n. Molina - Descendants (Inventory)
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11/1 ♀ n. Molina [Molina] 2
31/2 <1+1> ♂ Óscar Izurieta Molina. [Izurieta]birth: 24 oktobar 1909, Santiago (Chile)
marriage: <2> ♀ Blanca Ferrer [Ferrer] d. 5 jun 2005
title: 14 novembar 1958 ? 3 novembar 1964, Chile, Army Commander in Chief of Chile, 31st
death: 17 avgust 1990, Santiago (Chile)
42/2 <1+1> ♂ Pelayo Izurieta Molina [Izurieta] marriage: <2> ♀ Blanca Ferrer [Ferrer] d. 5 jun 2005
title: 14 novembar 1958 ? 3 novembar 1964, Chile, Army Commander in Chief of Chile, 31st
death: 17 avgust 1990, Santiago (Chile)
birth: 1912, Santiago, Chile
marriage: <3> ♀ Victoria Caffarena Morice [Caffarena] d. 8 jun 2004
death: 20 oktobar 2000, Santiago, Chile, Hospital militar
23/2 <1+1> ♀ n Izurieta [Izurieta] 54/2 <1+1> ♂ n Izurieta Molina [Izurieta] 65/2 <1+1> ♂ Fernando Izurieta Molina [Izurieta] marriage: <3> ♀ Victoria Caffarena Morice [Caffarena] d. 8 jun 2004
death: 20 oktobar 2000, Santiago, Chile, Hospital militar
81/3 <3+2> ♂ Óscar Rodrigo Izurieta Ferrer [Izurieta]birth: 18 septembar 1930, Viña del Mar
title: 10 mart 2006 ? 10 mart 2010, Chile, Comandante en Jefe del Ejército de Chile, 40°
title: 20 mart 2010, Chile, Subsecretario de Defensa
92/3 <4+3> ♂ Ricardo Edmundo Izurieta Caffarena [Izurieta] title: 10 mart 2006 ? 10 mart 2010, Chile, Comandante en Jefe del Ejército de Chile, 40°
title: 20 mart 2010, Chile, Subsecretario de Defensa
birth: 11 jun 1943, Santiago (Chile)
marriage: <5> ♀ Beatriz Eugenia Linzmayer Fernández [Linzmayer] , Quillota, Chile, Capilla de la Escuela de Caballería.
occupation: 10 mart 1998 ? 10 mart 2002, Chile, Army Commander in Chief of Chile, 38th
103/3 <2+4> ♂ Pelayo Damián Ruiz Izurieta [Ruiz] marriage: <5> ♀ Beatriz Eugenia Linzmayer Fernández [Linzmayer] , Quillota, Chile, Capilla de la Escuela de Caballería.
occupation: 10 mart 1998 ? 10 mart 2002, Chile, Army Commander in Chief of Chile, 38th
marriage: <6> ♀ Antonieta Salcedo [Salcedo]
occupation: 31 decembar 1978, Chile, Director Empresa Nacional de Semillas
164/3 <2+4> ♀ Victoria Ena Ruiz (Izurieta) [Ruiz] occupation: 31 decembar 1978, Chile, Director Empresa Nacional de Semillas
death: 8 avgust 2007, Santiago Chile
75/3 <2+4> ♀ Maruja Ruiz Izurieta [Ruiz] 116/3 <5> ♂ Miguel Angel Izurieta Arceu [Izurieta] 127/3 <5> ♂ Jorge Izurieta Arceu [Izurieta] 138/3 <5> ♂ Eduardo Izurieta Arceu [Izurieta] 149/3 <6> ♂ Fernando Izurieta Frías [Izurieta] 1510/3 <4+3> ♂ Pelayo Izurieta Caffarena [Izurieta] 1711/3 <2+4> ♂ José Pablo Ruiz (Izurieta) [Ruiz] 4
181/4 <7+7> ♀ w María Estela León [León] 192/4 <9+5> ♀ Victoria Maria Isabel Macarena Izurieta Linzmayer [Izurieta] 203/4 <9+5> ♂ Ricardo Andrés Izurieta Linzmayer [Izurieta] 214/4 <9+5> ♀ Mariajosé Catalina Izurieta Linzmayer [Izurieta] 225/4 <9+5> ♂ Oscar Pelayo Izurieta Linzmayer [Izurieta] 236/4 <10+6> ♂ Sebastián Ruiz (Salcedo) [Ruiz]MARB: <9> ♀ Paulina Rodríguez (Vial) [Rodríguez] , Santiago, Chile, Bendijo las Argollas el padre Andrés Lira S.J.
241/5 <18+8> ♀ María Estela Lavín [Lavín]birth: 1978, Santiago, Chile
marriage: <10> ♂ Felipe Salles [Salles] , Santiago, Chile, iglesia de Los Sacramentinos
252/5 <18+8> ♂ Joaquín Lavín [Lavín] marriage: <10> ♂ Felipe Salles [Salles] , Santiago, Chile, iglesia de Los Sacramentinos
birth: 1980, Chile
marriage: <11> ♀ Catherine Barriga [Barriga] b. 1973, Santiago, Chile, Registro Civil
marriage: <11!> ♀ Catherine Barriga [Barriga] b. 1973, Santiago, Chile, Iglesia de los Sacramentinos
263/5 <18+8> ♀ Asunción Lavín [Lavín] 274/5 <18+8> ♀ Paulina Lavín [Lavín] 285/5 <18+8> ♂ Juan Pablo Lavín [Lavín] 296/5 <18+8> ♀ María Jesús Lavín [Lavín] 307/5 <18+8> ♂ José Tomás Lavín [Lavín]
marriage: <11> ♀ Catherine Barriga [Barriga] b. 1973, Santiago, Chile, Registro Civil
marriage: <11!> ♀ Catherine Barriga [Barriga] b. 1973, Santiago, Chile, Iglesia de los Sacramentinos