Amatoya Moytoy (Tainesi Cherokee) b. 1640 d. 1730 - Индекс потомака

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11/1 <?> Amatoya Moytoy (Tainesi Cherokee) [Moytoy]
Рођење: 1640, Chota (Tennessee), Crockett County (Tennessee), Tennessee, USA
Свадба: <1> Locha ? (Shawnee, Cheney, Taini - Shawnee) [?] b. 1640 d. 1692, Virginia, Shawnee Nation
Смрт: 1730, Tennessee, USA, Cherokee Nation East


21/2 <1+1> Moytoy I Chota (of Tainesi (Cherokee)) [Moytoy]
Професија : изм 1700 и 1730, Chief Chota
32/2 <1+1> Oo Yo Sti Otiyu ? (Wolf Clan) [Moytoy]


51/3 <2+?> Savanukah (Raven) Moytoy [Moytoy]
Рођење: 1683, Upper Hiwassee
Смрт: 1756, Valley Towns, Chewohe
42/3 <2+?> Moytoy II Pigeon of Tellico (of Tainesi (Cherokee)) [Moytoy]
Рођење: 1687, Great Tellico
Смрт: 1760
63/3 <3+?> w Rayetaeh Utisdgata Coo Di (Old Tassel) [Coody]
74/3 <3+?> ? (Sister of Old Tassel, Paint) [?]
85/3 <2+?> Sunfish [?]


141/4 <4+?> Oconostota Coney Moytoy [Moytoy]
Рођење: 1704, Cherokee (Tennessee), Washington County (Tennessee), Tennessee
Смрт: 1783, State of Georgia
92/4 <6> Eughiootie Tassell Coody [Coody]
Рођење: 1706
Рођење: 1734, Tennessee, USA, Cherokee Nation East
123/4 <8+?> (Chief) Hokoleskwa Cornstalk (Colesqua) [Cornstalk]
Рођење: 1715, Pennsylvania, USA
Место становања : South Carolina, Saludy River
Свадба: <13!> Ounaconoa Moytoy [Moytoy] b. 1715 d. 1755
Смрт: 10 новембар 1777, Point Pleasant (West Virginia), USA
134/4 <4+?> Ounaconoa Moytoy [Moytoy]
Рођење: 1715
Свадба: <12!> (Chief) Hokoleskwa Cornstalk (Colesqua) [Cornstalk] b. 1715 d. 10 новембар 1777
Смрт: 1755
105/4 <7+?> Wut-teh (Wurta) Watts (Cherokee Mother of George Guess) [Watts]
Шаблон:NeedsourcesWas a half sister of John Watts and niece of Chiefs Old Tassel and Doublehead
116/4 <7+?> w (Chief) John (Kunokeski) Watts (Little Tassel) [Watts]
157/4 <8+?> Silvanus Cornstalk (Silverheels) [Cornstalk]
168/4 <4+?> Clogoittah Moytoy [Moytoy]
179/4 <6> Onitostah Utisdasta Coo Di (Old Tassel) [Coo Di]
1810/4 <8+?> w Nonhelema [?]


221/5 <10+?> Lucy Benge (Half Sister of Sequoya) [Benge]
Рођење: Toqua
202/5 <9+?> Mary Susannah Grant [Grant]
Рођење: 1710, Tennessee, USA, Cherokee Nation East
Смрт: 1765, Tennessee, USA, Cherokee Nation Bradley East
213/5 <12+13!> Bucksinwa Cornstalk (Wynepuechsika) [Cornstalk]
Рођење: 1735, Kispoko Town, Ohio
Смрт: 10 октобар 1774, Point Pleasant (West Virginia)
264/5 <16+?> Creat Priber (First Wife of Chief Doublehead) [Priber]
Рођење: ~ 1740, Stearns (Kentucky)
275/5 <17> Incalatanga ? ((Chief) Doublehead) [?]
Рођење: 1744, Stearns (Kentucky), Kentucky
Смрт: 9 август 1807, Tennessee, Hiwasse River
246/5 <12+13!> Elinipsico Cornstalk [Cornstalk]
Рођење: 1745, Shawnee (Perry County Ohio), USA
Свадба: <2> Standing Deer Bailey [Bailey] b. 1755
Смрт: 10 октобар 1777, Fort Randolph (West Virginia), USA
197/5 <14+?> Wa-Wli (Wur-li) Moytoy (Vann) [Moytoy]
Рођење: 1747, Spring Place, State of Georgia
Свадба: <3> Clement Avery Vann [Vann] , Spring Place, State of Georgia
Смрт: 1835, Spring Place, State of Georgia
Wa-Wli or Wur-li Sonicooie - a Cherokee name meaning Otterlifter. Wa-Wli was from the Paint Clan of Cherokees. Wa-Wli's name
238/5 <10> Sequoyah ? (George Guess, George Gist, Ssiquoya) [?]
Рођење: 1767
Смрт: 1843

