Illyrius (Llyr) (Eleus) ? (of Athens)

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Skoči na: navigacija, pretraga
Lineage Philiadi
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Illyrius (Llyr) (Eleus) ?
Other last names of Athens

Samothes (Cimon) (Cimothes) ? (Philiadi) [?] b. -510 d. -450

Isodice ? (Sister of Denomache) [Alcmenidae]



child birth: Aedh (Aevander) [?]

child birth: Ψ Fiachra [?]

child birth: Minocannus (Mynogan) ? (Oirbsiu Mor) [Philiadi]

marriage: Niam (Fand) ? (Efandokht) [?]

marriage: Aobha (Aoife) (Abha) [?]

-450 ? -425 title: Rex Britannia


Not to be confused with Llyr I or Llyr II (both of the 1st century BCE) or Llyr III (4th Century AD)

Although this individual is named as a King of Britain and included in the histories of Britain it is possible that he was a foreign king and that the events of his life took place in the Mediterranean.

Some identify Illyrius with the united Chersonese (Celtic) and Parisi forces giving rise to the histories which claim Samothes as the first king of the Celts.

The principal towns of the Thracian Chersonese were Cardia, Pactya, Callipolis (Gallipoli), Alopeconnesus, Sestos, Madytus, and Elaeus. The peninsula was renowned for its wheat. It also benefited from its strategic importance on the main route between Europe and Asia, as well as from its control of the shipping route from Crimea. The city of Sestos was the main crossing-point on the Hellespont (Dardanelles).

In the mythologies of the Welsh he is described as having chariots drawn alternately by dolphins and horses indicating that he had great power by land and sea. It is suggested that a search for his antecedents be continued in the Greek, Egyptian, or Levantine sources.

Ally of Inaros or Ienheru, also known as Inarus, (c.460 BC) who was an Egyptian rebel ruler who was the son of a Libyan prince named Psamtik, presumably of the old Saite line.


  1. - Teria para Brylleion
  2. - Locations of ancient Celtic colonies

From grandparents to grandchildren

Miltiades ? (Miletus)
birth: 12 februar -550, 3 pm
physical description: Red Hair
death: -489
Megacles ? (The Ostrachon)
other: -486, Exiled from Athens
Samothes (Cimon) (Cimothes) ? (Philiadi)
birth: -510, Athens
other: -507, Persian invasion of the Delian Islands
death: -450, Citium, Cyprus, In-Exilos
== 3 ==
== 3 ==
Tonnuuene Galatia
title: Princess of Gallia
Minocannus (Mynogan) ? (Oirbsiu Mor)
title: King of Tyrrianus Maris
title: -425 ? -400, Rex Britannia
Brennius (Bran) ? (of Brittany)
title: -494, Dux Britannia
other: -394, Led the Celtic Storm invasion of Italy
other: -387, Sack of Rome
Belinus (Belovesus) Mawr ? (Filius Minocannus)
title: King of Britain
title: -400 ? -375, Tyrrianus Maris, King of Tyrrianus Maris

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