Dara Petak / Dara Pethak / Indreswari (Stri Tinuheng Pura) - Цело породично стабло

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Generation of a large tree takes a lot of resources of our web server. Anonymous users can only see 7 generations of ancestors and 7 - of descendants on the full tree to decrease server loading by search engines. If you wish to see a full tree without registration, add text ?showfulltree=yes directly to the end of URL of this page. Please, don't use direct link to a full tree anywhere else.

This tree contains: 11 families with 13 people in 2 lineages, 3 of these people are blood relatives; 10 families with 7 people are hidden.

Srimat Tribhuwanaraja Mauliawarmadewa
Титуле : Raja kerajaan Dharmasraya ver. Nasakah Pararaton
== 2 ==
== 2 ==
Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi / Dyah Gitarja (Ratu Kenconowungu)
Свадба: Rahaden Cakradhara / Raden Cakradara (Kertawardhana Bhre Tumapel)
Титуле : од 1328, Majapahit, Raja Majapahit III bergelar Sri Tribhuwanatunggadewi Maharajasa Jayawisnuwardhani
Jayanagara / Jayanegara (Raden Kalagemet)
Рођење: 1294
Титуле : 1295, Kediri (East Java), Yuwaraja atau raja muda di Kadiri atau Daha (Bhre Daha)
Титуле : од 1309, Majapahit, Sri Maharaja Wiralandagopala Sri Sundarapandya Dewa Adhiswara
Смрт: 1328, Majapahit