Father ? Possibly:

  • a peddler from Swabia named Guyst, Guist, or Gist.
  • an unlicensed German peddler named George Gist
  • Nathaniel Gist, son of a Christopher Gist, who later became a commissioned officer with the Continental Army associated with George Washington.
259/5 <12+13!> Aracoma Cornstalk [Cornstalk]
2810/5 <18+?> Tamanatha Butler [Butler]
2911/5 <18+?> Spemica-Lawba [?]
Following his death, his children were transported west by Jane Daviess, the widow of Captain John Hardin.


311/6 <20+?> Betty Que-Di Vann [Vann]
Рођење: 1748
382/6 <21+?> Jesse (Kissacomas) ? (Cheeseekau) [Cornstalk]
Рођење: 1757
Смрт: 1792
May have been a descendant of Person:630737 Although this cannot be proved.
303/6 <19> Susannah Soonacooie (Ani'-Ga'tâge'wi) [Moytoy]
Рођење: 1764, Georgia (U.S. state), Eastern Cherokee Nation
Смрт: 14 март 1818, Suwanee (Georgia), Gwinnett County (Georgia), Suwanee Old Town
434/6 <26+27!> Saleechi (Saledje) Doublehead [Doublehead]
325/6 <21+?> ? Tecumseh [Cornstalk]
Рођење: 9 март 1768, Piqua (Ohio), United States, Piqua (Indian village), LDS records report other birth locations: Chalahkawtha, Old Town Of, Shawnees Lewis County, West Virginia
Свадба: <5> Monetohse ? (Wife of Tecumseh) [?] b. ~ 1775
Смрт: 5 октобар 1813, Chatham-Kent, Ontario, Canada, (nearChatham) Killed in action during so-called 'Battle of the Thames' of war of 1812
366/6 <24+2> Kumskaka Cornstalk (Bailey, Christian, Mastin/Muston) [Cornstalk]
Рођење: 15 март 1770, Washington (Virginia), USA
Свадба: <6> Louisa Harman [Harman] b. 1772 d. 1829
Смрт: 7 децембар 1853, Tazewell County (Virginia), USA, Sinking Waters
Adopted by Person:267633
407/6 <21+?> Tenskwatawa Lolla-wossiky (the Prophet) [Cornstalk]
Рођење: 17 март 1772, Ohio
Смрт: новембар 1836, Kansas City (Kansas)
358/6 <19+3> Mary Christiana Vann [Vann]
Вера : 1819, Lutherian, Moravian Bretheren Baptism
339/6 <22+?> Jenny Lowry [Lowry]
3410/6 <23> Ayokeh ? (Guess) [?]
3711/6 <21+?> Agnes Saulteaux (Saludy) (The Metis) [Cornstalk]
3912/6 <24+2> Tabetha Mustain (Tabetha, Tebethto) [Cornstalk]
4113/6 <21+?> Voce-massusia [Cornstalk]
4214/6 <26+27!> Cornblossom Doublehead [Doublehead]


