U-hou 魏武侯 Czi (擊) 姬 b. -424 d. -370 - Descendants (Inventory)

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11/1 <?> У-хоу 魏武侯 Цзи (擊) 姬 [Wei]
birth: -424
title: правитель царства Вэй с 396 г.до н.э.
death: -370


21/2 <1> w (King) Hui of Wei 魏惠王 梁惠王 ? (of Wei) [Wei]
birth: -370
title: правитель царства Вэй
death: -319


31/3 <2> (King) Xiang ? (of Wei) [Wei]


41/4 <3> (Prince) Ai [Wei]
52/4 <3> (King) Zhao ? (of Wei) [Wei]


61/5 <4> (Lady) Wen [Wei]


71/6 <6+?> Bo (薄) ? (Empress Dowager Bo(薄太后)) [?]
title: Empress of China
death: -155


81/7 <7+?> Liu Heng (劉恆) Liu (劉) (Emperor Wen) [Hàn (漢)]
birth: -202
title: Emperor of China
death: -157


91/8 <8+?> Jing Han Liu [Liu]
title: Emperor of China
marriage: <1> Bo [Bo]
102/8 <8+?> Piao Liu [Liu]
113/8 <8+?> Wu Liu [Liu]