Isabella of Huntingdon b. 1206? d. 1251

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Lineage Dunkeld
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Isabella of Huntingdon
Other given names Isobel

w David Dunkeld of Huntingdon (of Scotland) [Dunkeld] b. 1144 d. 17 jun 1219

Maud de Kevelioc of Chester (Mabel de Mechines, Maude of Chester) [Meschines] b. 1171 d. 6 januar 1233

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Isobel of Huntingdon


1206? birth:

1212 marriage: w Robert IV Brus (of Annandale) [Bruce] d. 1226

1220? child birth: Annandale, Scotland, w Robert V the Competitor de Brus [Bruce] b. 1220? d. 31 mart 1295

1251 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Henry Huntingdon Dunkeld (of Scotland)
birth: 1114, England, Huntington, Northumberland, England
marriage: w Ada de Warenne , (peu après)
death: 12 jun 1152, Kelso (Scottish Borders), Scotland, in Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale
Robert Le Bossu (Beaumont)
birth: 1104
title: ~ 1135, 2nd Earl Leicester
death: 5 april 1168
William de Warenne (3. Earl of Surrey)
birth: 1119, Vermandois, Hauts-de-France, Frankreich
title: Earl of Surrey, 3rd
marriage: Ela d'Alencon
death: 1148?
Галеран IV (Валеран) де Бомон (де Мёлан)
birth: 1104
title: 1118 - 1166, сеньор Бомон-ле-Роже
title: 1120 - 1166, граф де Мёлан
marriage: Матильда де Блуа
title: 1138 -, 1-й граф Вустер
marriage: Агнесса де Монфор
death: 1166
Isabel de Beaumont
birth: ~ 1106
death: ~ 1160
Ada de Warenne
birth: ~ 1123
marriage: Henry Huntingdon Dunkeld (of Scotland) , (peu après)
death: 1178
Hugh de Kevelioc
birth: 1147, Monmouth (Wales)
title: 1153, Earl of Chester
death: 30 jun 1181, Leek (Staffordshire), England
Simon IV de Montfort
marriage: w Amicie de Beaumont (de Leicester)
other: 1180, Lagny-sur-Marne (77), Participe au grand tournois de Lagny
death: 1188
Margaret de Huntingdon
birth: 1145
marriage: Gilchrist Angus
marriage: w Conan IV of Brittany (the Young)
title: 1160, Duchesse de Bretagne et Comtesse de Richmond
death: 1201
William I Huntingdon (of Scotland)
birth: 1143?
title: 1152 - 1157, Earl of Northumbria
title: 1165 - 1174, Earl of Huntingdon
title: 1165 - 1214, King of Scots
death: 4 decembar 1214, Stirling (Scotland), Stirling Caslte
Ada of Huntingdon (of Scotland)
birth: ~ 1145
marriage: Floris III of Holland
death: 1204
burial: Middelburg
David Dunkeld of Huntingdon (of Scotland)
birth: 1144
other: 1180, Lagny-sur-Marne (77), Participe au grand tournois de Lagny
title: 1184 - 1219, Earl of Huntingdon
marriage: Maud de Kevelioc of Chester (Mabel de Mechines, Maude of Chester)
death: 17 jun 1219
William Aubigny (Lord Belvoir)
title: High Sheriff of Leicester
marriage: Maud de Kevelioc of Chester (Mabel de Mechines, Maude of Chester)
title: 1199, High Sheriff of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire
military service: 1216, Rochester (Kent), Rochester Castle, First Baron's War
military service: 1217, Second Battle of Lincoln
title: 1 maj 1236, High Sheriff of Warwickshire
== 3 ==
Isabel d'Aubigny (of Arundel)
birth: 1203?, Arundel (England), Sussex (England)
marriage: John I FitzAlan
death: < 1240
Maud d'Aubigny
death: 1210?
== 3 ==
Isabel(Изабелла де Клер Глостерская и Хертфордская) FitzGilbert (Clair)
birth: 2 novembar 1226
marriage: w Robert V the Competitor de Brus
title: maj 1240, Lady héritière d'Annendale
title: 1245, Lady d'Annendale
death: 10 jul 1264
Robert V the Competitor de Brus
birth: 1220?, Annandale, Scotland
title: maj 1240, Lord of Annandale
marriage: Isabel(Изабелла де Клер Глостерская и Хертфордская) FitzGilbert (Clair)
death: 31 mart 1295, Lochmaben, Scotland, Lochmaben castle
burial: Guisborough, Guisborough priory
Роберт Брюс
birth: jul 1243
title: VI лорд Аннандейла
title: 1295, граф Каррика
death: <4 mart 1304
Richard de Bruce
death: 1285

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