(дубль) Mudhar Bin Nizar

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Рођени род Bani Qaidar
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Цело име (рођено) (дубль) Mudhar Bin Nizar


более ранняя запись - Mudhar bin Nizar ? (Adnan) (Bani Qaidar, ?)

Ir Hilal Achmar Lineage Study Isma'il ibn Qidar offspring still living in Mecca, there are bred to reduce Adnan and his son Ma'ad. Of Arab descent Adnaniyah he can still be protected.

Adnan is the grandfather of the twenty-two in the genealogy of the descendants of the Prophet sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam. It is related that when he mentioned nasabnya and up to Adnan, then he stopped and said, "The genealogist nasab many are lying." Then he did not continue it. A section of scholars allow nasab of Adnan picked up, with based on the hadith which is hinted at it. According to them, between Adnan Ibrahim alaihis-Salam ampai were forty offspring, which is based on research that is quite detailed. (Rahmatun Lil-Alamin, 2 / 7, 8, l4-l7)

Ma'ad descendants of his son Nizar has spread everywhere. According to an opinion, Nizar is the only child Ma'ad. Meanwhile, Nizar himself has four children, which later evolved into four major tribes, namely: 1. Iyad, 2. Anmar, 3. Rabi'ah dan 4. Mudhar.

Two of the last nomadic tribe is the most widely clan and tribe. From there Asad ibn Rabi'a Rabi'a, Anzah, Abdul-Qais, two children Wa'il, Bakr and Taghlib, Hanifa and others. Meanwhile Mudar tribes evolved into two major tribes, namely Ailan Qais bin Mudar and clans Ilyas bin Mudar. From there Bani Qais Ailan Sulaim, Hawazin Bani, Bani Ghatafan. From there Ghatafan Abs, Dzibyan, Asyja 'and Ghany A'shar bin. From there Mudar ibn Ilyas Tamim bin Murra, Hudzail bin Mudrikah, Bani Asad bin Khuzaimah and clans Kinanah Khuzaimah bin. From there Kinanah Quraish, namely offspring Fihr bin Malik bin An-Nadhar Kinanah bin.Quraishi is divided into several tribes.

Шаблон:Needs References


  1. http://rumahislam.com/nabi-dan-rasul/210-sejarah-nabi-shafiyyur-rahman-ai-mubarakfury-/821-keturunan-ismail-bin-ibrahim.html -

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