
Iz projekta Родовид

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Lineage Araunah
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Helkiя
Other given names Hilkiя, Hilkiah Araunah

N. Отец Иосифа и др. [Давидовы Потомки]



child birth: Hanan [?]

child birth: Azariah [?]

child birth: Иеремия [Araunah]

title: High Priest of Israel

residence: Anathoth, Benjamin, Judah



sm.takže EЭBE/Hilkiя i wikipedia:ru:Hilkiя

informaciя o tom, čto Helkiя bыl sыnom Haruca (Харуц (Araunah, ?)) - vesьma somnitelьna i dolžna bыtь podtverždena pervičnыmi i avtoritetnыmi vtoričnыmi istočnikami.


  1. Četvёrtaя_kniga_Carstv#22:4 - poйdi k Helkii pervosvящenniku, pustь on peresčitaet serebro, prinesennoe v dom Gospodenь, kotoroe sobrali ot naroda stoящie na straže u poroga,
  2. Yigal Shiloh and David Tarler, Bullae from the City of David, Biblical Archaeologist 49/4, 1986, 196-209. - "(Belonging) to Azaryah, son (of) Hilkiah"
  3. Josette Elayi, Name of Deuteronomy’s Author Found on Seal Ring, Biblical Archaeology Review, September/October 1987, 54-56. - "(Belonging) to Hanan, son (of) Hilkiah the priest".
  4. Josette Elayi, "New Light on the Identification of the Seal of Priest Hanan, Son of Hilqiyahu" (2 Kings 22), Bibliotheca Orientalis, 5/6, September–November 1992, 680–685. -

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