561/7 <35+?> Avery Vann (Brother of James Vann) [Vann]
Место становања : Saluda River, Carolina
452/7 <35+?> Alsey Vann [Vann]
Рођење: 1765, Tennessee
Свадба: <7> John SR Rogers [Rogers] b. 1761
Сахрана: Fort Gibson (Oklahoma), Fort Gibson National Cemetery
483/7 <35+?> James Clement Vann [Vann]
Рођење: 1766
Смрт: 9 фебруар 1809, Chatsworth (Georgia), Spring Place
Сахрана: Forsyth County (Georgia)
Шаблон:NeedsourcesJames Vann was a town chief of the Cherokee. He owned a tavern and operated a plantation using 99 slaves. He built the home pictured in 1805. Chief Vann was shot to death at Buffington’s Tavern.
524/7 <37+?> Saludy Mustain [Mustain]
Рођење: 1772, Pittsylvania County (Virginia)
Свадба: <8> Claibourne (Claiborn) Sheldon [Sheldon] b. 1770 d. 1848
505/7 <37+?> Thomas Mustain [Mustain]
Рођење: 1778, Pittsylvania County (Virginia)
Смрт: 29 октобар 1814, Charles City (Virginia), USA
496/7 <30+?> Lucy Elizabeth Cordery [Cordery]
Рођење: 1784, Georgia, USA, Cherokee Nation East
Смрт: 1895, Westville (Oklahoma)
447/7 <37+?> Haley (Elie) Mustaine [Mustain]
Рођење: 6 мај 1787, Pittsylvania County (Virginia), USA
Свадба: <9> Elizabeth Butcher [Butcher] b. 15 март 1791 d. 26 јун 1866
Место становања : 1791, Charles City, Henrico, VA
Место становања : изм 1820 и 1830, Pittsylvania County (Virginia), USA
Смрт: 12 фебруар 1868, Marion (Ohio), USA

It is believed that Haley was the son of Thomas Mustain/Mastin the Longhunter. It is well documented that among the family of Mustains were were living a fair number of Native Americans, local opposition to their presence led to the rejection of the property of Thomas Mustain being selected as the building site of the local Church. The native children to which the locals objected were the adopted orphan children of Chief Cornstalk. Haley's mother was the metis sister of Chief Cornstalk. Haley and his siblings as well as his adopted brothers and sisters joined the Mustain family in Pittsylvania Virginia (on the stinking river) but later relocated to West Virginia/Ohio.

Thomas Mustain the Longhunter regularly traveled with the French and Allegheni up and down the Ohio River Valley from Canada and along the mountains of Virginia and North Carolina in Salteaux territory. No record of the birth of Haley and his siblings can be found leading us to believe that he was not born in Pittsylvania however census records of Pittsylvania show residency in the area of Pittsylvania for at least a number of years prior to his move to Ohio. in 1791, Haley's father Thomas was named as the inheritor of the the given names of the descendants of Haley differ enough from those of Avery Solomon's descendants to suggest an alternative cadency. The name Scott appears as a given name among the descendants of Thomas the Longhunger, whereas that name is absent from the descendants of Avery Solomon. Additionally, the family of Thomas and Haley Mustaine was early into the Ohio area with records indicating presence prior to the arrival of subsequent Mustain families. This can be explained by the fact that as a Longhunter Thomas already had property in Ohio prior to the general westward expansion. It also explains why Haley would be described by his grandson Wilson as a Francophone/Frenchman.
538/7 <32+5> Mahyahwekawpawe Tecumseh [Tecumseh]
Рођење: 1795
519/7 <36+6> Cynthia Harman (Hall) [Harman]
Рођење: 1816, Montgomery County (Pennsylvania)
Смрт: > 1860
There is no definitive record of who Cynthia's parents were; she is listed only as Johan Adam Harman's grand-daughter, in the book by J. N. Harman (see source citation below). Family oral history gives her father as "Cornstalk's grandson," and since Kumskaka was married to Louisa Harman, it seems to follow that this is the grandson referred to. However, no records have as yet been found to prove this connection.
4610/7 <31+?> Elizabeth Emory [Emory] 4711/7 <33+?> Jennie Talontisky (Due) [Due] 5412/7 <32+5> Naythawaynah Tecumseh [Tecumseh]
5513/7 <35+?> James Vann [Vann]
5714/7 <38> Jesse Keesee [Keesee]


