Isabella FitzGerald b. 16 jul 1784 d. 1868

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Lineage FitzGerald
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Isabella FitzGerald

w William FitzGerald [FitzGerald] b. mart 1749 d. 20 oktobar 1804

Emilia Olivia Usher St George [St George] d. 23 jun 1798

Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Isabella Charlotte de Rohan-Chabot


16 jul 1784 birth:

child birth: Olivia de Rohan-Chabot [Rohan-Chabot]

marriage: Louis Guy Charles Guillaume de Rohan-Chabot [Rohan-Chabot]

2 jun 1815 child birth: w Philippe de Rohan-Chabot [Rohan-Chabot] b. 2 jun 1815 d. 22 mart 1875

1868 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

George Henry Lennox
birth: 29 novembar 1737
marriage: Louisa Kerr (Lennox)
death: 25 mart 1805
Charles Lennox (3. Duke of Richmond)
birth: 22 februar 1735
title: 8 avgust 1750 - 29 decembar 1806, Duke of Richmond and Lennox, 3rd
death: 29 decembar 1806
James FitzGerald
birth: 29 maj 1722
title: duc de Leinster
marriage: Emilia Lennox (Emily)
death: 19 novembar 1773
William FitzGerald
birth: mart 1749
title: duc de Leinster
marriage: Emilia Olivia Usher St George
death: 20 oktobar 1804
== 3 ==
Emily Elizabeth FitzGerald
birth: 13 maj 1778
marriage: John Joseph Henry
death: 9 februar 1856
Cecilia Olivia Geraldine FitzGerald
birth: 3 mart 1786
marriage: Thomas Foley
death: 27 jul 1863
== 3 ==
Jules de Lasteyrie du Saillant
birth: 29 oktobar 1810, Courpalay (77)
marriage: Olivia de Rohan-Chabot
death: 14 novembar 1883, Paris (75)
Philippe de Rohan-Chabot
birth: 2 jun 1815
title: Jarnac (16), comte de Jarnac
marriage: Geraldine Foley
death: 22 mart 1875, Courpalay (77), Château de La Grange-Bléneau

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