Grietje Reyniers (Jansen) b. 1602 d. 24 април 1666

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Цело име (рођено) Grietje Reyniers
Друга презимена Jansen


1602 Рођење: Netherlands

Рођење једног детета: Sara Janszoon [Janszoon]

Свадба: Anthony Jansen van Salee [Janszoon] b. 1607 d. март 1676

1632 Рођење једног детета: New Amsterdam, New Netherland, Annica Antonise Jansen (Southard) van Salee [Janszoon] b. 1632 d. 1698

24 април 1666 Смрт: Gravesend (Brooklyn), New Netherland


The records of the Gemeente-Archief in Amsterdam show that on 26 September 1626 Grietje Reyniers of Amsterdam, aged twenty-four years, parents unnamed, assisted by her cousin, Heyltge Gerrits Schaeck, married Aelbert Egberts, from Haarlem, a tailor, aged twenty years, having no father, and assisted by his mother, Hillegond Cornelis. The records further show that on 15 December 1629 Grietje Reyniers, from Wesel, Germany, widow of Aelbert Egberts for over two years, and Anthony Jansz, seaman from Cartagena, aged twenty-two years, parents not named, received a certificate allowing them to get married "on board." Thus Grietje was about five years Anthony's senior. Whether Grietje Reyniers was Dutch or German remains uncertain. Her name indicates that the family was of Huguenot descent. That she was of Amsterdam at the time of her first marriage seems to suggest Dutch origin.

Between her marriages Grietje worked as a Tavern Mistress at the establishment of Pieter de Winter in Amsterdam where she met Wouter van Twiller. She became his mistress for two years but was later dumped by him when discovered that she was servicing the crewmen aboard the Southberg (sailing from Holland to New Amsterdam).


  1. - Marriage records of Gretje Reyniers

Од прародитеља до унучад

== 1 ==
Anthony Jansen van Salee
Рођење: 1607, Salé, Morocco
Свадба: Grietje Reyniers (Jansen)
Свадба: Metje Grevenraet (Jansen)
Смрт: март 1676, Gravesend (Brooklyn)
Grietje Reyniers (Jansen)
Рођење: 1602, Netherlands
Свадба: Anthony Jansen van Salee
Смрт: 24 април 1666, Gravesend (Brooklyn), New Netherland
== 1 ==
Thomas Southard
Рођење: 1615, Leiden (Stadt), Niederlande
Свадба: Annica Antonise Jansen (Southard) van Salee
Смрт: 1688, Hempstead (New York)
Annica Antonise Jansen (Southard) van Salee
Рођење: 1632, New Amsterdam, New Netherland
Свадба: Thomas Southard
Смрт: 1698, Hempstead (New York)
Frances Champion (Southard)
Рођење: 1661, Poughkeepsie (New York), New Netherland
Свадба: Thomas Southard
Смрт: 11 април 1757, East Fishkill (New York)
Thomas Southard
Рођење: 1660, Hempstead (New York), Nieuw Nederland
Свадба: Frances Champion (Southard)
Смрт: 10 март 1739, Fishkill (New York)

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