Avienna Augusta Tatulus

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Lineage House of Gwrtheyrnion
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Avienna Augusta Tatulus

Pascent ap Vortigern [House of Gwrtheyrnion]

Barbara Tatuli (Augusta) [Tatuli]

From grandparents to grandchildren

Caius Marcia Actia ? (Caius)
marriage count: 1st to Constans II (the Monk) 2nd to Vitalinus senechal and Vortiger(Vor=the one who looks after, tiger=the kings affairs)ie. Constans II
marriage: Vortigern Infaustus
Owain map Urien ? (Hen)
birth: Llanfaire, Barking Ford, Denbighshire, Wales
death: 590
burial: Llan-Forfael or Llan-Heledd
Sidonius ap Urien Orkades (Sidonius Arcadius)
birth: Llanfaire, Barking Ford, Denbighshire, Wales
Morfydd Verch Urien
birth: Llanfaire, Barking Ford, Denbighshire, Wales
Romulus Augustulus (Tatulus)
birth: 461
title: 31 oktobar 475 ? 4 septembar 476, Emperor of Rome
Catigern ap Vortigern
birth: 455, Battle of Aylesford
Scotnoe Rigoghene
birth: 426
title: Rigahenna (the Revived Tribal Title for the Cymri National Tradition)
marriage: (Saint) Xuthus II ? (Sandde, Father of St David (Dewi), Sandarth)
death: 462
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