Angeline Lucas (Ogden) b. 19 фебруар 1849 d. 4 октобар 1898

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Цело име (рођено) Angeline Lucas
Друга презимена Ogden

Solomon Lucas [Lucas]

Mary [?]


19 фебруар 1849 Рођење: Virginia, Harrison County, Now part of West Virginia

12 август 1871 Свадба: West Virginia, Record submitted by a member of the LDS Church. The record often shows the name of the individual and his or her relationship to a descendant, shown as the heir, family representative, or relative. The original records are not indexed, and you may have to, Mathew Kidwell Ogden [Ogden] b. 15 август 1849

11 децембар 1878 Рођење једног детета: West Virginia, Lincoln, Marion, Daniel Leonard Ogden [Ogden] b. 11 децембар 1878 d. 16 новембар 1927

4 октобар 1898 Смрт: West Virginia, Harrison County

Од прародитеља до унучад

== 2 ==
Mathew Kidwell Ogden
Рођење: 15 август 1849, Harrison County (West Virginia), 31 in the 1880 Census Now is West Virginia
Свадба: Angeline Lucas (Ogden) , West Virginia, Record submitted by a member of the LDS Church. The record often shows the name of the individual and his or her relationship to a descendant, shown as the heir, family representative, or relative. The original records are not indexed, and you may have to
Смрт: West Virginia
Angeline Lucas (Ogden)
Рођење: 19 фебруар 1849, Virginia, Harrison County, Now part of West Virginia
Свадба: Mathew Kidwell Ogden , West Virginia, Record submitted by a member of the LDS Church. The record often shows the name of the individual and his or her relationship to a descendant, shown as the heir, family representative, or relative. The original records are not indexed, and you may have to
Смрт: 4 октобар 1898, West Virginia, Harrison County
== 2 ==
Mary Ellen Holbert (Ogden)
Рођење: 27 новембар 1880, West Virginia, Name: Mary Ellen/Ogden Sex: Female Marion Co., West Virginia Occupation: Housewife
Свадба: Daniel Leonard Ogden
Смрт: 19 април 1954, West Virginia, Death Date: 19-Apr-54 Death Place: Clarksburg, Harrison, West Virginia Age at Death: 73y 4m 23d
Сахрана: 21 април 1954, West Virginia, Holbert, Marion Co.
Daniel Leonard Ogden
Рођење: 11 децембар 1878, West Virginia, Lincoln, Marion
Свадба: Mary Ellen Holbert (Ogden)
Смрт: 16 новембар 1927, West Virginia
Charles Russell Ogden
Рођење: 10 децембар 1904, West Virginia, Harrison County
Број брака: 5 октобар 1924, West Virginia
Смрт: 17 септембар 1960, West Virginia

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