Agnes Lucy Hughes (Spencer)

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Lineage Hughes
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Agnes Lucy Hughes
Other last names Spencer


marriage: Эрл Уинфилд Спенсер ст. [Спенсер]

20 septembar 1888 child birth: Kinsley (Kansas), E W Spencer [Spencer] b. 20 septembar 1888 d. 29 maj 1950

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
== 1 ==
Bessie Wallis Warfield (Spencer, Simpson, Windsor)
birth: 19 jun 1895, Blue Ridge Summit (Pennsylvania), Franklin County (Pennsylvania), USA, Square Cottage, Monterey Inn
marriage: E W Spencer
divorce: E W Spencer
marriage: w Ernest Aldrich Simpson , London
divorce: w Ernest Aldrich Simpson
marriage: Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David Windsor , Monts (37), Château de Candé
title: 3 jun 1937, Dutchess of Windsor
death: 24 april 1986, Paris, France, Bois de Boulogne

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