Thasus (Thestius) ? (The Thracian)

Iz projekta Родовид

Skoči na: navigacija, pretraga
Lineage Aseraph
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Thasus (Thestius) ?
Other last names The Thracian

Agenor Aseraph (of Tyre) [Aseraph]

Agenor ? (son of Pleuron) [?]

Epicaste (Jocasta) ? (of Calydon) [?]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Thestius


child birth: Lecla ? (Legola) [?]

child birth: Althaea [?]


Šablon:Needsources Thestius seems to have been two related persons who are often confused with each other and have become conflated over time in the tales and legends of the Greeks. Careful research of the families with descent from historical Troy reveal two men named Thestius

  1. Thestius the son of Agenor and Epicasta (Married Leucippe)
  2. Thestius (his nephew) son of Demonissa and a king Ares [not the god] (Married Eurythemis)

Because of this confusion it is unknown without further sourcing which of set of parents were those of the Iphicles who was killed at the hand of (Meleager the Father in law of Protesilaus who fought in the Trojan War).

From grandparents to grandchildren

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