611/8 <47+7> Talahina Rogers [Rogers]
Други догађај: Wife of Sam Houston
632/8 <46+7> John James Rogers [Rogers]
Други догађај: Chief of Western Cherokees and Grand Saline
643/8 <46+7> Charles Coody Rogers [Rogers]
Други догађај: Judge Rogers Oklahoma Cherokee Chief
604/8 <45+7> Polly Ann Rogers [Rogers]
Рођење: 1787, Calhoun (Tennessee), McMinn County (Tennessee), USA
Вера : Moravian Church, Vann Homestead, Spring Place, Georgia
Физички опис: Tall, splendidly formed, dark complexion, black hair, black eyes
Смрт: 1857, San Saba County (Texas)
==Application for Cherokee Citizenship==

To State; That the application for citizenship in the Cherokee Nation was made for Robert Dawson and family to the Cherokee Commission on Citizenship. September 24, 1881 at Tahlequah, Indian Territory by Francis M Dawson and his brother Elbert Dawson, claiming their rights to be admitted to Citizenship in the Cherokee Nation by reason of their descent from Polly Rogers. Who is claimed to have been a Cherokee Indian by blood and that Polly Rogers was a daughter of Captain John Rogers and Alsey Vann. also known through testimony as Annie Pruitt, that Robert Dawson was a son of Polly Rogers by Samuel R. Dawson Sr, a white man. The case continued from time to time until January 11, 1883, when the family of the Dawsons was admitted by the Cherokee Court of Commissioners commonly known as the "Tehee Court" composed of Thomas Tehee, President and of the commission: D.W.C. Duncan, Clerk of the Commission and Alex Wolfe and T.F. Thompson, Commissioners, upon practically the unsupported testimony of Dr. Arthur Baker. The other members of the Dawson family who were subsequently admitted were admitted upon the strength of the admission of the Robert Dawson family and proof of their relations to it.

Signed: William T. Hutchins and William W. Hastings. Attourneys for the Cherokee Nation.
795/8 <52+8> Jesse Shelton [Shelton]
Рођење: 9 април 1797, Pittsylvania County (Virginia)
656/8 <50> Thomas Edward Mustain [Mustain]
Рођење: 29 децембар 1798
Свадба: <12> Mary Hardy [Hardy] b. мај 1809
Смрт: 1870, Benton (Arkansas)
817/8 <56+?> David Vann [Vann]
Рођење: 1 јануар 1800, Georgia (U.S. state)
Рођење: 23 децембар 1863, Indian Territory
598/8 <44+9> Meakin Ashley Mustaine [Mustaine]
Рођење: 12 јануар 1820, Shenandoah (Virginia), USA
Свадба: <13> Mary Elizabeth Keech [Keech] b. 25 јун 1825 d. 3 април 1874
Смрт: 11 септембар 1899, Champaign County (Ohio), USA
679/8 <51+?> Gordon W Hall [Hall]
Рођење: ~ 1836, Virginia, US
6810/8 <51+?> George Hall [Hall]
Рођење: ~ 1838, Virginia, US
6911/8 <51+?> Hiram Hall [Hall]
Рођење: ~ 1840, Virginia, US
7012/8 <51+?> John Hall [Hall]
Рођење: ~ 1847, Virginia, US
7113/8 <51+?> Matthew Hall [Hall]
Рођење: ~ 1852, Ohio, US
5814/8 <51+?> Thomas Hall [Hall]
Рођење: ~ 1855, Missouri, US
6615/8 <51+?> Mary Elizabeth Hall (Hulett) [Hall]
Рођење: 1858, Missouri, US
Свадба: <14> Charles Marian Hulett [Hulett] b. 1848
7216/8 <51+?> John Hall [Hall]
Рођење: 1859, Missouri, US
6217/8 <47+7> William Rogers [Rogers]
Титуле : 1905, Cherokee Chief - Deposed
7318/8 <53> Wapameepto Tecumseh [Tecumseh]
7419/8 <44+9> Edward (Elleward) Mustaine [Mustaine]
7520/8 <44+9> James C. Mustaine [Mustaine]
7621/8 <44+9> Shadrach Mustaine [Mustaine]
7722/8 <44+9> Calvin Bailey Mustaine [Mustaine]
7823/8 <52+8> Henley Shelton [Shelton]
8024/8 <56> Salley Vann [Vann]