Матвей Григорьевич Гика b. 1664 d. 1708
Из пројекта Родовид
Рођени род | Гика |
Пол | мушки |
Цело име (рођено) | Матвей Григорьевич Гика |
♂ Григорий I Георгиевич Гика [Гика] b. ~ 1628 d. 1675 |
1664 Рођење:
Свадба: ♀ Руксандра Александровна Маврокордат [Маврокордато] b. 10 август 1673
1695 Рођење једног детета: Konstantinopel, Phanar, ♂ Grigore II Ghika [Ghica] b. 1695 d. 28 август 1752
1698 Рођење једног детета: ♂ Александр Матвеевич Гика [Гика] b. 1698 d. 25 мај 1741
1708 Смрт: Кипр (остров)
Grigore I Ghica's children, most notably Matei (Grigore) Ghica, assured the continuation of the lineage. Matei Ghica lived exclusively in Greek Phanar neighborhood of Constantinople. The marriage with Ruxandra Mavrocordat, daughter of Alexander Mavrocordatos, the Great Dragoman of the Sublime Porte, introduced Matei to the Phanariote nucleus - now the religious, cultural and political hegemons of the Christian Ottoman subjects and vassals - and ensured a path of political ascendancy for his descendants.[1] He became Grand Drogoman of The Fleet, and in 1739 he negotiated an agreement with the Sultan whereby the key position of Grand Drogoman of the Sublime Porte would remain within the fold - i.e. among the descendants of a family pact involving the Ghicas, Mavrocordatos and Racoviţăs.
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Свадба: ♂ Матвей Григорьевич Гика