3. R.Ay Sherin Tri Mustika b. 2002 - Full Tree

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This tree contains: 10 families with 140 people in 3 lineages, 18 of these people are blood relatives; 8 families with 8 people are hidden.

1. Raden Entong
birth: 1703c
5. Ratu Syarifah
birth: ~ 1725, Cucu Sultan Ageng Tirtajasa Keponakan Sultan Hadji
marriage: 9. H Rd Muhammad Thohir (Auliya Thohir Al Bughuri)
9. H Rd Muhammad Thohir (Auliya Thohir Al Bughuri)
birth: 1765c
marriage: 5. Ratu Syarifah
occupation: 13 april 1826, Aulia / Penghulu Kampung Baru (Buitenzorg/Bogor)
burial: 1849, Empang, Bogor
1. Dalem Ariya Wiratanudatar V / Ki Muhidin
title: 1761 - 1776, Cianjur, Bupati Cianjur V
4. RH. Puradiredja/Suradiredja
occupation: 1841 - 1857, Demang Tjibinong
6. RA. Karta Nata Negara (Aom Entjan)
marriage: 4. Nyi Rd. Mojanagara (Dalem Istri Lebak)
title: 1 novembar 1837 - 1865, Bupati Lebak (Rangkasbitung) ke 2
2. Raden Adipati Wiranata
title: 17 april 1813, Raden Toemenggoeng
title: 1 septembar 1815, Adipati
occupation: 1 novembar 1815 - 1849, Bupati Bogor
1. Dalem Noh / Wiratanudatar VI / Rd. Wiranagara
birth: 1756, (Catatan Kaki Buku Bastin John, "Sir Stamford Raffles And Some Of His Friends And Contemporaries", p-188)
title: 1776 - 1813, Bupati Cianjur VI (1776 - 1813), Bupati Cianjur terakhir bergelar Wira Tanu Datar, Regent terakhir VOC. Kepatihan Sukabumi terbentuk pada masa pemerintahannya
8. RA. Djajanagara
birth: 1758c
title: 1796 - 1801, Bupati Bogor ke 11
burial: Karawang
8. H Rd Tumenggung Sastranegara
title: 1849 - 1854, Bupati Purwakarta
Dalem Raden Adipati Suryanata
marriage: NR. Fatimah Komalaningrat Sastradipura
marriage: Nyi Salamah
title: 1820 - 1827, Wanayasa, Bupati Karawang X
death: 1828, Nusa Situ Wanayasa, Purwakarta
7. H Rd Adipati Aria Suriawinata (H Rd Muhammad Sirodz / Mbah Dalem Sholawat)
title: 1827 - 1849, Bupati Karawang Ke 10 (1827-1849)
title: 1849 - 21 februar 1864, Bupati Bogor Ke 16 (1849-1864)
death: 13 maj 1872, Mekah
1. N.Rd. Eti
birth: Cianjur
6. N.Rd. Euis
immigration: Malaysia
4. Rd.A. Yayan Setiawan / (Alm)
birth: 1966, Cianjur
death: 2015, Cikalongkulon
== 8 ==
1. Rd. Aria Nugraha
birth: 1990, Cianjur
2. Rd. Suria Agung (Aang Kidul)
birth: jun 1994, Malang
title: 2007, Cikalongkulon
residence: 2016, Tanggeung - Cianjur Selatan
3. R.Ay Sherin Tri Mustika
birth: 2002, Cianjur
== 8 ==