
Iz projekta Родовид

Skoči na: navigacija, pretraga
Lineage Trava
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Sancha

Urraca Enríquez [Borgoña-Portugal] b. 1095

Bermudo (Veremudo) Pérez de Trava [Traba]



child birth: Teresa Soares [Soares]

marriage: Soeiro Viegas [Viegas] b. 1130


  1. Ruano, Francisco - "Casa de la Cabrera en Cordoba" Tomo 1, Córdoba, 1879. pág. 502

From grandparents to grandchildren

Эд I Боррель (Рыжий) Бургундский
birth: 1060
title: 1079, герцог Бургундии
marriage: w Sybille de Bourgogne
death: 23 mart 1103
Hugues de Bourgogne (Hugues Ier)
birth: 1056
title: 1076, Duc de Bourgogne
other: 1079, Abdication
death: 29 avgust 1093, Cluny (71)
Robert de Bourgogne
birth: 1059
death: 1111
Hélie de Bourgogne
birth: 1061
death: 1081
Béatrix de Bourgogne
birth: 1063
death: 1110
Renaud de Bourgogne
birth: 1065
death: 1092
Enrique de Borgoña
birth: 1069, Dijon, Borgoña
title: 1093 ? 1112, Conde de Portugal
marriage: Theresia
death: 1 novembar 1112, Astorga
burial: Braga
Уррака I Леонская и Кастильская
birth: 24 jun 1081
marriage: Pedro Gonzalez de Lara
marriage: Raymond de Bourgogne , Toledo
title: 1109, королева Галиссии
marriage: Alfonso van Aragon , Burgos
ANUL: Alfonso van Aragon
death: 11 mart 1126, Saldana, Palencia, España
Elvira de Castille
birth: 1080
marriage: Раймунд IV Тулузский (де Сен-Жиль)
title: 1094, comtesse de Toulouse, de Rouergue, de Saint-Gilles, de Tripoli, duchesse de Narbonne et marquise de Gothie et de Provence
marriage: Fernando Fernández de Carrión
title: 1117, comtesse de Sicile
marriage: Roger II of Sicily
title: 1127, princesse de Salerne et duchesse d'Apulie, de Calabre et de Sicile
death: 1151
Sanche de Castille
birth: 1098
death: 1108
birth: 1080
marriage: Enrique de Borgoña
title: 14 februar 1095, Condessa de Portugal
death: 1 novembar 1130
Urraca ? (Fruelaz, Froilaz)
birth: ~ 1070
title: Condesa de Atrango
marriage: w Pedro Froilaz
death: ~ 1104
Gonzalo Bermúdez
title: Obispo de Mondoñedo, Rodrigo y Visclávara
Mayor ? (Rodríguez)
birth: < 1090
marriage: w Pedro Froilaz
death: > 1129
Pedro Froilaz
birth: 1075c, Lage
marriage: Mayor ? (Rodríguez)
title: Conde de Traba
marriage: Urraca ? (Fruelaz, Froilaz)
death: 1128
Alfonso I of Portugal
birth: 25 jul 1109, Coimbra
christening: 1111
title: 1112 - 1139, Count of Portugal
title: 1139 - 1185, King of Portugal, 1st
marriage: Mafalda/Matilde van Maurienne , Kraków, Poland
death: 6 decembar 1185, Coimbra
burial: Coimbra
Sancha Henriques
birth: 1097
title: Infanta de Portugal
marriage: Sancho Nunes de Celanova
death: 1163
Alfonso Enríquez
birth: 1094
death: 1108
Teresa Enríquez
birth: 1098
Enrique Enríquez
birth: 1106
death: 1110
Fernando Pérez de Trava
title: Señor de Trastámara
occupation: Gobernador de Galicia y Portugal
other: fundador del Monasterio de Sobrado
fact 1: Conquistador de Almería
death: 1155
Rodrigo Pérez
occupation: Alférez mayor del rey Alfonso
Fruela Pérez
death: 1102?, joven
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