Elizabeth Chideock d. 14 јун 1464 - Индекс потомака

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11/1 <?> Elizabeth Chideock [Chideock]
Свадба: <1> Уолтер Фицуолтер [Фицуолтеры] b. 1400 d. 25 новембар 1431
Смрт: 14 јун 1464


21/2 <1+1> Элизабет Фицуолтер [Фицуолтеры]
Рођење: 28 јул 1430
Смрт: <23 август 1485


31/3 <2+?> John Radcliffe (9th Baron FitzWalter) [Radcliffe]
Спаљивање: -1495, Calais, France
Рођење: 1 1451
Титуле : 9th Lord Fitzwalter
Смрт: 24 август 1485


41/4 <3+?> w Robert Radcliffe (1st Earl of Sussex) [Radcliffe]
Рођење: 1483
Смрт: 1542


51/5 <4+?> Jane Radcliffe [Radcliffe]
Рођење: 1533
Смрт: јул 1552


61/6 <5+?> Mary Browne [Browne]
Рођење: 22 јул 1552
Смрт: 4 новембар 1607


71/7 <6+?> Henry Wriothesley [Wriothesley]
Рођење: 6 октобар 1573, Midhurst, Sussex (England), Cowdray House
Смрт: 10 новембар 1624
Henry Wriothesley, whose name is included in the 1605 panel of the New World Tapestry, took a considerable share in promoting the colonial enterprises of the time, and was an active member of the Virginia Company's governing council.

Alternate parents as claimed but uncorraborated

Note with regard to parentage. It is to be noted that the portrait of young Wriothesley more closely resembles his alleged parents than he does resemble his official parents. Furthermore in a dedication by Shakespeare, Henry is said to be the very image of his mother, lending some circumstantial credence to the rumor that he was the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth and Edward DeVere and only an adopted son of Mary Browne and Henry Wriothesley Senior.


91/8 <7+?> Penelope Wriothesley [Wriothesley]
Рођење: 8 новембар 1598, Titchfield, England
Смрт: 16 јул 1667, Brighton (England), Sussex (England)
Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Hummel, a German professor of English Literature, has recently speculated that Henry Wriothsley's wife, Elizabeth Vernon, was a mistress of Shakespeare and that the child she was carrying at the time of her marriage to Wriothsley was actually the child of William Shakespeare. However an extant portrait in miniature of the daughter of Elizabeth Vernon (painted between 1610 and 1615, probably 1614 the year before her marriage to William Spencer) so resembles her husband Henry Wriothsley that it would be highly improbable that she was fathered by William Shakespeare.
82/8 <7+?> Thomas Wriothesley (4. Earl of Southampton) [Wriothesley]
Рођење: 10 март 1607
Свадба: <2> Elizabeth Leigh [Leigh] , Frankreich, Charenton
Смрт: 16 мај 1667, England
Сахрана: 18 јун 1667, Titchfield, Hampshire