Raden Ayu Saedah - Цело породично стабло

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Generation of a large tree takes a lot of resources of our web server. Anonymous users can only see 7 generations of ancestors and 7 - of descendants on the full tree to decrease server loading by search engines. If you wish to see a full tree without registration, add text ?showfulltree=yes directly to the end of URL of this page. Please, don't use direct link to a full tree anywhere else.

This tree contains: 3 families with 7 people in 3 lineages, 5 of these people are blood relatives; 0 families with 0 people are hidden.

== 1 ==
Raden Bagus Sangidur Charadji / Raden Arya Tirtokoesoemo
Рођење: 24 март 1843, Pasuruan hari Jum'at Kliwon, wuku Medangkungan, Level 4 = Canggah dari R Groedo / Kyai Adipati Nitiadiningrat – Pasuruan
Свадба: Raden Ayu Saedah
Raden Ayu Saedah
Рођење: Putra dari R tumenggung Soeriodiputra( Bupati Panarukan), bin Kanjeng Pangeran Ario Prawiroadiningrat 1 - Bupati Besuki
Свадба: Raden Bagus Sangidur Charadji / Raden Arya Tirtokoesoemo
== 1 ==
Raden Ajeng Haenah / Raden Ayu Soeryo Soeseno
Рођење: Putera pertama
Титуле : Menikah denagn Wedana Mojoasari-Mojokerto; wafat dimakamkan di Mojosari
Raden Arya Besar / Raden Haribesar
Рођење: Putera kedua
Професија : Surabaya, Jumeneng kepala Pajak di Surabaya
Raden Hariadi
Рођење: Putera ketiga