore de Roma
Титуле : изм 38 и 49, Curator Aquarum (Superintendent of Aqueducts)
Титуле : изм 52 и 57, Governor of Britain
Pomponia Graecina (Galla)
Свадба: Aulus Didius (Audin) Gallus
Место становања : изм -43 и -47, Colchester (Essex), Britannia
== 3 ==
Aulus Gallus (Geatus)
Рођење: 65
Смрт: 155, Tara Dania, Sea of Azov, Swithiod
Aula Caesius Nasicus (Pudens)
Рођење: ~ 35
Свадба: Claudia Rufina
Други догађај: 56, Commanded the Spanish Legion VIIII Hispana in Britain
Aulus Didius Gallus Fabricius ? (of Heimdall, (Othinn Magnus), Veiento, Aula)
Рођење: Marseilles en Provence in South France
Професија : Imperial Delator (informer/spy) stationed in Germania
Други догађај: Author of Codicilli, mock wills which libelled priests and senators
Професија : Priest of Nematona (Celtic Diety), 'Goddess of the Sacred Grove' This mode of worship was key to the Druidic cults. Central to these cults was the reverence held for Twin Dieties There is a temple to Nemeton near Aqui Sulis at Bath
Професија : Sodalis Atticae (Greek Temple)
Професија : (Sodalis Titialis ) Priest of Apollo
Други догађај: 62, Impeached while serving as Preator
Смрт: ~ 80
== 3 ==

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