Audenius Aula (Gellus, Angoulus) b. ~ 95

Из пројекта Родовид

Рођени род Aula
Пол мушки
Цело име (рођено) Audenius Aula
Друга презимена Gellus, Angoulus
Друга имена Eufwn, Auden of Anjou, Oumun (Harleian), Eudos (Harleian)

Aula Caesius Nasicus (Pudens) [Aula] b. ~ 35

Claudia Rufina [?] b. > 50



~ 95 Рођење: Brittania Minorus

Место становања : Athens (Greece)

Место становања : Dacia

130 Рођење једног детета: Dacia Minorus, Anaryd (Anarith) ? (of Anglia, ap Auden, Angoulus) [?] b. 130


Шаблон:Needsources Шаблон:Controversial

This Auden belongs to the family of Aulus and is the grandson of Lucius Aulus Caecina Alienus ? (Caesere) (?, d. 79). He was a lawyer who spent at least a year in Athens and wrote Noctes Atticae [Attic nights], a collection of discussions of law, antiquities, and sundry other subjects in 20 books (of which 19 and a fraction survive). The work is chiefly valuable as a storehouse of quotations from lost works.

There are many meanings of the names "kagan" or "khakan". It was a "heavenly thunder", a "Divine Voice", a "song by priest with accompaniment of tambourine and a drum", a "melody in honour of the God, Alps (at a pagan feast) and raisings of a Khan to the throne", a "cleric - cantor of pagan songs"... As Audan was the cantor of priestly songs, he was called "Kagan". The descendants of the Alp, the Bulgarian Kans, gave this word the meaning of an imperial title, after which the word "Kagan" ("Khakan") began to also mean "Kagan", "Kan"...[Hon Kitaby]


  1. Harleian genealogies 1: Gwynedd part 1 -
  2. Harleian Genealogy 10: Y Gogledd -
  3. Kul Gali Hon Kitaby (Book of the Huns) ch "DESCRIPTION OF SAKSIN" -

Од прародитеља до унучад

Aulus Didius (Audin) Gallus
Рођење: Dacio-Sarmatia
Титуле : God of the NORSE
Титуле : Proconsul of Asia
_FA1: member of the XVviri Legion, XV Viri Legionaire
Други догађај: Imperial legate of Bosporus
Титуле : Proconsul of Africa
Свадба: w Pomponia Graecina (Galla)
Титуле : 19, Questore de Roma
Титуле : изм 38 и 49, Curator Aquarum (Superintendent of Aqueducts)
Титуле : изм 52 и 57, Governor of Britain
Pomponia Graecina (Galla)
Свадба: Aulus Didius (Audin) Gallus
Место становања : изм -43 и -47, Colchester (Essex), Britannia
Tascia (Voada) ? (Daughter of Prasutagus and Boudicca)
Рођење: Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England)
Gaius Marius
Рођење: < 45, Arpinum
Свадба: Victoria (Voadicia) Verch Prasutagus
Место становања : 79, Colchester (Essex)
Професија : 80, Consul Suffectus
Рођење: изм 87 и 95, King of Britain
Victoria (Voadicia) Verch Prasutagus
Рођење: < 45, Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England)
Титуле : Princess of the Iceni
Свадба: Gaius Marius
Aulus Didius Gallus Fabricius ? (of Heimdall, (Othinn Magnus), Veiento, Aula)
Рођење: Marseilles en Provence in South France
Професија : Imperial Delator (informer/spy) stationed in Germania
Други догађај: Author of Codicilli, mock wills which libelled priests and senators
Професија : Priest of Nematona (Celtic Diety), 'Goddess of the Sacred Grove' This mode of worship was key to the Druidic cults. Central to these cults was the reverence held for Twin Dieties There is a temple to Nemeton near Aqui Sulis at Bath
Професија : Sodalis Atticae (Greek Temple)
Професија : (Sodalis Titialis ) Priest of Apollo
Други догађај: 62, Impeached while serving as Preator
Смрт: ~ 80
Aulus Gallus (Geatus)
Рођење: 65
Смрт: 155, Tara Dania, Sea of Azov, Swithiod
Aula Caesius Nasicus (Pudens)
Рођење: ~ 35
Свадба: Claudia Rufina
Други догађај: 56, Commanded the Spanish Legion VIIII Hispana in Britain
Tiberius Claudius Marius (Rufus)
Рођење: Siluria
Вера : Brittany
Смрт: 170
Coellius I ? (Marcus Roscius Coelius)
Рођење: ~ 50
Професија : 68, Legate of the Legio XX Valeria Victrix, Britain
Титуле : изм 95 и 154, King of Britain
Claudia Rufina
Рођење: > 50
Физички опис: Red Hair
Свадба: Aula Caesius Nasicus (Pudens)
== 3 ==
Quintus Petilius Cerialis Caesius Rufus Caesere
Други догађај: Commander of the XIIII Gemina, stationed in the difficult province of Germania Inferior.
Други догађај: 69, As a relative of Vespasian, Cerialis was made a hostage by Vitellius during 69
Професија : 71, Governor of Britain
Audenius Aula (Gellus, Angoulus)
Рођење: ~ 95, Brittania Minorus
Место становања : Athens (Greece)
Место становања : Dacia
== 3 ==
Gurdomnon ap Anarydd (of Dumnonia)
Рођење: 165, Dacia Minorus

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