Tiberius Julius Rhescuporis VI (Randver I of the Rosomanian Bosphori) d. 342

Iz projekta Родовид

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Lineage Volturi
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Tiberius Julius Rhescuporis VI
Other last names Randver I of the Rosomanian Bosphori
Other given names Wallia, Walha, Valdar, Hroar, Andok

w Tiberius Julius Theothorses [Volturi] d. 309

Wiki-page wikipedia:Tiberius_Julius_Rhescuporis_VI


child birth: Tiberius Julius Rhotestus (the Elder) [Volturi]


303? title: King of Bospore

342 death:


Contemporary of Ermanaric the Goth.

The King of the Goths, Ermanaric had conquered the Bosporan Kingdom. Ermanaric killed Rhescuporis VI; subjected the kingdom and the citizens to his rule.

Brother of Syunik

Randver was the son in law of Sigius. He is also known as Rerir in the sagas of the Volungs. Tiberius Julius Rhescuporis VI, sometimes known as Rhescuporis VI (flourished 3rd century & 4th century, died 342) was a prince and the last Roman Client King of the Bosporan Kingdom. The Bosporan Kingdom was the longest surviving known Roman client kingdom.

Balti/Volturi Dynasty

This dynasty flourished among the Visigoths between 395 and 531. According to Edward Gibbon in footnote 4, Chapter 30, of the History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire... This illustrious race long continued to flourish in France, in the Gothic province of Septimania, or Languedoc; under the corrupted appellation of Boax; and a branch of that family afterwards settled in the kingdom of Naples (Grotius in Prolegom. ad Hist. Gothic. p. 53). The lords of Baux, near Arles, and of seventy-nine subordinate places, were independent of the counts of Provence, (Longuerue, Description de la France, tom. i. p. 357).

From grandparents to grandchildren

Tiberius Julius ? (Pharsanzes)
occupation: Knight of the Munsalvasche Order (Saviors of Man).
death: 254
Тиберий Юлий Тейран Вольтур
title: Боспорское царство, боспорский царь
death: 279, Боспорское царство
== 3 ==
== 3 ==
Tiberius Julius Rhotestus (the Waelsing)
title: 345 ? 361, King of Iberia

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