Theodore Porges-Kyriakou - Full Tree

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This tree contains: 50 families with 108 people in 18 lineages, 32 of these people are blood relatives; 34 families with 34 people are hidden.

Meyer Weisweiller
birth: 1748, Heidelberg, Bade-Wurtemberg, Allemagne
death: 3 jul 1815, Francfort-sur-le-Main
Israel Israel
birth: 1750
marriage: Maria
death: 4 maj 1822
birth: 1764
marriage: Israel Israel
death: 18 jul 1832
Jane Diamantschleifer
birth: 1751
birth: 29 septembar 1786, Londres
marriage: Joseph Hart-Myers
marriage: Jacob Solomons
Daniel Goldschmidt
marriage: Jette Oppenheim
death: 1 septembar 1808, Francfort-sur-le-Main
Исаак Гейман Хаим Прессбург
birth: 1747, Bratislava
death: 3 mart 1832, Nimègue
Aron Todesco (Hirschl)
birth: 1742, Bratislava, Heiliges Römisches Reich
marriage: Babette Pick
death: 24 april 1817, Wien
Babette Pick
birth: 1764, Breslau, Polen
marriage: Aron Todesco (Hirschl)
death: 23 septembar 1853, Baden (Niederösterreich), Nr.204 an Altersschwäche
burial: Wien
Isak Hirschmann
birth: 1757, Bratislava, Slovaquie
death: 9 mart 1817, Vienne (Autriche)
David Calmann Weisweiller
birth: 1774, Bockenheim (Francfort-sur-le-Main), Allemagne
marriage: Güttle Goldschmidt
death: 1818
Judith Barent Cohen
birth: 20 februar 1784, London
marriage: Moses Haim Montefiore
death: 24 septembar 1865, Ramsgate, Kent, East Cliff Lodge
Isaac Cohen
birth: 1791, Londres
marriage: Sarah Samuel
death: 10 januar 1846, Londres
Eva Fürth
birth: 1774, Prague
marriage: Jonas Simon Porgès
death: 26 jun 1853, Vienne (Autriche)
Герман Тодеско
birth: 2 novembar 1791, Відень, Австрія
marriage: Фанні Гіршман , Wien
death: 23 novembar 1844, Відень, Австрія
Фанні Гіршман
birth: 1794, Братислава, Словакія
marriage: Герман Тодеско , Wien
death: 2 septembar 1822, Відень, Австрія
Simon Porgès
birth: 1800, Prague
marriage: Anna Reitlinger
death: 4 septembar 1869, Vienne (Autriche)
Efraïm Porgès
birth: 1803, Prague
marriage: Nanette Nina Todesco
death: 24 avgust 1866, Vienne (Autriche)
Eduard von Todesco
birth: 1 april 1814, Wien
marriage: w Sophie Gomperz
death: 17 januar 1887, Wien
Moritz von Todesco
birth: 5 novembar 1816, Wien
title: chevalier
death: 17 jul 1873, Wien
Nanette Nina Todesco
birth: 6 maj 1815
marriage: Efraïm Porgès
death: 20 decembar 1853, Vienne (Autriche)
Leopold David Weisweiller
birth: 22 februar 1807, Francfort-sur-le-Main
marriage: Johanna Ellissen
death: 5 oktobar 1871, Vienne (Autriche)
Rebekka Weisweiller
birth: 1808, Francfort-sur-le-Main
marriage: Leopold Bamberger
Amalie Weisweiller
birth: 1812, Francfort-sur-le-Main
marriage: Isidor Lehmann Wetterhahn
Moritz Mayer Weisweiller
birth: 30 maj 1815, Francfort-sur-le-Main
death: 23 jun 1848
Даніель Бернхард де Вайсвайлер
birth: 1813 ? 1814, Франкфурт-на-Майні, Германія
title: Германія, baron de Weisweller
marriage: Аделіна Гельберт
death: 10 januar 1890 - 1892, Париж, Франція
Friederike Porgès
birth: 2 avgust 1839, Vienne (Autriche)
marriage: Максиміліан Теодор Шифф
death: 22 jun 1904, Vienne (Autriche)
Emilie Porgès
birth: 20 januar 1836, Vienne (Autriche)
marriage: w Ignaz von Ephrussi
death: 10 septembar 1900, Vichy (03)
Franziska Porgès
birth: 27 oktobar 1833
marriage: Ferdinand Wertheimer
death: 1876
Théodore Porgès
birth: 3 septembar 1843, Vienne (Autriche)
occupation: Associé dans la Banque Porgès & Ephrussi
marriage: Матильда Бетті де Вайсвайлер
death: 3 novembar 1907, Paris (75)
burial: Paris (75), cimetière du Père-Lachaise
Матильда Бетті де Вайсвайлер
birth: 1855, Vienne (Autriche)
marriage: Théodore Porgès
death: 4 maj 1897, Paris (75)
Léon Brodsky
occupation: Important industriel russe
Anna Adeline Porgès
birth: 5 avgust 1876, Hanovre
marriage: Maximilien Foy (dit Max) , Paris (75), Église Saint-Philippe-du-Roule
divorce: Maximilien Foy (dit Max) , Paris (75)
death: 14 maj 1948, Genève
burial: Paris, Cimetière du Père La Chaise, 28e division
Isabelle Porgès
birth: 19 novembar 1879, Londres, Royaume-Uni
marriage: Marco Borghèse
death: 16 maj 1958, Italie, Palais de Scarperia
Renée Wilhelmine Julie Porgès
birth: 5 april 1882, Paris (75)
marriage: Eugène de Jonghe
death: jun 1965, Onhaye, Belgique, Château de Fontaine
Robert Porgès
birth: 5 jun 1885, Paris (75)
marriage: Camille Havequez
death: 31 mart 1946
burial: Paris (75), Cimetière du Père-Lachaise
Edmond Daniel Porgès
birth: 9 novembar 1878, Londres, Royaume-Uni
marriage: Marie-Mathilde Brodsky
death: 18 mart 1941, Lausanne, Suisse
Florence Porgès
birth: 1915, Paris (75)
marriage: Robert Wigram Crawford
marriage: Jean-Noël Vincent , New York
marriage: w Frank Packer , Westminster
death: 2012, Monaco
Michel Porgès
birth: 4 avgust 1908, Le Val-Saint-Germain (91)
birth: avgust 1999
marriage: Dolorès Neubauer
marriage: Leda Coumantaros
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