Imanuentius Locrinus (Trinovantius) b. < -95 d. -54 - Индекс потомака

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11/1 <?> Imanuentius Locrinus (Trinovantius) [Locrinus]
Рођење: < -95
Титуле : King Of The Trinovantes
Смрт: -54
Not to be confused with Imanuentius the Younger.


21/2 <1> Mandubracius Locrinus (Trinovante) [Locrinus]
Рођење: -75
Титуле : изм -54 и -52, Dux Brittania
Смрт: -30
32/2 <1> Manawydan [?]
CAUTION. This is an amalgamated hero.

This source has become highly mythologized and in the Mabinogi is presented as an amalgamated hero (This is an historical person of the first century, who has been merged with a fictional character of the 5th Century). The problem is his association with the legendary King Arthur who historically would have been Lucius Artoris the Roman General of the first century, not the similarly named political figure of the 5th Century.

The entire Arthurian body of literature is based on two historical persons of differing eras combined with legendary and fictional material that distinguishing between the two is nearly impossible without the aid of 3rd party Latin references.

The reference to him as a son of Llyr refers to descent within 4 generations as was the custom at the time among the Sarmation Welsh.

In the poem, Pa gur yv y porthaur ("What Man is the Gatekeeper?"), He is mentioned as a contemporary of Arthur (Lucius Artoris) and the Cinbin (Cymri - or Dogheads) referring to the Sarmation legion who were called dogheads or wolfmen on account of the preponderance of the red haired phenotype commonly associated with foxes and wolves.

Manawydan is also associated with a figure known as Garwlwyd Grey-Cloak who led an army in a battle at Tryfrwyd (which may or may not be located in Britain) against Arthur and Cai near the river Pa Gur (Consistent with first century history).


41/3 <2> Ebracus (Evrawg) (Evoric) Locrinus [Locrinus]
Титуле : изм -52 и -49, Dux Britannia
Contemporary of Vercingatorix of Gaul


51/4 <4> Diras (Durocj) Locrinus (Usurpatros) [Locrinus]
Други догађај: -4, Usurped the title Rex Brehon (high King)


61/5 <5> Locrina (Mother of Boudicca) [Locrinus]


81/6 <6+2> Blad II (Bladudd) [Iceni]
Титуле : изм 25 и 55, King of East Anglia
72/6 <6+3> Boudicca (Budvuocj) [Trinovante]
Титуле : Queen Of The Iceni
Свадба: <4> Lucius Prasutagus Pankratiastus (Esuprastus, Esico) [Iceni] b. 10 d. < 59
Физички опис: Red Hair
_FA1: 51, Revolt against Rome
Смрт: 60


111/7 <7+4> Tascia (Voada) ? (Daughter of Prasutagus and Boudicca) [?]
Рођење: Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England)


This person is not the same as Cartimandua, who was her cousin by marriage

Was named either Camorra or Tascia
102/7 <8> Llyr II [Iceni]
Титуле : -55, King of East Anglia-Deposed
93/7 <7+4> Victoria (Voadicia) Verch Prasutagus [Iceni]
Рођење: < 45, Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England)
Титуле : Princess of the Iceni
Свадба: <5> Gaius Marius [Britains] b. < 45
Шаблон:NeedsourcesThis person is not the same as Cartimandua who was her cousin by marriage.


141/8 <9> Claudia Rufina [?]
Рођење: > 50
Физички опис: Red Hair
Свадба: <6> Aula Caesius Nasicus (Pudens) [Aula] b. ~ 35

She is probably identical with the "Claudia Peregrina" ("Claudia the Foreigner") whose marriage to his friend Aulus Pudens, an Umbrian centurion to whom several of his poems are addressed, Martial describes in Epigrams IV:13. She may also be the Claudia whose height Martial compares to the Palatine colossus, a gigantic statue that once stood near the Palatine Hill (Epigrams VIII:60). The second epistle to Timothy in the New Testament contains a passage which reads "Eubulus saluteth thee, and Pudens, and Linus, and Claudia, and all the brethren."

The cognomen Rufina indicates that she had red hair
162/8 <9+5> Coellius I ? (Marcus Roscius Coelius) [?]
Рођење: ~ 50
Професија : 68, Legate of the Legio XX Valeria Victrix, Britain
Титуле : изм 95 и 154, King of Britain
133/8 <11+?> w Fíachu Finnolach [Finnachta]
Други догађај: 56
154/8 <9> Tiberius Claudius Marius (Rufus) [Gens Marii]
Рођење: Siluria
Вера : Brittany
Смрт: 170
Шаблон:NeedsourcesRoman soldier from Silesia, not to be confused with Coel of Winchester. Croilus was either the son or grandson of Gaius Marius Silurius of the Roman family of gens Marii, else Croilus himself had a son of the same name. It is almost certain that there are three generations represented by the same two men, but in which capacity. Croilus is sometimes referred to as "The old" or "The Elder" which could indicate that he had a son with whom he has since been conflated to create a single person with an exceptionally long life for the time period (nearly 100 years old at time of death). There is however no reference to be found at this time of a son by the same name. It has also been suggested that his Father/Grandfather was named Gaius Marius Silures whose son Gaius Marius Secundus was the father of Croilus. That too cannot be proven at this time, which leads one to make an educated guess one way or another. The Silurian tribe of Britain was formed around the local garrison of soldiers imported from Silures. This is true of many of the "British local tribes" who became designated according to the largely tribal affiliation of the local Roman Garrison. Croilus Marius' Father/Grandfather Gaius Marius was a half brother to Claudia Rufina (aka Claudia Peregrina Rufina) who is mentioned in the letters of Paul the Apostle as an early devotee and supporter of the Christian movement.
125/8 <9+5> Eurgaine vch Marius (de Camulod) [Marius]