Paul Richard Eiselt b. 31 januar 1873 d. 29 mart 1873 - Full Tree

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This tree contains: 16 families with 41 people in 8 lineages, 15 of these people are blood relatives; 9 families with 10 people are hidden.

George der Ältere Eiselt (Eyselt)
birth: 1630
marriage: Rosina ? (Eiselt (Eyselt))
marriage count: 9 februar 1660
death: 8 mart 1702, Zittau
George der Jüngere Eiselt (Eyselt)
birth: 16 septembar 1665, Zittau
marriage: Rosina Hoffmann (Eiselt (Eyselt)) , Maria Eckertin (Eiselt (Eyselt))
marriage count: 26 februar 1696
marriage count: 7 jun 1700
death: 19 decembar 1714, Zittau
Johann Georg Eiselt
birth: 4 mart 1705, Zittau
marriage count: 18. Sonntag nach Trinitatis
marriage: Anna Dorothea Thielin (Eiselt)
death: 5 oktobar 1757
Christian Friedrich Eiselt
birth: 9 mart 1740, Zittau
marriage: Anna Rosina Zentschin (Eiselt)
marriage count: 31 oktobar 1768, Zittau
death: 26 oktobar 1800, Zittau
Anna Rosina Zentschin (Eiselt)
birth: 21 jul 1726, Zittau
marriage: Christian Friedrich Eiselt
marriage count: 31 oktobar 1768, Zittau
death: 9 decembar 1800, Zittau
Johann Gottlieb der Ältere Eiselt
birth: 5 decembar 1775, Zittau
children count: 4
marriage: Johanna Elionora Thomasin (Eiselt)
marriage count: 2 april 1801, Reittersdorf
death: 9 oktobar 1857, Zittau
Johanna Elionora Thomasin (Eiselt)
birth: 20 januar 1783, Zittau
children count: 4
marriage: Johann Gottlieb der Ältere Eiselt
marriage count: 2 april 1801, Reittersdorf
death: 20 februar 1848, Zittau
Johann Gottlieb der Jüngere Eiselt
birth: 4 april 1803, Zittau
children count: 4
marriage: Christiana Theresa Spatzier (Eiselt)
marriage count: 4 oktobar 1831, Zittau
death: 25 avgust 1871, Zittau
Amalia Augusta Eiselt (Harzer, Seibt)
birth: 4 jul 1816, Zittau
marriage: Karl Eduard Harzer , Franz Stephan Seibt
marriage count: 6 novembar 1838
marriage count: 1855, Kratzau
Ernst Julius Eiselt
birth: 18 decembar 1807, Zittau
marriage: Christiane Amalie Rothe (Eiselt)
marriage count: 17 septembar 1844, Zittau
death: 30 avgust 1864, Zittau
Carl August Eiselt
birth: 5 avgust 1811, Zittau
children count: 5
marriage: Sophie Amalis Krieger (Eiselt)
marriage count: 20 oktobar 1842, Zittau
death: 25 oktobar 1862, Zittau
Sophie Amalis Krieger (Eiselt)
birth: 31 maj 1818, Zittau
children count: 5
marriage: Carl August Eiselt
marriage count: 20 oktobar 1842, Zittau
death: 12 avgust 1888, Zittau
Anna Helene Eiselt (Richter)
birth: 9 februar 1846, Zittau
children count: 2
marriage: Фридрих Теодор Георг Рихтер
marriage count: 5 avgust 1865, Zittau
death: 25 decembar 1868, Zittau
Ida Josephine Eiselt (Berthold)
birth: 24 mart 1852, Zittau
marriage: Carl Rudolph Bertold
marriage count: 18 maj 1874, Zittau
Paul Martin Eiselt
birth: 17 avgust 1855, Zittau
death: 22 decembar 1856, Zittau
Arthur Max Eiselt
birth: 4 januar 1862, Zittau
death: 30 maj 1862, Zittau
Carl Robert Eiselt
birth: 1 septembar 1843, Zittau
children count: 9
marriage: Clara Johanna Starke (Eiselt)
marriage count: 11 oktobar 1868, Dresden
death: 24 jul 1907, Zittau
Clara Johanna Starke (Eiselt)
birth: 10 jul 1843, Dresden
children count: 9
marriage: Carl Robert Eiselt
marriage count: 11 oktobar 1868, Dresden
death: 18 januar 1907, Zittau
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Carl Bernhard Eiselt
birth: 9 septembar 1869, Zittau
marriage: Pauline Thiele (Eiselt)
marriage count: 18 januar 1902
Clara Johanna Eiselt (Dreyzelmer)
birth: 24 septembar 1870, Zittau
marriage: Friedrich Dreyzelmer
marriage count: 15 septembar 1898, Zittau
death: 3 avgust 1938, Zittau
Elise Margarethe Eiselt
birth: 15 januar 1872, Zittau
Arthur Eiselt
birth: 27 jun 1875, Zittau
marriage: Meta Johanna Emilie Roedd (Eiselt)
marriage count: 11 septembar 1902, Zittau
Anna Gertrud Eiselt
birth: 12 jul 1876, Zittau
death: 7 maj 1927, Zittau
Marie Elisabeth Eiselt
birth: 9 oktobar 1878
Clara Marie Eiselt
birth: 2 januar 1882, Zittau
death: 19 februar 1887, Zittau
Georg Rudolph Eiselt
birth: 16 mart 1887, Zittau
marriage: Elisabeth Julia Jenny Berker (Eiselt)
marriage count: 28 maj 1919, Zittau
Paul Richard Eiselt
birth: 31 januar 1873, Zittau
death: 29 mart 1873, Zittau
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